Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 259 The Story of Thanksgiving

In the apartment of the Basteque Building, the flames in the living room fireplace radiated warmth, and the ever-popular "Friends" was played on the large-screen TV. Along with the interesting and funny plots, canned laughter sounded from time to time.

Qin's legs were bent and she was leaning on the sofa, exuding a sense of laziness, like a cat curled up and enjoying its leisure time, lying in its own nest without wanting to move at all.

"I said, are you really not going to come over and help?"

Wearing an apron and gloves, Sean is busy in the kitchen making turkey, a must-have for the holidays, and preparing other ingredients.

"Sorry, I'm temporarily suffering from a disease that makes me feel uncomfortable when I enter the kitchen, and I think you can handle these things." Qin lay on her side with a joking smile on her face, "By the way, don't forget my favorite Cranberry jam and pumpkin pie…a wonderful Thanksgiving!”

"Wow, it's such an honor to be able to serve Ms. Jean Gray a sumptuous meal."

Sean shouted in an exaggerated manner, and mixed the crumbled bread, onions, salt and pepper together, stuffed it into the turkey's belly, and then put it in the oven.

Today is the annual Thanksgiving, and the whole city is filled with the joyful atmosphere of family gatherings. Unfortunately, Sean was not like this before. Gwen and Betty would stay at home to celebrate the holiday with their parents, and a certain escaped cat The little girl is probably driving around in an RV, and the Fantastic Four and Iron Man have their own activities.

Miss Scarlett, who we had an in-depth communication with not long ago, is said to be going back to Los Angeles to visit relatives. She expressed a very regretful tone in the text messages left on the phone. On this day full of warm atmosphere, she usually hugs everyone. Sean, who was enjoying the blessings of everyone, became a loner inexplicably. It has to be said that there is reincarnation in the way of heaven.

Fortunately, Qin, who had not spent the holidays with the professor in Westchester for the first time, came over and saved him from the miserable ending of being alone at home.

"If you come here like this, the professor will complain to me next time, saying that I kidnapped his good student."

The young man pulled up a big red tablecloth to cover the dining table and lit a few flickering candles. The dinner plate was filled with baked bread, sweet potatoes and various desserts. The huge turkey was in the oven, exuding the aroma of Alluring aroma.

"No, the professor may have guessed something, but he didn't say much. Instead, it's Scott. Next time you go to school, you may want to be careful about him challenging you for a duel."

Qin said lazily, staring at the funny sitcom on TV, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Wow, it seems that I have to be prepared at all times to prevent Scott from smashing his gloves in my face at any time." Sean shrugged.

He had a rare quiet time recently. SHIELD was busy supervising the construction and delivery of the Helicarrier, so the black director, who was wary of any strangers, had no time to bother him for the time being. Maybe this was related to The other party is convinced that Agent Romanov's professional strength is closely related.

Tony and Reed are fully involved in the production of the Ultron program. I wonder how SHIELD will feel about the artificial intelligence jointly created by Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic?

Maybe Nick Fury would like to strangle these two people to death...

The much-rumored Mutant Registration Act was gradually implemented, and the response became increasingly strong. With a Vice President waving the flag, Congress has successively introduced many effective policies to protect the rights of these officially registered mutants. Under a virtuous circle, it has attracted More mutants join the ranks.

Far away in Latvinia, Victor Doom's missionary process was getting smoother and smoother. After all, he was unwilling to join the Doomsday Cult and converted to the local gangsters and old nobles under the name of Doctor Doom. He was almost dead.

This kind of missionary method, which is similar to "If you don't believe in God, I will send you to see God", has to be said to be very effective. I believe that Latvinia will soon establish a stable and powerful religious regime.

As for Magneto, the leader of the mutants, he contacted Ulysses Klaue a week ago and reached a verbal cooperation agreement. However, it is not the best time to officially enter Wakanda, at least. Only by bringing that isolated African country into the world's sight can Umbrella begin to exert its strength.

"Do you know the origin of Thanksgiving?"

While waiting for the turkey to come out of the oven, Sean jumped on the sofa, held his lazy and warm body in his arms, and said into the other person's ear as if telling stories around the fireplace: "In 1620, 102 Puritans Unable to endure the persecution and suppression of the British church, he took the famous Mayflower to America."

"They broke away from the control of the Church of England and traveled to the Netherlands. Later, they decided to move to the deserted land on the other side of the Atlantic, hoping to live a free life of practicing religion according to their own wishes. When this group of people set foot on American soil, it happened to be a severe cold winter. …”

"Perhaps they were blessed by their belief in God. They received help from refugees and learned to hunt, fish and plant corn. Under the teachings of the Indians, the first generation immigrants obtained a good harvest. According to religious traditions and customs, and in order to thank the Indians People are sincere and selfless, and the Puritans decided to invite them to celebrate the festival.”

Qin put her hands around Sean's neck and smiled sweetly: "I have heard these stories since I was very young."

The young man kissed the other person's forehead, with a faint smile on his face, and changed the topic——

"I believe your parents can only tell the first half of this story. The Pilgrims and ninety Indians gathered together, fired a salute at dawn, lined up into a room that served as a church, and expressed their gratitude to God devoutly. Then a bonfire was lit and a grand banquet was held, and the hunted turkeys were made into delicacies to entertain the Indians... They sang, danced, wrestled and raced, and caroused for three whole days!"

When Sean said this, his voice paused, he looked down at the beautiful girl in his arms, and continued: "Do you know when Columbus discovered the 'New World of America', what was the total population of Indians? Thirty million to one Between 100 million and 100 million, by the 1970s, there were less than 800,000 Indians who were forced to disperse in 'reservations' in remote areas across the country."

The oven made a "ding" sound. Sean picked up Qin from the sofa and gently placed it on the chair in front of the dining table. He took out the roasted golden turkey, and the alluring aroma filled the air.

"I'm sorry for saying some inappropriate words. I just want you to know that when everyone is enjoying the cheerful holiday atmosphere, you are not the only one who will feel out of place. After integrating the personality, you may feel a little confused, confused and overwhelmed. , but these are not important...because you can always find your own kind, such as me."

Sean could tell that Qin's visit today was not a sudden whim. After integrating the power of the Phoenix, she would inevitably feel isolated from the college. In such a huge city, perhaps she was the only one who could fully accept the other party's dark side.

Qin, who had been silent for a while, smiled. The reason why she chose not to stay in the Mutant Academy was because she felt that she was different from them. The Phoenix Girl, who gradually merged with her dark personality, often fell into inexplicable self-doubt.

The reason why she is close to Sean, in addition to the attraction of the Phoenix Power in her body, may be related to the fact that she can feel the same complex and contradictory emotions in him.

"Don't look at me like that, at least until after you finish the turkey." Sean raised his glass and said with a smile. "Tonight is still very long..."

"Then, I want to be on top." Qin bit her red lips and drank the scarlet wine in one gulp.

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