Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 289 This is how the script is written

On the Helicarrier, Loki was escorted into a specially built circular cell under the guard of two teams of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. The automatic air valve was locked and closed. Nick Fury stood outside, his one eye shining with sharp light. .

"If you want to escape, or have other plots, even if you just scratch the glass slightly." The black director clicked a few times on the touch screen of the console, "You will take this iron cage from nine kilometers away. Free fall from high altitude, do you understand your situation now?"

A huge hole opened up on one side of the circular cell, and strong air flow roared, making a harsh noise. As a veteran agent, Nick Fury knew how to use psychological tactics.

Currently, the two most important things for him are to retrieve the Rubik's Cube and to figure out Loki's plan. If it weren't for the identity of the Asgardian prince, the black director might use more radical methods and torture him. The trick of forcing a confession is just the basic operation of an agent.

It's a pity that the grumpy God of Thunder, Thor, will definitely not sit back and watch his brother suffer in pain, even if Loki kills eighty-eight people in two days and plans to destroy the world, so Fury can only verbally threaten him for the time being. .

He has a lot of headaches. Those "Avengers" cannot be called united at all. Iron Man Tony Stark is cynical and wary of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bruce Banner himself is an uncontrollable person. is a dangerous man like a ticking time bomb, and Thor, the god of thunder from Asgard, the alien is not to be trusted, at least not yet.

Calculating this, the only thing Nick Fury can rely on is Natasha returning to the team and the power of SHIELD itself.

However, it is worth noting that Sean Sipers' Umbrella, a rapidly rising scientific research institution, has such a strong defense force. This surprised the black director. He had seen the surveillance video of the scene. The abilities of the mutant team matched each other and showed extraordinary strength, leaving the Hydra agents completely powerless to parry.

As for the former retired soldier who has been injected with human enhancement drugs, Emil Blonsky is like the Hulk, powerful, strong and brave. No wonder the Ministry of National Defense signed a long-term order with Umbrella. This is simply a bunch of military The super soldier the boss dreams of.

"Maybe I should change my thinking." Fury thought.

Sean Sipers is different from ordinary scientists. He is closer to Tony Stark's businessman image, and he is more direct. Although SHIELD once had an unpleasant experience with the other party, the world There are never permanent friends and enemies in the world, interests are the eternal theme.

The black director was thinking hard. The Avengers were not as effective as he imagined. They were fighting independently, distrusting each other, and unable to work as a team at all.

In the main control center of the helicarrier, the Avengers stayed in the conference room behind the bridge. The shining eagle emblem shone brightly, and everyone present discussed Loki's conspiracy.

"I think his plan is related to machinery. Metal iridium can be used as a stabilizer. Loki took Dr. Selvig away and must have planned to make some kind of equipment." Banner, who was a scientist, guessed.

"New portal."

Tony, who had disassembled his steel armor and put on a suit, strode in. He looked familiar, patted Thor's muscular arm, fiddled with the commander's operating system, and took out one from his pocket. Miniature reconnaissance equipment is posted in a corner where no one is paying attention.

"He needs a portal that lasts longer and has a larger range. Other materials and equipment can be easily obtained. At present, there is still a lack of a power source with high-density energy to activate the Cosmic Cube."

Tony's eloquent talk immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and this was obviously his purpose.

The most powerful superhero group in the world needs a wise and rational leader. There is no doubt that Stark believes that he is very suitable for this position.

"When did you become a thermonuclear astrophysicist?" female commander Hill asked.

"Last night." Tony shrugged, "Colson's report, Dr. Selvig's notes, documents on extraction theory... I'm not the only one doing the homework, right?"

"You can start with Loki's scepter. That thing reminds me of Hydra's weapon. It may have some incredible abilities." Steve continued.

As an old man from the last century, he couldn't quite understand the scientific theories Tony was talking about, but that didn't mean he was clueless. Loki's scepter gave Captain America a sense of déjà vu, and was extremely close to the Rubik's Cube.

Thor stood aside, silent. He knew that his brother had caused a lot of trouble, and he had fought Iron Man before, so he inevitably had some grudges in his heart.

This prince of Asgard just wants to find the magic of the universe as soon as possible, and then bring Loki back to the divine realm. As for other conspiracies, he doesn't have that much time to take care of it. The Rainbow Bridge has been destroyed, and the Nine Realms are in turmoil. He is still waiting to recover it. territory and reestablish order.

"I will scan the gamma reading of the scepter. Its ray data is roughly similar to that of the Cosmic Cube. This is something Dr. Selvig mentioned in his report."

Tony nodded. Ever since he boarded the Helicarrier, he has been asking Jarvis to crack SHIELD's core program, bypass the main system, invade the sub-system group, and perform six quadrillion floats per second. Point calculation, with the computing power of the smart housekeeper, it can be completed in a few hours.

Nick Fury is hiding something from everyone. He claims to use the Cosmic Cube to develop unlimited energy and then benefit the public... This kind of high-sounding nonsense can probably deceive Bruce Banner, but Tony will not believe a word of it. .

Is SHIELD planning to compete with Stark Industries for business? Or is the black director actually an environmentalist who is committed to creating unlimited energy and opening a new era for the world?

As a former arms tycoon, Tony believes that the greatest use of the Cosmic Cube is to manufacture cutting-edge weapons. The inexhaustible and unlimited energy can be used as a reactor to provide a continuous supply of energy.

Tony does not hate profiteers. It is human nature to seek good fortune and avoid harm, but to disguise himself with high-sounding principles and even put on a hypocritical face of "all this is for mankind and the world" will inevitably lead to disappointment. People are disgusted.

Guys like Sean never hide their true nature. Just like themselves, they have never been good people, and they have never thought about joining that camp.

Tony wants to be Iron Man and a superhero who saves the world. That's because he feels that he can become better and should not just follow his father's path and be a successful arms dealer.

He is not Steve Rogers, a great war hero and a symbol of free will, and people like Captain America will always be a minority in this world.

"Perhaps Sean is right. Human beings have never been afraid to assume the worst ill will in others."

Tony laughed at himself, he put his arm around Banner's shoulders, and the two walked into the laboratory together to check Loki's scepter. As for the secret hidden behind Nick Fury, it won't take long for the truth to be revealed.

Loki, who was staying in the circular cell, had a confident smile on his face. He attracted all the attention of SHIELD, while Dr. Selvig used the Cosmic Cube to open the transmission channel to welcome the arrival of the Chitauri army. .

He had already written the script, and all he had to do next was to wait with peace of mind. Loki, who had always liked to show off his intrigues, couldn't help but feel a little complacent at this time, having a group of superheroes at his fingertips. This feeling was really wonderful.

How could the short-sighted and stupid Midgardians guess his plan? Even his brother Thor, who grew up with him, has always had trouble figuring out his own thoughts. When the army rushes into the earth, the planet will fall into his hands. middle.

By then, by dedicating the Cosmic Cube to that great being, Loki will be able to get stronger support, and the throne of the co-master of the nine realms will be in sight.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

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