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Chapter 1,159 Dead End.

When the last Chaos Demon was surrounded by sea beasts, its head was cut off by aliens.

The massive Chaos Commando was just wasted on the sea.

The twelve newly-appeared black stone pillars seemed to be mocking Chaos' useless efforts.

After spending so much money and sacrificing so much combat power, they even deployed the projection of the true god.

In the end, only one stone pillar was destroyed.

And there are twelve more of the same black stone pillars!

Not only Chaos, but also the humans watching the battle felt their scalps numb.

Twelve stone pillars may affect the entire world!

At this time, the mastermind appeared next to Li Changhe. The ferocious head said: "Great Lord, according to the data of Lincang No. 9, it should be the extermination weapon of aquatic civilization. Before, it was impossible to tell when it was alone, but now it can be confirmed. It is the weapon of aquatic civilization. The planet-level annihilation weapon Blackstone Matrix! Although the Lincang civilization has not directly faced this weapon, the effects of this weapon have been recorded in past historical records.”

As a champion civilization, it is not surprising to have planet-destroying weapons.

In other words, star-killing weapons are necessary weapons for every champion civilization.

Lincang also possesses several star-destroying level weapons.

The planetary fortress left in the underworld is equipped with one of these weapons.

Due to the need for colonies, the effects of these weapons also vary.

Arranged by model.

The first type of weapon, after being charged for three human months, can release a terrifying spear of light that directly destroys the planet and causes it to explode.

This is directly giving up all the resources on the planet and choosing to destroy it directly. Used to deal with planets that are so powerful that they are almost impossible to conquer.

Lincang No. 9 Planetary Fortress is equipped with this kind of weapon.

The second type, after a longer period of energy storage, releases an accelerated neutron radiation. The plume will sweep across the planet's surface and destroy most biological tissues. Thereby exterminating most of the planet's life forms and fully obtaining the requirements of the planet's resources.

The third type, after accumulating energy for a very long time, releases a large number of nanorobots, turning the entire planet into a nanoplanet, and all the creatures on it are transformed into nanorobots. Thereby improving the overall work efficiency.

With these star-destroying weapons, the major champion civilizations can quickly conquer world after world.

Fortunately, during the great purge of the evolutionary game, these technologies were cut off.

Nirvana is said to have left only two Star Destroyer weapons, one of which was destroyed by the Insect God.

The only one didn't dare to use it easily. After all, too many things can happen in three months of storage time.

But now, mankind will finally face Star Destroyer weapons.

From the aquatic civilization, the black stone matrix!

Compared with the three star-destroying weapons of Lincang Civilization, the effect of this weapon is even more weird and disgusting.

The effect is psychically attacking all adult creatures within range.

Only some low-level creatures that cannot think, or species that have undergone racial modification in advance, or juvenile creatures can survive.

When an intelligent creature is attacked, if it cannot withstand the power, its mind will boil and die suddenly, or it will turn into a crazy creature without reason.

The believers of gods often come from intelligent creatures. How can a crazy person become a believer?

This can effectively lock the source of the planet's god's divinity and directly attack the opponent's vitality.

In the age of aquatic civilization, a sea of ​​chaos enveloped the world, making it impossible for anyone to escape. A black stone matrix is ​​activated in the world.

This combination of punches can directly kill a large number of intelligent species in the world. Efficiently kill their gods and resistance forces, and finally, without bloodshed, gain an entire world full of crazy things.

Those crazy things (that is, crazy intelligent species) will be manipulated by aquatic civilization to become cannon fodder in the next world.

The surviving babies will be raised in this world and become the first generation of faithful believers of aquatic civilization in this world.

"Based on the power analysis of the matrix, the eight stone pillars strengthen each other and are enough to cover the entire planet, and the strength of the attack has also been expanded. Even divine creatures cannot last long if their energy attributes are not high." The mastermind said quickly.

"That's it, Lao Li, your mental attribute seems to be only 11 points. And you are not a demigod, so I guess you can't resist it. My energy attribute is 13 points!" He Feng complained.

Li Changhe's mouth twitched.

In fact, He Feng was wrong. Li Changhe's current mental attribute is 12 points.

But there's not much difference actually

Unless, like the supreme demigod, Li Changhe could condense the black mud's malice to counterattack the opponent's mental attack.

Otherwise, he will be exhausted to death, and his energy attribute is his weakness.

The faces of the human players became more and more gloomy: "Eight is enough, but the opponent sent out twelve."

"They are telling us clearly that if we don't destroy enough black stone pillars, they will wipe out all of us!"

"But our long-range attacks are distorted and interfered with. Even General Li Ba's arrows will be distorted if he misses them. We basically cannot destroy the black stone pillars from a distance. Unless we have stronger long-range output that is not distorted."

"Then we can only approach the stone pillar like the Chaos Fleet, penetrate the defenses of Atlantis, and then destroy it?"

"But the opponent's defense power has not been fully deployed! They only have one true god who attacks from the air and resolves the Chaos attack."

"And the other party also has a sea of ​​chaos."

“Can we use the Great Black Wall of the Great Wall to surround the Black Stone Matrix?”

"Not to mention whether the Black Great Wall can block all attacks, just within this range, unless the power and resources of the main world are tilted here, it will be impossible to block it."

"How long will the Black Stone Matrix be charged?"

"At least a month."

"The base of the Qin World Great Wall has been built. When can it be connected to His Majesty the First Emperor?"

"It's been more than a month. This place is too far away from other worlds in Da Qin," Huo Qubing responded.

In the conference room, the players in the strategy team from various countries fell into silence.

Dead end!

If the black stone pillar is not destroyed, humans in the entire world will be attacked, and the casualties will be extremely horrific.

But if you attack the black stone pillar, it will be equivalent to giving up a powerful defensive weapon like the Black Great Wall, and facing the opponent's apparent strength, taking the initiative to attack is already a narrow escape.

Moreover, if the other party approaches the Sea of ​​Chaos, it is very likely that it will be swallowed by Chaos, which means there will be no life or death!

Atlantis is now forcing humans and Chaos to attack itself. Take the initiative to enter your own trap.

If you don’t go, you will die. If you go, you will most likely die. This has reached a dead end

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