Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 291 The beginning of chaos

A C-23 transport aircraft raised its altitude and approached the parking area of ​​the helicarrier. The background reflector composed of optical camouflage was lifted, and a huge steel behemoth was revealed, lying quietly above the clouds.

"Transportation ship No. 66B, there is your information on the computer, but there is no voyage record. Please answer what kind of cargo you are transporting. Over."

A questioning voice came from the console over the radio. This huge ship, like a space fortress, requires a huge amount of supplies every day to support the lives of thousands of people. It relies on a strong logistics force to operate normally.

"Weapons and ammunition. Over," the pilot replied.

In the space in the back cabin, a team of fifty people was sorting out their equipment, putting on helmets, body armor, and checking weapons. They were all elite members of Hydra, and among them was Hawkeye Barton, who had disappeared for a while. Open the black box and take out a specially made recurve bow.

He fainted during the raid on Umbrella, and then lost the memory in his mind. Every time he recalled it carefully, he felt a sharp pain. However, under the control of the Mind Stone, Barton still remembered the tasks he needed to perform.

The invisible illusion in the mind weaves a task program for the controlled person. While staying awake, he will never forget what he has to do.

Attack SHIELD's helicarrier, cause chaos, and rescue Loki who is locked in a cell.

As the transport plane approached the apron on the ship, Patton drew his weapon from the quiver on his back and stood firmly on the open door with his legs, his indifferent eyes flashing with cold colors.

Turbulent airflow, complicated wind directions, and the swaying transport plane will all make the arrows shot lose their direction, like a school of fish in the turbulent current. However, Barton's expression remained normal. After briefly confirming the direction, he loosened his hand and filled the bag. bowstring.

The black arrow, like a boat drifting with the current, rides on the wings of the air flow and wind direction, draws a curved trajectory, and is deeply inserted into the metal shell of the engine room. The arrow pops out like a small tentacle-like attachment, flashing. The red light timer starts.

In less than thirty seconds, the No. 3 engine exploded violently. The raging fire rushed in along the pipe, knocking the Avengers who were discussing in the laboratory to the ground. The powerful shock wave shattered the solid glass and threw confetti. Flying horizontally, various instruments and equipment erupted with crackling sparks of electricity.

A piercing siren sounded, and the entire helicarrier immediately entered a state of alert, and the passages in various areas were closed.

Feeling the turbulence of the ship, Loki finally showed a smile in the round cell. He was going crazy being locked up here and lost all contact with the outside world. Except for Nick Fury who occasionally came over for interrogation, he could not even speak. There is no target. Perhaps out of a desire to avoid suspicion, Thor, the God of Thunder, has never been here.

This made the Prince of Asgard, who had written the script, strongly suspect that he had been forgotten, or that there were irreparable flaws.

"Engine number three exploded..."

"Open the defensive blockade of the closed area..."

"Activate the armory! Enter the highest level of martial law!"

"Watch Banner! Coulson, protect Dr. Banner!"

Nick Fury, who was on the bridge, gave orders in an orderly manner, and his voice spread through the loudspeaker to the entire helicarrier. As the supreme commander, he must calm down the chaos as soon as possible and not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Stop them from repairing the engine! Get rid of the cameras in the closed area! The rest of them follow!"

The Hydra members on the transport plane, led by the insider Hawkeye Barton, broke into the ship's building as quickly as possible.

If he wants to create greater chaos, he must first find Bruce Banner. The Hydra spy lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. has already given the structural drawings of the ship, and the security system of the helicarrier is ineffective.

"Fly the ship back to coordinates 180 and head south!" The black director sat on the bridge and gradually stabilized people's hearts.

If one of the engine turbines of this helicarrier is damaged, it will lose its flight balance and fall directly from an altitude of 9,000 meters. Therefore, Nick Fury must at least head to a sparsely populated no-man's land to avoid the worst situation. Appear.

At the same time, Iron Man and Captain America worked together to repair the exploding engine. Although they usually dislike each other, they can still put aside their prejudices in emergencies.

Tony, wearing steel armor, hovered outside the engine room. The impact of the explosion severely damaged the power turbine. The alloy shell was twisted and deformed, wrapped in a layer of violent fire. A large number of circuits were exposed, and bursts of thick smoke were emitted. .

"I want this superconducting refrigeration system to operate again. Before that, those obstacles must be cleared..." Jarvis scanned the situation in the entire engine room and quickly gave a solution, "Captain, I need you to go to the engine control box and tell me which switches are overloaded."

Steve nodded, and with his strong physical fitness, he quickly arrived at Tony's designated location and opened the control box.

"It looks like it's just a bunch of circuit boards." The war hero during World War II gave a concise and clear answer.

Tony shrugged helplessly. He really couldn't expect Captain America to tell him a series of professional terms. This was an "old antique" that had been sleeping for seventy years. Even the Beatles didn't know it. The laser of the robotic arm flashes, cutting and discarding useless obstacles.

"I need to get inside the turbine engines. Without boosting power, they won't start." With just a brief glance, Tony understood the current situation.

When things come to a close, someone has to stand up. The men of the Stark family have never known what it means to retreat. Even if they enter the turbine engine, they risk being torn into pieces when accelerating.

"In order to prevent me from turning into ketchup, the unit that controls the stator can reverse the magnetic poles, and there will be enough time to escape from the magnetic levitation, and..."

"Say something I can understand."

"See that red wrench? It can reduce the speed of the gear. Wait for my command, Captain."

While Iron Man and Captain America cooperated with each other, Natasha led a nervous Banner to the safe area. The most dangerous guy on this ship was not Loki in the cell.

Once Bruce Banner loses control, the Helicarrier flying above the clouds may be completely destroyed. It is not an easy task to stop this green giant beast from rampaging and causing wanton destruction. Everyone still remembers the tragedy in New York last time. It’s vivid in my mind.

Hawkeye Barton led the Hydra members to the safe area. Hidden above the pipe, he shot an arrow at Bruce Banner who was surrounded in the middle, trying to lure the Hulk out. This was undoubtedly the most effective way. method.

Banner and Hulk are two sides of the same coin. Poor Bruce once tried to commit suicide by swallowing a gun, and the bullet was spit out directly by the green beast in his body. It is conceivable that once his life is in danger, the irrational Hulk will appear.

The sharp arrow pierced Banner's chest, but no blood flowed out. There was a ferocious look on that gentle face.

Barton asked the Hydra members to stay here and left. He also wanted to rescue Loki in the cell.

Quickly walking through the corridor, there was a faint roaring sound behind him, and the beast came out of the cage.

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