Sequence Player

Chapter 1130: The Great Wall Around the World

Today, Li Changhe has the most luxurious support team in the void. stick

There are thirteen Jiuli Demon Gods, nine Heavenly Immortals, and one former God King and God of War, Xingtian.

Twenty-three human gods entertained one person, and the luxury was astonishing.

At the same time, this is also a guarantee for Li Changhe's safety during his transmission.

After all, Li Changhe had already been intercepted halfway by a taboo being that was destroyed during teleportation.

In this regard, the human gods left many preventive measures for Li Changhe. To prevent him from being discovered and intercepted by the other party on his way back or on his way back.

The seven Jiuli Demon Gods consumed a lot of divinity. He drew out his Jiuli Bronze Bones, gathered his fighting spirit, and created a consumable weapon that could unleash his full strength once.

Although Li Changhe may be dodged by demigods with special abilities when he performs these attacks, the power is indeed a real strike from a true god. stick

True god level magical power x7

The immortals in the heaven forged the true god corpse of the demon Suluka to create a spiritual protection magic weapon.

Twelve wings of heavenly blessing.

It can be defended twelve times, including the spiritual killing of True God and below. The twelve wings stacked together can theoretically defend against the spiritual obliteration of the God King. and take countermeasures to a certain extent.

At the same time, it can be disassembled so that the three corpses can carry four wings at the same time.

As for the flying magic weapon that Li Changhe planned to ask the immortals to create, the immortals rejected it.

They think it's silly to consume the materials of a true god just for the sake of mere flying ability. It's better to wait for Li Changhe to come back and learn how to fly by yourself. stick

Mental defense x12

There is also Xingtian's shield, Xingtian Shield.

This shield is also a god of mythical proportions. Xing Tian used it to hit or smash the true god to death. He also defended himself against Xuanyuan Sword's slashes.

It has the terrifying defensive ability to block and distort all laws.

Although it does not recognize Li Changhe as its master, under Xingtian's order, it will help Li Changhe defend with all its strength.

Normally, Li Changhe could carry it to hit people or physical defenses.

Super defense x1 staff

These are the protections given to Li Changhe by human gods.

In other worlds, these defenses would basically allow Li Changhe to walk sideways.

But now, it can only be used as a delay.

If you are very unlucky, the forbidden god who was really destroyed will be discovered and intercepted again.

These magic weapons can delay Li Changhe until the teleportation is completed.

After all, as long as one molecule is transported to the mission world alive, he can survive.

Of course, this worst-case scenario does occur. stick

Then it would be best for Li Changhe not to pass it back and just stay in the Great Qin world. Save your life first.

"If nothing happens when you go, don't waste it during the mission, so as not to be attacked when you come back." Dayi reminded.

"Okay." Li Changhe nodded slightly.

The next second, it turned into white light and disappeared.

Then, a feeling of weightlessness came. Li Changhe, who was located in a beam of light that quickly passed through the void, looked warily at the sights that were leaping around him.

He saw worlds flashing by, either barbaric and desolate, or with advanced civilization.

Those are the worlds along the way between the Three Realms Hell where Li Changhe is and the Daqin mission world. stick

The higher the level, the more terrifying the evolutionary game becomes.

If gods want to travel to other worlds, the best and fastest way is to cross the void.

This will be countless times faster than the speed in the physical universe, but it will still take a lot of time.

The evolution game has the terrifying ability to teleport players to various places in the void in a very short period of time.

This alone is enough to make the gods wary.

At this time, Li Changhe suddenly discovered a shadow, which suddenly appeared from the side below the light pillar. And quickly approached the light pillar.

It has caught up with the transmission speed of evolution! stick

It’s a forbidden god!

It finally appeared!

"Fuck, he really doesn't give up. Didn't the price of the last evolution game dissuade him?" Li Changhe's heart tightened, and he was ready to release all his cards.

Seven bronze weapons appeared beside Li Changhe, twelve pairs of wings spread out behind Li Changhe, and a bronze shield appeared in front of Li Changhe.

However, the shadow did not attack immediately, as if it wanted to find out who the player in the light pillar was.

That's right, the cost of intervening in the evolutionary game is too high. Even the forbidden gods will not take action easily.

Rather, they want to first determine whether the player in the light pillar is worth the huge cost. stick

However, at the same time, hundreds of worlds suddenly lit up in this void.

No, what lights up is not the world, but the Great Wall surrounding the void of these worlds!

The world-circling Great Wall of the Eternal Qin Dynasty!

This is already the world group with the eternal throne!

As hundreds of Great Walls around the world lit up, they all entered high-energy operation.

A vague figure also appeared in the void.

He has a crown on his head and wears a black crown. Above the crown, the sun, moon and stars twinkled. stick

His face was blurry, but he had the aura of a king who ruled the world.

He looked at the light pillar strangely, seeming a little confused.

But he kept moving, raising his hands and waving. The long river of time seems to be controlled by him.

The void star closest to the light pillar suddenly began to grow rapidly, or age rapidly.

The void star expanded rapidly and then exploded instantly. Blooming with endless light and heat!

Is this a supernova explosion?

Tracing the shadows of the beam of light, overwhelmed by this terrible explosion. Stopped chasing. stick

And the hundreds of Great Walls around the world suddenly became much darker. Several Great Walls around the world were even scrapped.

The figure with a crown on his head and a black crown also disappeared in an instant.

Then, all the scenes were left behind by the beam of light that passed quickly.

Li Changhe was a little stunned, but then he understood what happened.

After discovering the light pillar, the forbidden spirit intends to get closer to detect the player in the light pillar.

And as a result, he got close to the Eternal Qin Dynasty, thus alarming the First Emperor.

The First Emperor didn't know who was in the beam of light, but he still launched a confrontation. Let a star in the void directly transform into a supernova explosion, temporarily blocking the steps of the forbidden gods. stick

This allowed Li Changhe to avoid the detection and interception of the forbidden gods.

"I owe someone a favor before I get to Da Qin." Li Changhe thought to himself that he had to find an opportunity to repay it.

However, the light beam was still moving forward, and even allowed Li Changhe to see some chaotic worlds in the distance.

Oh my god, where is this mission? The border world of Da Qin?

The next second, the light beam in front of him dissipated.

Li Changhe successfully arrived at the local [Eternal Throne] mission world ahead of schedule.

However, when the light beam in front of him dissipated. stick

Li Changhe saw a small cabin and astonished faces.

They were wearing scale armor, but they were carrying power backpacks and rocket launchers.

And one of the handsome young faces looked familiar.

"What the hell, General Li Ba? You're actually still alive?" The man looked at Li Changhe, who was wearing mountain armor in surprise, and said, "And why are you here?"

Li Changhe did not expect that he would meet him directly after entering Daqin.

Da Qin player, champion candidate!

"Long time no see! Lao Huo!" Li Changhe greeted quickly and looked outside the landing cabin: "Is this the border world of your Great Qin?"

"No, there are more than fifty worlds away from the border world. It's the rear!" the champion responded quickly.

"Do you think I'm stupid? There are so many Chaos Demons behind your house?"

Li Changhe pointed to the cabin observation window.

In the distance, there is the severed corpse of a Chaos Demon still floating in the universe. The intestines are held back all the way.

The champion looked at Li Changhe strangely and said, "I didn't say it was our rear."


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