Sequence Player

Chapter 1,152 Ancestors

The Hai tribe can also be called Jiaoren. Suddenly appeared tens of thousands of years ago, spreading all over the ocean worlds in the void.

It has also left legends in many worlds.

In ancient China, there is also a legend about their fish-tail body, and the silk they produced can enter the water without getting wet. The tears they shed when they cry will turn into pearls. And the oil given to others, once burned, will last for thousands of years.

After the emergence of the Evolution game, players have a deeper understanding of it, and the Evolution game defines it as a fantasy species.

They have a handsome or glamorous appearance that is in line with human aesthetics, and have extremely powerful fighting capabilities. And a longer life span than humans.

On land, their fish tails turn into flexible legs, just like humans. Can be hidden among humans. Hard to detect.

And in the deep sea, they are the undisputed overlords of the ocean. Even the most ferocious sea beasts will bow before them!

This is a very powerful race.

However, although the Sea People are spread across many worlds, they have not developed any powerful civilization.

One of the reasons is the difficulty in communicating with all walks of life in the void.

The second reason is that in the same world, various tribes of the Sea Tribe are also fighting endlessly.

It is difficult for them to reproduce, it is difficult for them to give birth to children, and with the continuous killing, it is always difficult for them to become a great weapon.

Even if there is a unified Sea Tribe dynasty, it will fall apart due to various reasons.

Not to mention, uniting all the sea worlds to create a strong civilization.

Until this evolutionary game appeared.

A player from the sea tribe emerged out of nowhere and used various means to unify the ocean world where he lived and became the well-deserved king of that world.

After that, he used the missions of the evolutionary game to defeat many ancient and pedantic sea demigods one after another, and recovered one sea world after another. He even received the support of the true God. and formed friendly alliances with some foreign gods.

Today, the Sea Empire has more than 40 ocean worlds, and has more than ten Sea Demigods and one Sea True God. Formed an alliance with no fewer than ten alien demigods and true gods. At the same time, a terrifying empire possesses powerful mysterious technology.

It has become a force that cannot be ignored in the evolutionary game.

Although it is far behind Annihilation, Chaos, and humans, as a new force, it has already been wary of all races.

The reason why the Hai Clan is so powerful is because of the Hai Lord Hai Lingshan!

He is the founding emperor of this Sea Empire, and he is a terrible enemy who almost single-handedly established the Sea Empire.

The emperors of mankind's extraordinary dynasties spoke highly of it. But they are all very regrettable.

My enemy is the bandit, and he is his hero.

If Hai Lingshan could be killed earlier, human enemies might not be so strong.

Human players also tried to kill Hai Lingshan. Before Hai Lingshan became a demigod, the human players invited a human demigod from that world to take action.

However, Hai Lingshan broke through on the battlefield and seriously injured the human demigod.

Eventually, he grew to where he is today.

Now, the greatest king in the history of the Sea Tribe came to the Chonglan World with his thousands of troops.

A space passage hundreds of meters below the sea surface was suddenly opened.

A large number of sea clan legions quickly poured out of the channel and dived into the deep sea.

Humanity noticed this immediately.

That sea area was originally where the vanguard of the Sea Clan appeared, and human players had already used various skills or equipment to monitor it.

But that area was too close to the sea area where the accident occurred, out of caution for the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Instead of approaching or ambushing, the players planned to use ranged attacks to bombard the enemy.

In less than thirty seconds after the Sea Legion appeared, a large number of missiles and over-the-horizon attacks fell from the sky, pierced the sea surface, and even a nuclear bomb exploded. The Daqin warship in low-Earth orbit also began bombing.

The Sea Legion encountered a head-on attack as soon as they showed up.

A large number of sea beasts died instantly, their limbs scattered, and the sea surface dyed red.

Nearby islands were destroyed by nuclear bombs, and local seawater was boiled by high temperatures.

The main force of this bombing was naturally the champion Yang Dong who was located on the coastline.

Thanks to someone, he and the Hai Clan have a deep hatred.

At this moment, he collected the missiles carried by players from major official organizations and bombed the Sea Tribe mercilessly! Plan to eliminate most of the enemies at the entrance and exit!

In an instant, more than hundreds of sea beasts died in the bombardment.

However, the enemy is located under the sea surface, and most of the missiles detonate prematurely due to water pressure, so the effect is not good.

At the same time, a laughter sounded in the void.

"It's really been a long time, Li Ba. It's a pity that I couldn't kill you back then. This makes me think about it day and night. Don't let me regret it for the rest of my life this time."

The laughter was gentle and elegant, as if he was greeting an old friend.

In the church in the coastal city, Li Changhe also grinned. He recognized the owner of the voice.

"Hai Lingshan? It's been such a long time. I thought you wouldn't take action personally after becoming Haijun."

Li Changhe said politely and already picked up the big bow in his hand.

The mastermind and several players around him were quickly calculating the location of the sound.

Li Changhe planned to shoot an arrow in the face to kill Hai Lingshan once he found him!

Hai Lingshan needs strength, means, and scheming.

Not killing this kind of enemy in advance would be disrespectful to yourself and your companions.

"The king always has to conquer in person." Hai Lingshan seemed to know that Li Changhe was looking for his position, and said calmly: "Don't bother, I will not give you the opportunity to assassinate the king. In Huangquan Ninety-nine In the city world, my beloved concubine was almost killed by you. This time, I will repay you well. I heard that your wife has also come to this world."

The beloved concubine he refers to is Hai Qing.

In the underworld, Li Changhe almost killed Hai Qing.

Unfortunately, he was taken away by Hai Lingshan's projection.

But this time, Hai Lingshan learned that Xiao Nan was also in this world, and planned to take revenge.

Li Changhe sneered: "No, you have no chance. I won't let you go this time."

"Then we'll see."

Then, silence returned to the void.

Hai Lingshan himself appeared outside the mysterious building complex at the bottom of the deep sea with dozens of Sea Tribe and Naga players.

As the Lord of the Sea, he lowered his head slightly at this moment, as if to salute the building complex.

The other players couldn't believe it, and even Hai Qing frowned. She was too aware of Hai Lingshan's pride and would not give in when facing the true god.

But facing the strange situation now, they had no choice but to follow Hai Lingshan to salute.

"Very good. I didn't expect that a strong man like you would establish such a force." A voice sounded in the mysterious building complex: "It has lived up to our expectations. After we recover, as your creator and ancestor, If we control the empire, we will definitely make you the champion of this evolution game. Then, Transformed Species No. 999, please bow down."

'presumptuous! ’ The alien players were furious. They were all princes and generals from one world.

Now what kind of bullshit dares to claim to be his ancestor and creator? Still want to take away your empire? Do you still want yourself and Haijun to kneel down?

However, they were forced to kneel and worship at the bottom of the sea by an irresistible force that penetrated their souls.

The same was true for Hai Qing. She looked up with difficulty.

He found that Hai Lingshan in front of him had knelt down.

And sincerely said the words "Welcome to the resurrection of our ancestors."

Hai Qing was even more furious and unwilling.

However, the next moment, she saw the sneer on the corner of Hai Lingshan's mouth.

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