Sequence Player

Chapter 1,162 The first battle is the decisive battle (3K).

Everyone knows that the war is about to begin, and all forces have begun to actively prepare for the war.

As time goes by, the time for the completion of charging of the Black Stone Matrix is ​​getting closer and closer.

The native human Imperial Legion and the Skitarii Legion are all gathering at the coastal defense line.

The weapons manufacturing factory built by the mastermind outputs various weapons crazily and quickly. Allowing more human soldiers to be armed and trained.

In just one month, humans had formed more than half a million human soldiers armed with bolt guns and wearing battle uniforms.

The robot factory also built more than three million robot soldiers during this period.

When the players saw the robot soldiers all over the mountains and plains, they all sighed that the strength of Da Qin was strong.

After confirming that there will be no omnic crisis, I have some confidence in the upcoming war.

In the polar regions, more than a dozen main ships and a large number of cruisers and frigates formed a terrifying fleet. Under the protection of these fleets, evil rituals were launched one after another, causing the entire Arctic region to be contaminated by the breath of chaos.

The great Chaos Demons who have left bloody legends in many worlds will lead their own Demon Generals. Through evil rituals, he came to this world.

They will fight into Atlantis and into the Sea Tribe's position! And after that, fight against humans!

On the sea, it was stormy.

Under the protection of the Aurora Light Curtain, the legions of the Sea Tribe occupied islands one after another as a defensive island chain, preparing to withstand the assaults of humans and Chaos.

And it was this step that made everyone in the Sea Clan very dissatisfied.

After all, before there was no large-scale space projection capability, humans and Chaos could only approach Atlantis from the sky or the sea.

That will be the frontline battlefield for both sides. But those on these battlefields are all the fighting power of the Sea Clan. They will be the front line against humanity and Chaos!

Even though there are many legions in Atlantis, they are all descendants of the first generation survivors. Although they have not become gods, their powerful mystical power makes their combat prowess very outstanding. But there is no intention to share the defense line.

how? The Sea Clan is fighting against humans and Chaos outside the defense line, and you legions of survivors are enjoying the benefits?

"These old immortals are asking us to die!" In a hidden place, a strong man from the sea clan whispered.

"It is said that Mr. Hai personally asked us to garrison the first line of defense." A Hai clan noble responded: "What is Mr. Hai thinking? To please those old immortals?"

"Why does Lord Hai surrender to these immortals? Even if they are our ancestors, we shouldn't be so humble!" Some demigods from the sea clan said coldly.

"Our allegiance is to Lord Hai, not Atlantis!" Another demigod said.

"But our sea tribe and Naga have already been planted with soul locks when they were designed. We can only obey their orders."

"Is it possible that the huge empire we have built must be surrendered to these coffin boards?"

"I am not willing to give in! How can the Sea Empire become the puppet of the old man! Even if they are a champion civilization, they cannot be so blasphemous!"

"That's enough." At this time, a cold female voice sounded. Hai Qing, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at the demigods of the Sea Clan indifferently: "Do you want to rebel?"

Several demigods remained silent. Even if they were demigods, they would not dare to say any more offensive words when facing the princess of the sea tribe.

Hai Qing continued: "Hai Lingshan is much more than you think. Although there are many things about him that I hate. But he will never have any selfish motives for the Hai Clan. All you have to do is obey His order."

"Yes." Several sea tribe demigods and major nobles nodded and saluted.

At this time, a Sea Clan noble suddenly spoke: "Princess, we have shared the information about Li Ba, but this time the defense seems to have failed to prevent the move that Li Ba used when he returned from the underworld."

Hai Qingdan smiled and put his index finger in front of his lips.

The faces of the sea tribesmen changed slightly, and then they nodded silently.

Since then, the sea people have no resistance to Atlantis' orders.

Within Atlantis, Hai Lingshan, the Lord of the Sea Clan, is being questioned.

"Are you sure Li Ba will definitely fall into the trap? Why, the intelligence we have observed shows that the human gods do not intend to participate in the attack?" On the high platform, the ancient sky god looked at Hai Lingshan and asked coldly.

"I know Li Ba very well, he will definitely take action personally." Hai Lingshan chuckled.

Atlantis actually knows that as long as it can hold back humans and the Chaos Legion.

Once the Blackstone Matrix is ​​successfully activated, victory will come

At the same time, they knew better that if this result was really calculated, Li Changhe would become even more terrifying.

Even if it is a Star Destroyer level weapon, it is hard to say whether it can kill Li Badu.

But if more than one billion humans are attacked by the Black Stone Matrix, that evil god will inevitably gain extremely terrifying power.

For this reason, Atlantis' plan is to set up a trap to lure the evil god into the scene.

Only by completely devouring it in the Sea of ​​Chaos can Atlantis dare to carry out extermination operations against mankind.

But now, all plans have started as scheduled.

Atlantis was worried that Li Changhe would not take action.

After all, when humans are almost dead, he will face Atlantis in his strongest posture.

Moreover, Li Changhe also knew about the existence of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and out of caution about the Sea of ​​Chaos, he would not go out personally.

It can be said that both Atlantis and Chaos are thought from this perspective.

from a rational point of view

But Hai Lingshan was different. He had truly seen Li Changhe's ferocity.

From a rational perspective? ridiculous!

When Li Changhe rode the Tindalos hound to die with him, could he have any sense at all?

He has always been that kind of person, and this will not change as he becomes stronger.

As his biggest opponent, Hai Lingshan knew Li Changhe very well.

"He will definitely come here in person, and will not be timid just because there is a Sea of ​​Chaos." Hai Lingshan responded: "Ancestors, just be prepared to activate the Sea of ​​Chaos."

"But there are only three days left before recharging is complete. But humans still haven't started attacking!"

That's right, there are only three days left before the Blackstone Matrix is ​​opened, but humans still have not launched an attack.

Do they think they can break through thousands of kilometers of sea and attack the Black Stone Matrix in three days?

Why haven't you launched an attack yet?

This made Chaos anxious. It was easier for them to cross the sea with various warships.

But humans who don’t have enough interstellar battleships will have trouble sending their troops to the target sea area in three days!

However, when Chaos inquired for information, he received terrible news.

Li Ba is missing

The reason is that some players were surprised to find that the name of "Uncle Bafang" in "Friends" was suddenly grayed out.

There are only two possibilities, either dead or not in the same world.

The former is impossible. Who in this world can kill Li Ba?

The True God of Chaos can’t do it, and neither can the Atlantis that returns to the second generation of True God!

Doesn't that mean Li Changhe ran away?

Is he out of this world?

When the news of Li Ba's disappearance came out, Chaos was shocked, let alone humans themselves.

Even Xiao Nan and He Feng said nothing about Li Changhe's whereabouts.

This made some human players think that Li Ba was facing a dead end and asked everyone to prepare for the battle, but he ran away first. He didn't even take his own woman and brother away, it was so shameless! Then why fight? Run away! Escape this world! If you can’t use the escape coins, why can’t you still escape on Da Qin’s warship?

However, the top players from all parties suppressed these disturbances forcefully and continued to prepare for war. It seemed that Li Ba's disappearance did not affect them.

And in this tense atmosphere.

A crack suddenly appeared in the sky above Atlantis!

The crack appeared so strangely that it escaped the auroral light curtain in the sky and appeared directly out of thin air at a distance of about a kilometer above Atlantis.

It seemed to be a crack cut directly into the world's barrier.

The appearance of this crack attracted the attention of all forces almost instantly.

At that moment, the chaotic true god's eyes flashed with astonishment, surprise, and understanding. Then he was ecstatic: "Send out immediately, humans are going to attack!"

"What exactly is that?" Corruption True God asked quickly.

"It's the Heavenly Demon's Boundary Breaking Pestle!" The Demonic Sword True God smiled ferociously: "What a crazy monster, how dare you do it! As expected of Li Ba!"

At the same time, in the human base, Huo Qubing saw the cracks appearing and chuckled: "Escape? Even if General Li Ba dies in battle, I won't believe that he will escape without a fight. He just wants to do it himself!"

"Everyone, wait for the call and prepare for war!"

On the sea far away from the continent of Atlantis, Hai Lingshan looked up at the crack with a smile on his face.

The cracks also exploded at the same time, and a hole was forced out of the world barrier.

A red thunderbolt crashed down from it!

A figure wrapped in the red thunder was the missing Li Changhe!

He did leave this world, but he did not flee. But to find the location of the world barrier that can avoid Atlantis' defense.

Now, he succeeded!

Directly use the Demon Boundary Breaking Pstle to cut through the world's barriers, evade layers of defenses, and arrive at the continent of Atlantis!

In mid-air, Li Changhe, who was holding a lightning spear and falling rapidly, was divided into three parts.

They fell in different locations and smashed a large number of mysterious and ancient buildings.

This is also the first time humans have landed on Atlantis, but it’s a bit rough.

And the gods of Atlantis were so heartbroken.

According to their intelligence, Li Changhe does not have the ability to smash the world's barriers!

Moreover, they knew clearly that Li Changhe had the ability to corrode the Kingdom of God!

"There are only three of him! Quickly reverse the second life and suppress him!"

They are afraid, afraid that the sea of ​​black mud will take away Atlantis!

But soon, something frightened them more came.

"Only three people? Haha, it seems that someone is not of the same mind as you." Li Changhe, the corpse bearer, laughed, and the space in his hand flashed, and he took out a battle flag.

"The first battle is the decisive battle! Today is the end of Atlantis!"

Then, the battle flag was waved and the heroes arrived!

This is, point the flag!

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