Sequence Player

Chapter 892 Exposed (4K)

When zombies rush into the breach in the wall, a horrific killing is about to begin.

Silver light flashed, and the spikes fell to the ground, nailing the four zombies directly to the ground.

Each spike is nearly one meter in length and is so powerful that it can penetrate the zombie's body and completely submerge it into the ground.

No matter how hard those zombies struggled, they couldn't get up from the ground. The spikes had destroyed their cervical vertebrae.

This is the sanction spike that Li Changhe has not used for a long time. Combined with killing hundreds of heads, it is enough to tear apart the almost abnormal defense of the zombies and break their cervical vertebrae.

At the same time, Li Changhe stepped forward with a gun. Standing alone at the breach in the wall. It seems that they have to fight against the zombie wave on their own.

Looking at this scene, Ji She smiled inwardly.

"A woman's kindness." He commented with some regret and happiness.

Ji She knew very well that these zombies were not easy to deal with. Compared with the terrifyingly contagious biochemical zombies, these zombies were more difficult to deal with individually.

Just looking at defense and strength is comparable to that of an extraordinary person.

Nowadays, there may be thermal weapons that can deal with it, but in ancient times, if these zombies appeared in groups, it would be a terrible disaster.

It is recorded in the records of Tianyan Society. A corpse disaster broke out in a tomb somewhere in central Sichuan. A dozen invulnerable zombies slaughtered the surrounding villages and towns overnight. The officers, soldiers and martial arts masters who went to encircle and suppress the zombies suffered extremely heavy losses.

The blade is hard to damage and is as strong as an ox. Even an extraordinary person with deep inner strength can only knock it away. Cannot be killed completely.

In the end, with great sacrifice, the zombies were dragged into the sun to be exposed, and the group of monsters was barely eliminated.

In this situation, players have enough trouble to protect themselves.

However, the abundant energy and blood of extraordinary people and players will also be the main attack targets of zombies. Especially the main body players, their energy and blood are like tides.

Ji Snake's original plan was to open a breach and the rifle youth had to fight the zombies. Because he is a main body player.

Unexpectedly, the young man with the rifle took the initiative and blocked the breach. Do you want to protect the people here? In Ji Snake's eyes, this is a woman's kindness, which will only speed up his consumption.

Of course, for planning purposes, this is better.

If the young man is selfish enough, he can escape from the old temple with the girl in wheelchair. On the contrary, it brings trouble to Ji Snake. These hundreds of thousands of mountains are now filled with demons, and even the mountain gods have trouble tracking them.

From this perspective, the plan was successful and even exceeded the target.

As long as the zombies can force out his strength as much as possible. With Ji She's clairvoyance, he can quickly see his flaws.

When several mountain gods arrive and fight him one after another, they can capture him quickly and safely.

Then, Ji She looked vaguely in the direction of Xiao Nan.

At this moment, Xiao Nan has been put back in the wheelchair and left alone in the corner.

Through his clairvoyance, Ji She could sense that the girl was in a very bad condition. Her physical disability was one aspect, and her unstable breath meant that she was suffering from some kind of pain. It's either poisoning or some kind of curse.

Even though she is a divine creature, in her state, the six Tianyan Society elites hidden in the crowd can take her down in a short time.

"So far, the plan is very successful. All that's left is to take them successfully." Ji She thought.

On the other side, Li Changhe had already fought against the approaching zombies.

In the eyes of zombies, every living being has either strong or weak vitality. Or it can be said to be Qi and blood. It was a delicious treat that would quench their never-ending hunger.

At this moment, Li Changhe's full energy and blood were so dazzling in the eyes of the zombies. Like a beacon in the black.

In an instant, several zombies rushed into the breach at the same time and launched a terrifying attack on Li Changhe. Under the huge figure, dark and sharp claws stretched out.

But Li Changhe was not afraid at all, and arcs of electricity burst out from his body. The thunder starts quickly!

Facing a huge zombie that could cover him, Li Changhe advanced instead of retreating, thrust out his rifle, and stabbed the zombie's neck with his bayonet.


The epic-quality bayonet, supported by Li Changhe's lightning speed, decisively pierced the zombie's throat. And stabbed hard into the neck bone. Bayonet to the bone!

But this kind of fatal injury to humans is not a big deal to zombies.

Even though his neck was pierced and held back, and he couldn't lower his head to bite, the zombie still waved its arm claws that could crush stone and break gold towards Li Changhe's neck.

Li Changhe took a step back, let go of the rifle, and hit the butt of the rifle with an elbow.

At that moment, hundreds of shooters were triggered. The fierce force poured into the bayonet and directly exploded the zombie's neck. Blast the roaring zombie heads away directly.

At the same time, another zombie stabbed Li Changhe's chest with its blade-like claws, seeming to want to tear Li Changhe in half.

In their foraging experience, no matter what kind of flesh and blood animal they were, they were torn apart and eaten.

However, this time, the expected disembowelment did not occur.

Because, his dark and sharp claws could not penetrate Li Changhe's body. After tearing hard, only one piece of Li Changhe's cloak was torn off.

Li Changhe's extreme physique allowed him to almost ignore the bites and attacks of these zombies.

"Aside from my wife, you are the first one who dares to attack my breasts." Li Changhe complained in his heart.

At the same time, Bengbu stepped forward and hit the heart with an elbow!

The thundering elbow hit the zombie's chest hard. The zombie's chest collapsed instantly and flew backwards quickly, knocking down another zombie that jumped into the breach.

The zombies are not living creatures. This time, the flying trigger triggers the shooting of hundreds of them. The first one directly broke the waist of the zombie like a cannonball. The bones in the former's body were shattered, and he could only roar on the ground.

The latter was directly hit in two pieces.

"So it can still be like this." Li Changhe was a little surprised. Since he could kill hundreds of zombies with zombies, he would have a good job.

He pulled out the silver spike from his waist, raised his fist, and nailed the zombie whose waist was broken and could only crawl to the ground like he was smashing nails.

Then, he stepped forward again and hit a zombie in the head with his knee. When he fell to the ground, he grabbed the zombie's arm and rolled the whole zombie up. Hit the zombies hard.

Shoot a hundred heads and start again, blowing up three zombies among the zombies. Then, he grabbed the broken arm of a zombie and threw it like a javelin, directly punching a hole as big as a bowl in the chest of a zombie.

Li Changhe's violent counterattack made the zombies even more restless.

Among them, there was a zombie wearing tattered armor and holding a long knife with a cold light ring. He stood on a small slope outside the old temple. Perhaps realizing how difficult Li Changhe was, he pointed the blade at Li Changhe and let out an inhuman roar.

He apparently has some kind of intelligence and can command other zombies.

As a result, more zombies rushed into the breach in the jungle.

They gave up the prey within easy reach and attacked Li Changhe one after another.

This is a scene that should be horrifying, but now it has comedic effect.

Because at this moment, Li Changhe was as powerful as a god of war, with thunder surging through his body, and every punch and kick made a thunderous sound.

The zombies quickly approached the breach in the wall, but were quickly knocked away in the next moment.

It was difficult for them to leave any scars on Li Changhe, but Li Changhe could easily knock them over. Soon, more and more zombies are unable to get up again.

They had endured so many attacks that the bones in many parts of their bodies had been shattered.

In one moment, more than twenty zombies were physically crushed. Twisting hard on the ground.

At this time, something unexpected happened to almost everyone present. Li Changhe kicked a zombie in the head.

Looking at that special zombie on Shaopo, I couldn't help but shout: "Yan Yun Zilong, look here, I'll come right away!"

Then, he actually rushed out of the old temple. If we say that in the old temple, zombies can only pour in through the breach, and they only need to hold on to one side.

But once they arrived outside the old temple, they were attacked from both sides.

Almost everyone was horrified. Of course, many of them thought he was planning to escape on his own.

However, as Li Changhe rushed out of the old temple, many zombies gave up entering the breach. They turned to besiege Li Changhe, greatly reducing the pressure on the defense line at the entrance and breach of the old temple.

And several experts from the Tianyan Club did not mind tensing up their nerves. Subconsciously wanting to take action.

This is a perfect opportunity for them to take action!

Now, the disabled girl is alone and helpless, which is a good opportunity for them to take action!

Now that Li Changhe has rushed out of the old temple, he and his team of seven can capture the disabled girl before he comes back.

Ji She immediately sent a message: "Stop! We can't completely capture a divine creature in a short period of time! Once we do it, that person will definitely be killed. Zombies are not a threat to him. Wait until the mountain gods arrive!" Don’t take any risks! Violators die!”

For Tianyanhui, obtaining the future girl to suppress the Three Corpse Gods is a very important matter. This is related to Tianyan’s handling of the three corpse gods in the future, so there is no room for error!

Ji Snake believes that it is not safe to take action now. The zombies cannot hold Li Changhe back and must wait for the various mountain gods to take action. He has summoned five mountain gods, many of whom are powerful mountain gods who can open up the world of Dharma. Only when they are all present can Ji Snake ensure that nothing goes wrong.

What they didn't know was that the moment Li Changhe jumped out.

Zhao Qianhui was ready to draw his long knife at any time. While guarding against zombies, he was ready to use his strongest skills.

The teardrop hidden under Xiao Nan's wheelchair also shook silently, and the Seal of the Heroic Spirit in Xiao Nan's hand also trembled slightly.

At the same time, Xiao Nan in the wheelchair had already glanced over them.

"At least, it is determined that six of them probably gave up their attack plan after hearing the warning. This means that at least one of the leaders has not been exposed." Xiao Nan snorted in his heart.

Sure enough, one of the other party's targets is himself!

Are you planning to use yourself as a bargaining chip against Li Changhe? Or is he planning to kill himself in order to take revenge on Li Changhe?

Xiao Nan thought in her mind: "I can bear it. Is there any other back-up plan?"

Li Changhe rushed out of the old temple because of Xiao Nan's own plan.

In fact, Li Changhe did not intend to let Xiao Nan be in danger. But Xiao Nan said that with the protection of the heroic spirit postures of Tear Drop and Ting Ge, it is difficult for any enemy under the demigod to penetrate their defense. It was enough for Li Changhe to return to the old temple.

Moreover, although Xiao Nan's strength has weakened now, he still has a certain fighting power. Will not get hurt easily.

Xiao Nan persuaded Li Changhe to take advantage of this opportunity after paying several embarrassing conditions.

If the other party wants to take action, some flaws will inevitably be exposed while Li Changhe leaves the old temple. Or just do it.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very patient. In this situation, he hadn't made a move yet.

But in the end, some flaws were revealed, the hostility that passed by inadvertently, and the action reaction that was definitely not ordinary people in a state of panic. Xiao Nan still noticed it.

Those six guys were definitely not ordinary people, they were extraordinary people or players with good combat power!

Facts have proved that Jishe's guess was correct.

Twenty seconds after Li Changhe rushed out of the old temple, he returned to the old temple with a ring-headed knife. He killed several blind zombies along the way.

The armored zombie couldn't hold him back at all.

Li Changhe smashed his skull and took away the ring-headed knife in his hand.

Jishe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, fortunately he stopped his subordinates. Otherwise, twenty seconds would be too risky. No one could guarantee that they could catch those disabled girls in such a short time. After all, she was a divine creature.

After Li Changhe killed the armored zombie, the offensive of the remaining zombies was greatly weakened.

And Lao Zhao also got the official anti-zombie weapon sent by the [email].

The modified bullet of the blood of the insect god.

In fact, it is a special ammunition containing the blood of the insect god, which can effectively wipe out non-living organic matter. And it will spontaneously combust while consuming organic matter, and will not generate any alien monsters.

And zombies are obviously not biological organisms. Under the effect of this ammunition, the zombies that fell to the ground were quickly eliminated.

The difficult zombie disaster was suppressed quickly and effectively, which surprised Jishe a little.

He was surprised at Li Changhe's violent resistance to pressure and the special bullets that ignited zombies.

Of course, the former is good news for him. He has seen the level of Li Changhe's attributes and used the sky eye to copy Li Changhe's combat movements. Moreover, the consumption must be not small to eliminate so many zombies. It is a good thing!

As for the latter, he secretly asked his men to take away some special ammunition and planned to do research after returning.

At the same time, he silently used his authority as the Great Mountain God of Baiyue to see the positions of those mountain gods approaching.

"The nearest one will arrive in thirty seconds." Jishe couldn't help but smile as he watched Li Changhe, who was walking towards the depths of the old temple and the disabled girl, stepping on the corpses of zombies.

And in the next second, when Li Changhe walked past the crowd with a knife.

Li Changhe suddenly jumped up, raised his hand and cut off the neck of a young woman in the crowd with a knife, blood splattered, and her head fell to the ground.

Everyone screamed in fear.

And Jishe's face changed wildly.

Because, that was one of his subordinates!


"Do it!"

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