Sequence Player

Chapter 734: Discussion

"Are you sure?" In [Friends], Xiaodao Qingmosi sent a message asking.

Just now, Li Changhe contacted Yang Dong and explained his speculation.

The action actor who has become quite popular in recent years is Tang Lai.

Due to his strong martial arts skills and handsome image, this actor often appears in major box office movies.

And he often donates to charity, so his popularity has been very high in recent years.

However, Li Changhe suspected that he was ‘Don Quixote’, a middle-aged man from the Tianyan Society who fought with him against the Split Mouth Girl.

This name is a false name. The real Tang Quixote of Tianyan Society has committed suicide...

Of course, Li Changhe also used a pseudonym. At that time, the name "Dong Ge" was used.

"It's not 100% certain, but his female assistant was indeed the woman we rescued at that time." Li Changhe responded: "Based on this, I think it is necessary to start an investigation."

"No problem, I have arranged for professional colleagues to investigate. Without alerting anyone, their details will be investigated clearly." Yang Dong responded: "You have to wait patiently for the news and don't be impulsive. I also want to help You take revenge, but don’t be impulsive.”

"Thank you, Brother Dong." Li Changhe responded.

"Don't thank me. You can tell me anything if you don't tell me my name! By the way, pay more attention to the people around you. As the junior uncle of the Extraordinary Association, can't you make their calculations more accurate?" Yang Dong complained. The conversation ended.

As Li Changhe's most bitter enemy, Tianyanhui would be the best if they could obtain their information through Tang Lai.

No matter Wu Ma or Luo Qiao. They are all beasts that must be killed by Li Changhe himself.

Li Changhe thought in his mind and said to Xiao Nan in his arms: "Do you know the deduction given by the association?"

Li Changhe gently caressed the girl's belly. The ambiguous gesture and the touch of the soft skin made both of them breathe heavily.

"Well, this is also our biggest headache." Because of Li Changhe's touch, Xiao Nan was a little exhausted. She leaned on Li Changhe and said, "Since we don't know who the target is, we can't take precautions. You have to pay attention to whether the people around you have exceeded the limit." normal behavior."

Determining the actions of the people around you is the safest option you can do at the moment.

After all, whether it is spiritual possession or belief in evil gods, it will be reflected in some subtle details.

Belief in evil gods, there is no need to worry about this within the Great Wall. With the Black Great Wall as the most important line of defense, there will be no people who believe in evil gods inside the Great Wall.

After all, imposters and disguises can be detected.

Officials are currently mainly wary of mental possession.

For this reason, the official posted a post in the [Forum]. Let players in Southern Zhejiang Province be careful.

As a result, there have been many dumbfounding misunderstandings within many player organizations.

Player organizations throughout Southern Zhejiang Province are suspicious.

No one wants their teammates to be replaced by something.

"By the way, there is already a magic mirror." Li Changhe thought of the Dream Cruise, where there was a magic mirror that claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Since the official containment of the Dream Cruise ship, they have naturally taken control of the weirdness inside.

"I asked, but the magic mirror can't see it." Xiao Nan said.

"Okay, but fortunately, my circle of friends is not that big." Li Changhe thought for a while and responded, "It's not difficult. At least, none of the friends around me have any problems."

For example, it's almost dinner time. Not surprisingly, the next-door neighbor will come to help us.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Chen Yu's voice came from outside the door: "We agreed to eat hot pot today?"

"Now, I can confirm that this guy is fine." Li Changhe and Xiao Nan looked at each other and smiled.

Later, Chen Yu, carrying a bag of hot pot ingredients in his hand, complained as he walked in: "I think I've lost out on my extravagance."

"What's the disadvantage of this?" Li Changhe explained: "Girl, there is a hot pot here, and I have the hot pot base. You bring some meat and vegetables. Isn't this fair and reasonable? All three of us have contributed."

Chen Yu looked at the big bag of ingredients in his hand, and then at the hot pot base in Li Changhe's hand. It came from the ghost train and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

“Next time, I’ll bring hot pot base!”

The next day, Li Changhe followed Xiao Nan and Chen Yu to the official member training area that he had visited before.

As a nominal member of the third team, Li Changhe did not arouse any suspicion.

As for the goal of the competition, Chen Yu invited six experts. As a reward for helping, treat them to a meal afterwards.

Maybe Chen Yu didn't express it clearly enough at the time.

Li Changhe discovered that they came here not to discuss matters, but to go on a date. Their hairstyles and clothes have been carefully arranged.

When they saw each other, the atmosphere was very awkward. After Li Changhe and others arrived, the atmosphere became even more awkward.

"Did they misunderstand something?" Li Changhe asked in a low voice.

"No way? I just asked them to do me a favor because they don't have time today. After they finish helping me, I can treat them to dinner." Chen Yu responded: "I asked them one by one specifically."

"This is the art of language." Xiao Nan concluded.

On the other side, several Great Wall members silently put the roses or small gifts they took out back into their backpacks. As if nothing happened.

"I knew that there must be a price for the little princess to treat me to dinner." One member said: "In other words, this little unfamiliar guy is the one you need to sharpen your tactics?"

"Yes, that's right." Li Changhe nodded and said: "I am a member of the third team, and I am a teammate of the same team as Xiao Nan and Chen Yu. I have recently acquired new skills and need to get used to them."

"If you can team up with the holder, he is obviously a master! Easy to say, easy to say. I also happen to plan to try out new skills." The member said: "But who comes first?"

There were a lot of people present, and I didn’t know who would compete first.

"Well, it's like this. My new skill is suitable for using less against many." Li Changhe scratched his head and said, "How about a few buddies come together?"

"Together?" The six members were stunned. Somewhat suspicious. The players present are all masters above LV10. How about one against six players at the same stage? Are you looking for abuse?

Upon seeing this, Chen Yu said: "Yes, if I can decipher this guy's tactics, I will treat you to another meal at your expense. You can choose the hotel."

"The food doesn't matter. But how much hatred is there?" The members murmured.

Xiao Nan laughed secretly in her heart and informed a few people in [Friends]: "It will be alone, I can guarantee it."

It’s nice to have dinner alone with the little princess!

Several members nodded silently, and then clasped their fists at Li Changhe: "Then please enlighten me!"

They are full of fighting spirit!

Afterwards, the seven people came to the largest venue in the combat zone.

The six players stood in the six directions of Li Changhe.

Following the order, they quickly assumed a fighting stance. To end the battle as quickly as possible.

Then I saw a green flame igniting in the center.

Tall steel giants roared out from the green fire, and hundreds of Tang Dynasty Queen-level armors appeared!


(Sorry, I’m late. Kavin is a bit awesome. There will be another chapter today.)

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