Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 297 The Immortal Palace Collapses (Part 2)

In Asgard, violent sound waves vibrate and erupt, as if thunder waves are sweeping across the city and palaces. A terrifying momentum is rising from the bottom of the abyss of the World Tree, like a lava volcano about to erupt. Even the eight-legged god riding on Odin, who was on the horse, could not help but tremble in his heart, and subconsciously clenched the eternal scepter in his hand.

If he had encountered such a powerful opponent a thousand years ago, Odin would have felt his blood boiling and his heart surging. He would have shouted the magnificent war song of the Asa clan and charged forward without fear!

It is a pity that the now old King of Asgard has long lost his former heroic appearance. Even if he is unwilling to admit it in his heart, he cannot change the cruel fact that he is getting older.

Thanos, this is a terrifying name that is feared in the universe. Odin has heard the legend of the other party. He is a survivor of the long-destroyed Titan star and a descendant of the Eternal clan. He once destroyed his hometown with his own hands, and his hands were stained with dirt. Countless blood and sins have brought killing and war to countless planetary civilizations.

This overlord of the universe pursues the extreme concept of balance and is an absolutely terrifying existence!

The dark energy rushed high into the sky like a gushing volcano. All Chitauri who approached were instantly killed. Several Leviathan beasts covered in iron armor had no time to escape and were directly killed by the majestic tide. The surging energy was strangled.

A simple and heavy floating throne rises from the bottom of the abyss. A huge purple figure sits tall, filled with a violent aura, like a giant beast devouring planets.

"You are really inefficient in your work." The overlord of the universe spoke slowly, and his heavy voice was like thunder, shaking Asgard.

No matter Loki or the leader of the Chitauri, they were all trembling with fear, like trembling humble insects. They cannot withstand the terrifying wrath of Lord Thanos.

"King of Asgard, the strongest man in the nine star regions, I admire your courage and perseverance in protecting the country, but it is obvious that your son has not inherited this."

Thanos looked at Loki with a slight contempt. He never liked weak people who groveled. "I can pardon Asgard, as long as you are willing to hand over what I want and surrender to him - I promised this." The humble insect promised him the right to rule the nine kingdoms."

Feeling the terrifying aura coming towards his face, even Odin couldn't help but look solemn. His gaze rested on his opponent's golden gloves, which were as if they were made of pure gold, shining with brilliance. The peculiar structure could accommodate infinite energy. Holds six powerful gems.

The King of Asgard has obtained the Cosmic Cube, and his father, King Baur, personally sealed the Dark Elf's secret weapon, the ether particles. This powerful man in the Nine Realms is not ignorant of the Infinity Stones.

Frankly speaking, Odin once coveted the powerful power of the Infinity Stones. When he and his eldest daughter Hela were fighting in the nine realms, he even asked the dwarves to imitate an Infinity Gauntlet. In the end, he gave up out of inner fear and hesitation. This idea.

The secrets hidden in the six gems are far beyond Asgard's ability to bear.

"Asgard... there will be no surrendered king!" Odin said word for word.

"Great Thanos, please let me take your place and grant this king of Asgard..." Five figures loomed behind the floating throne, "Glorious death."

Among the five Obsidian generals, a woman named Superstar stood on her knees. She was wearing a white cloak and her cold face was filled with a look of fanaticism.

"Go ahead, kid, maybe you can achieve your dream wish."

Thanos nodded. Superstar was an orphan he picked up. His home planet was destroyed due to the war caused by the population explosion. He had the natural ability of telepathy and mental control, and he longed to return to death.

The white cloak fluttered, the super star thought flashed, and a huge Leviathan beast swam over. She climbed to the top and looked directly at the King of Asgard sitting on the eight-legged horse.

"You or I, one of us will eventually return to eternal darkness."

In the hoarse voice, a strange power enveloped the sky like a thread, and even Odin's firm mind could not help but waver slightly.

In a short period of time, the God's Domain sailboat rose high in the sky, and its energy cannons were filled with destructive light. The God's Domain warriors seemed to have lost their minds and turned their guns one after another to aim at the great king to whom they were loyal.

The Leviathan beast controlled by the Chitauri roared ferociously like a giant metal snake. It launched a suicidal attack on Odin without fear of death. Its fanatical emotions spread like fire!

The super star faced the strong wind and let out a satisfied laugh. The invisible threads danced in her hands, and violent light burst out, spewing out the breath of death.

The King of Asgard, sitting on the eight-legged horse, was surrounded by Leviathan beasts. He could neither dodge nor escape, and endured the fierce bombardment.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who was below, was extremely anxious. He wished he could immediately rush to the sky and fight alongside his father.

Mjolnir burst out with blazing electric light, sweeping out a clearing. The cheap cannon fodder that surged up fell down one after another, and was quickly filled again.

During the continuous bombardment, the golden shield propped up by Odin was in danger, and the energy gun of the space sailboat released streaks of bright light, as dazzling as a sun.

The super star stood on top of the Leviathan beast. The secret and invisible spiritual power condensed into a sharp cone, impacting the will of the King of Asgard. She liked the pleasure of manipulating the emotions of living beings. Those complicated thoughts were in her own mind. The palms of his hands are dancing and changing.

"Asgard - never back down!"

In the fierce roar, Odin burst out with powerful momentum, and the eternal scepter was thrown out like a spear, like lightning piercing the clouds.

The swift light penetrated the chest of the superstar, and the raging energy released from it turned the body into ashes.

"Return to the embrace of death, my child." Thanos raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but there was no trace of sadness on his face.

He raised the arm that was placed on the throne. In the strong light, the surging energy crushed everything. With a bang, the majestic and powerful King of Asgard fell down with a loud noise, as if burning violently. The meteorite crashed into the earth!

The majestic Immortal Palace fell apart like a castle made of sand.

Thanos looked down at the tiny creatures below, his heart calm without any fluctuations. Perhaps the King of Asgard could already be regarded as a strong man in the universe, but time has smoothed everything.

Thanos, who has destroyed many planets and civilizations, has actually not taken action for a long time. In the vast dark universe, there are very few people he can call his enemies and rivals. If he didn't feel that Loki and The Chitauri's advance was too slow, and he would not come here in person.

"The laws of the universe are cruel and ruthless. The weak have no right to survive, because they will eventually be left behind in evolution and become eliminated."

The thick and heavy sound echoed in the sky, and the floating throne was like a heavy shadow hanging over Asgard. The divine warriors fighting on the battlefield were almost in despair, if even their divine king could not defeat that terrifying existence. , who can save Asgard?

"...I was born from the darkness and was abandoned by my tribe. The law of survival of the universe tells me that if you are not strong enough, you will not be able to freely control your destiny or life."

Thanos put one hand on his chin and gently waved the other palm. Waves of destruction suddenly exploded in the cities and palaces of Asgard, like buildings lined with spears, disintegrating in an instant. Turn into dust and scatter.

Thor didn't know when he stopped. He saw his father falling like a burning meteor, hitting the ground heavily, spitting out blood. Even the King of Asgard in his weak period could easily defeat him. The invading Frost Giant King Laufei, but now, Odin is defeated sadly at the hands of that terrifying purple figure!

"For Asgard!"

Thor roared, picked up Mjolnir, flew high into the sky, and attacked Thanos with unparalleled momentum.

“Sometimes bravery can be interpreted as stupidity.”

The Overlord of the Universe seemed to be staring at an ant, his eyes calm. The huge power brought by Mjolnir completely dissipated when he approached the floating throne.

Thanos waved his hand casually, and a tsunami-like momentum rolled out, flying backwards with the extremely heavy Mjolnir, smashing through huge cities and palaces, Thor's hammer pressed on Thor's body, no matter how hard it was, No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stand up.


Frigga, who rushed out of the palace, saw all this. She couldn't help but exclaimed that both her powerful husband and brave son were defeated by each other one after another.

"Killing, destruction, conquest...these are powers that only the strong can obtain. Even if you are full of fighting spirit, courage is of no use in the face of the absolute gap in strength."

Thanos is like the supreme being who dominates all things, and those Asgardians are like moths to the flame, struggling in the wave of the Chitauri army, and will be completely swallowed up at any time.

"Even the most powerful conqueror cannot bring the Asgardians to their knees."

Queen Frigga, who stood stubbornly in the ruins of the palace, led the warriors. She swung her sword and pierced the Chitauri. Odin was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Thor could not join the battle. Now she is the only one who can inspire the warriors. Fighting spirit.

"Ridiculous pride."

The overlord of the universe has cold eyes. Since he embarked on the road of conquest and destruction, he has destroyed countless planets and civilizations. Under the shadow of death, they will eventually surrender.

Every creature's return to darkness will restore balance to the balance of the universe. This is both glory and the final destination.

"Don't..." When Thanos was preparing for the next attack, Loki, who was hiding aside and shivering, finally plucked up the courage to shout.

The prince of Asgard could sit back and watch Odin and Thor be defeated, but he could not watch Frigga suffer death.

"You dare to order me?"

Thanos turned his head, his cold gaze was like a black hole of nothingness, capable of swallowing up anyone's spirit and soul. Before Loki could defend himself, hurricane-like energy blew him away.

His Royal Highness the Prince, who was dressed in luxurious clothes, fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and the spiritual scepter tightly held in his hand slipped to the side.

"A humble worm without self-awareness."

The overlord of the universe said contemptuously, then raised his hand gently, a majestic bright light flashed, and a terrifying energy was released. Like a planet collapsing, the void collapsed, penetrated by destructive power, and all matter was annihilated.

Loki closed his eyes in pain. The woman who once gave him tenderness and love disintegrated into dust in this hurricane-like energy flow.

The terrifying power spread and radiated in all directions. The remaining crumbling buildings were annihilated and disintegrated in the strong aftermath. Asgard's cities and palaces were completely razed to the ground!

"Now, does anyone still want to disobey me?"

The cold voice like the god of death echoed, and the warriors of the Divine Realm were at a loss. They looked up at the huge floating throne, and the last glimmer of hope in their hearts was extinguished.

Asgard's most powerful guardians have already suffered a tragic defeat, so what reason do they have to continue fighting?

ps: By the way, I made a patch to explain why there are only four of the five Obsidian generals~

There shouldn't be a third update, my liver hurts.

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