Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 262 Old acquaintance

It rained heavily and dark clouds covered the sky.

Lightning like a silver snake pierced the sky, and with a muffled roar, Logan strode out of the bathroom, his hair and beard spread out, frowning and glaring, like an angry wolf. Twenty minutes ago he had taken the worst bath of his life.

Three obasans in kimonos were cleaning Logan's body with long brushes that scratched the skin painfully, and they were also chattering in unintelligible Japanese. The noise was so loud that it made people dizzy. They never met an enemy. Wolverine flinched and almost wanted to show his pair of Adamantium alloy claws.

It is true that although he had spent some time in the deep mountains and old forests, the sanitary conditions there were not good enough. Before coming to Tokyo, he looked like a homeless man, but the bathing process just now gave Logan the illusion of being raped.

Yashida's official residence is located in Tokyo Bay. It occupies a vast area. Looking up into the distance, you can see the river rushing outside and the tall buildings like forests. It is an excellent place to enjoy the scenery.

Logan followed Yukio, a red-haired woman who put on a kimono, and walked in the long corridor full of ancient style. On the right is a classical screen with famous paintings of the Warring States Period. It can be seen through the open shoji on the left, and at regular intervals under the eaves. There were vigilant-looking bodyguards in suits patrolling the place, creating a tense and guarded scene.

In fact, Logan is still full of unreal dreams about being in this ancient mansion in Tokyo. Ten hours ago, he was staying in the mountains of a small town in Canada, living like a savage. living alone.

Since Stryker's death, this wandering lone wolf has left the mutant academy, which was like a safe haven, and embarked on a wandering journey around the world again.

As the professor said, for Logan, a long life is an inescapable curse, which means that he is always alone, without the warmth of family and love.

Wolverine, who looks young and strong, is actually twice as old as Charles. He initially joined the Mutant Academy not only because of the attraction of his compatriots, but also because he wanted to retrieve his lost memories. Unfortunately, when Stry... Gram was buried under the dam base of Lake Akalia, and this unknown past passed away and will never see the light of day.

Even if the Phoenix Mermaid briefly attracted Logan for a while, Wolverine couldn't stay for a long time, and there was no reason to stay. After the professor reached a cooperation with Sean, he packed up his bags and left for a foreign country, until he found this place called Yukio's red-haired woman approached him.

Pushing open two heavy wooden doors with ancient dragons painted on them, Logan saw Ichiro Yashida, whom he was going to meet on this trip. The old man lying on the hospital bed was also the helmsman of Yashida Pharmaceutical. A stamp of his feet could shock the island country. Business tycoon.

Logan stepped into the intensive care unit. Various large instruments for measuring vital signs were placed here. A blond woman wearing a mask gave orders. The person seemed to be Yashida's personal doctor. Even the loose white coat could not hide it. Graceful curves.


Seeing Logan approaching, Yashida, who was lying on the multi-point molding inspection bed, called out. This old man, who was about to come to the end of his life, had gray-black age spots and wrinkles on his face, like candles in the wind.

"You still look the same as before, but I'm not surprised at all..."

Yashida's cloudy eyes flashed, and he dismissed the personal doctor named Green. The multi-point molded metal bed was like a movable spine, supporting the old man's sick body.

"Over the years, I have always wanted to thank you for saving my life..."

Yashida had to take a breathless rest after speaking the previous paragraph. Logan scanned the instruments used to monitor vital signs. Even though he knew nothing about medicine, the images of internal organs and line data displayed on the screen were roughly It can also be seen that this old man who is in charge of a giant company is indeed about to pass away from the torture of illness.

"This painting was brought from the place where I was born. It depicts the prowess and skill of the ninja warriors who have served my family for centuries."

Seeing Logan's eyes lingering on a huge screen, Yashida explained aloud.

The screen depicts a brutal fight between ninjas in black and shogunate warriors on horseback and armor, with swords and swords connecting and flesh flying everywhere, giving it a chilling and chilling feeling.

"I sent someone to invite you here, not just to say thank you." Yashida said seriously. "Logan, I want to repay you and give you something unique, a gift that is comparable to the life-saving grace you gave me!"

"I don't want anything in return."

Logan shook his head. He and Yashida met at the end of World War II, in the summer of 1945, when he became a prisoner of Japanese soldiers and was imprisoned with a group of American soldiers.

Due to his extraordinary physical strength and fiery and reckless personality, Logan received special treatment. He was locked up in a well by the Japanese army until August 6, when a B-29 fighter jet dropped a bomb on Nagasaki. an atomic bomb, and Yashida Ichiro was at the scene.

Although the defeat of the Japanese army was determined, their crazy resistance in Okinawa and other places resulted in a large number of casualties among Allied officers and soldiers. In order to force Japan to surrender as soon as possible, the then President of the United States Truman and senior military personnel selected Hiroshima, Nagasaki and other places. Drop an atomic bomb.

As the eldest son of the family, Yashida Ichiro was supposed to die in that battle and be written on the death list, but an accidental act out of good intentions allowed him to survive.

Yashida, who was afraid of death and unwilling to commit suicide and serve his country in pieces, saw a dazzling white light rising, followed by a huge explosion. The fire and smoke were like a crawling beast opening its bloody mouth, swallowing up all buildings and lives. After swallowing it clean, he froze on the spot, at a loss with the katana in his hand.

Wolverine Logan rescued Yashida, threw the frightened Japanese soldier into the bottom of a well, and then used his strong body to survive the aftermath of the atomic bomb explosion - the young Yashida saw with his own eyes that this strong The man survived the terrifying shock wave and fierce fire. Even though his entire flesh and blood body was burned beyond human shape, in less than two minutes, all the horrific and fatal injuries were intact!

"Eternal life is a curse. It haunts you like a ghost. Every loss will make you miserable. In this repeated process, you will exhaust all your belief in survival, lose your original goal, and become a lone wolf without a master. The warrior..."

After breathing a few times, Yashida seemed to have a surge of power in his body. He barely managed to sit up, stared at Logan, and said word by word: "I can end your immortality and let you be an ordinary person." ."

"You have been suffering for too long, Logan, and I know your past."

Yashida waved his hand, and Yukio, who was standing aside, handed over a thick document. It was the memory that Wolverine had been looking for. Through the family and other secret channels, the other party investigated all this in detail.

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