Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 265 Yunbo is strange

"Mr. Sipers, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Yashida Shingen eagerly held the palm of the young man in front of him, and a stiff smile appeared on his serious and rigid face. As the eldest son of the Yashida family, he originally did not need to be humble to anyone and show this kind of flattery. posture.

But Sean sitting opposite him has countless dazzling auras above his head. He is the founder of Umbrella, a guest of the Ministry of National Defense, a young star with extensive connections and a bright future. No matter what status Shingen Yashida has in Japan, If you want to put on airs with the other party, you are obviously not qualified.

"Mr. Yashida must know the reason for my visit."

Sean did not go around too much, and pointedly pointed out: "My good friend Mr. Harry Osborne, he has been missing for almost forty hours. After attending the pharmaceutical exhibition held by your company, Osborne It's really bizarre that our industry's private jet is returning but its owner is not on board."

"Before Mr. Sipers came to Tokyo, we learned of this important news, and immediately notified the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, retrieved surveillance cameras from the hotel to the airport, contacted the Civil Aviation Administration, and The Air Defense Command... we are very sorry that this unexpected incident occurred to Mr. Harry Osborne due to our poor reception, but please rest assured that the Yashida family will make every effort to give you a satisfactory answer."

Yashida Shingen's attitude was sincere, he put his hands on his knees, and gave a solemn and solemn guarantee. From the perspective of handling methods, the eldest son of the Yashida family did a good job, eliminating all possibilities for Sean to use the topic as an excuse.

As the heir to a Japanese chaebol tycoon, he has lowered his profile so lowly. If Sean continues to insist on pursuing responsibility, logically speaking, he will lose. After all, Harry didn't disappear at the pharmaceutical exhibition, but disappeared inexplicably after the exhibition. To be honest, he had little to do with the Yashida family.

As long as the intervention of the US government is prevented, this matter can be big or small. At the most, it is the kidnapping of the head of Osborne Industries; at most, it is just a trivial kidnapping incident. The most daring people in this world There were so many desperadoes that even Kennedy was shot.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Yashida. I will never forget your friendship."

Sean didn't say much. He knew that Yashida Shingen might not know about all of this. In the original timeline, the other party was an unlucky guy who had a crazy father full of delusions, and ended up with a tragic end with nothing. .

In order to prolong his life, Ichiro Yashida invested billions of dollars in a laboratory established in cooperation with Hydra and purchased a large amount of Adamant metal from secret channels. This was all done without telling the company's shareholders. Once exposed, it will undoubtedly jeopardize the family's reputation and the company's normal operations.

As a son, Yashida Shingen naturally knew everything, but he still chose to help his father conceal the truth, thinking that through this act of filial piety, Yashida Ichiro would be able to hand over the family business into his own hands after his death.

How could he have imagined that Yashida Ichiro, who longed for eternal life, chose his daughter Mariko and kicked away Yashida Shingen, who had been working hard for many years, without caring about family ties at all.

Sean knew all this, so he chose Yashida Shingen as a cooperation partner. The other party had reasonable and legal inheritance rights and did not pose much of a threat. After wiping out Hydra, the Hand could just take over and take over Japan. The largest chaebol group is in hand.

"I will stay in Tokyo for a few days and wait for the results." After a brief exchange of greetings, Sean said to Yashida Shingen who stood up and left.

"My father is seriously ill and cannot spare time to entertain us for the time being. Please forgive me, Mr. Sipos... By the way, try not to go out at night. Tokyo is not very safe these days." Yashida Shingen reminded hesitantly.

"It's a pity. I used to be very curious about Japan's entertainment culture and nightlife, but it seems I have no chance to experience it."

In the voice of regret, Yashida Shingen left the room. His face was gloomy. Deep in his heart, he hoped that this was not his father's fault. Even though the Yashida family has a strong influence in this country, when they encounter Osborne Industries and Umbrella will undoubtedly pay a heavy price.

Kidnapping Harry Osborn?

Once it is known, the entire family will collapse!

He didn't want to watch his father who fell into madness lead his family and country into the abyss of eternal destruction. Although it was unclear what Yashida Ichiro wanted to do, the whereabouts of the company's liquidity and the cannibalism frequently reported in the news You monster, you can probably imagine that it won't be a good thing.

"Father..." Yashida Shingen's face looked uncertain.


Yashida official residence.

"Doctor Green." The old man in the intensive care unit called.

The private doctor in a white coat walked to the bedside, reached out and took off his mask, revealing a charming face and a pair of green eyes, shining like gems.

"Did you get the formula for the human enhancement potion from Harry Osborne?" Yashida Ichiro asked.

"No, that guy didn't know anything about Umbrella's specific affairs or research projects, but luckily Sean Sipers came to the door on his own initiative." The beautiful personal doctor replied softly, with a charming look on his face. Meaning, she held the old man's withered arm and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yashida, you will recover soon."

"You told me the same thing half a year ago!"

Yashida Ichiro grabbed the palm of his personal doctor with his backhand. He lived in the fear of death every day. This body was like an old tree, being eaten clean by the spreading cancer cells. No matter how much wealth he had, he would still be able to survive. A lofty status, but if you can't enjoy it all, what's the point?

"I don't want to see the empire I built collapse. Shingen is a stereotyped idiot who believes in the ideas of his family and country, and Mariko is too young..."

Yashida Ichiro murmured to himself, his cloudy eyes bursting with light. He looked at the smiling Doctor Green and said: "In order to survive, I will not hesitate to make a deal with devils like you and put my family and country aside." Regardless... I don’t need those biological weapons, I need the potion of immortality!”

The shriveled body roared, and Yashida Ichiro lost his last patience. He didn't want to continue to suffer in the pain of waiting for death.

"I can inhibit the wolf's self-healing, deprive it of its talent, and transfer it to you. The plan has been set up a long time ago. What are you afraid of, Mr. Yashida?"

Dr. Green showed a charming smile and pulled out her white palms little by little. She looked at Yashida Ichiro, who was about to go crazy after being tortured by the disease, as if comforting an unreasonable child, and said softly -

"Obtaining the self-healing factor is the first step. Then we can obtain Umbrella's human enhancement potion and create the perfect potion to strengthen genes. When Yashida Pharmaceutical's new product is released, the shortfall of funds can be made up immediately..."

In the soothing voice, the irritable Yashida Ichiro gradually calmed down, and Dr. Green smiled slightly, then turned and left.

She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her palms vigorously, with a look of disgust on her charming face.

"old man!"

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