Sequence Player

Chapter 1,198 Suppression

The rebels were so powerful that they fought fiercely with the loyal soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in the world behind the Tang Dynasty.

In the void passages and even portals connecting the world of the Tang Dynasty, the rebels and the loyal Jiawei warriors joined each other, and the Tang warships from both sides shot at each other. Countless soldiers and civilians were caught in the flames of war. Important ports and waterways on various worlds changed hands many times.

They are not chaotic, some are even famous heroes and generals.

But now, it is in the name of Qingjun that he is going on an expedition to the world of leaders. bring disaster upon their own compatriots.

The Qing emperor was afraid that he would kill the Tang emperor during the war and establish a new emperor.

Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty's combat power is gathered on the front line to fight against the aliens, leaving an empty force behind.

The appearance of the rebels was quite expected.

With the arrangement of the heavenly book and the severance of messages. It would be strange if no rebels showed up.

The Tang Dynasty court was not worried about the rebels. Although these rebels were large in number, they could not penetrate the internal defense of the Tang leader's world.

Even Datang, with most of its combat power on the front lines, still had considerable standing strength. The combat strength ratio with the rebels was three to one.

In addition to the head of the Tang Dynasty, there are also three Tang Dynasty demigods to look after it.

So there was a joke within Datang, and it was said that it came from the palace. I don’t know who the great talent is.

‘You would rather believe that the rebels can reach the leader world than believe that I am General Li Ba, and you would rather kill me than fifty? ’

The civil and military officials laughed for a moment. Indeed, unless the surrounding governors and generals of the Tang Dynasty were a bunch of pigs, how could the rebels get here? This is the center of the Tang Dynasty, the capital world that all Tang people long for. How could mere rebels desecrate this place?

But a joke is a joke, and the Tang Dynasty world under its control is also well prepared to resist the rebels.

Prepare troops, relocate the population, and strengthen the defense of the hub world.

Although the situation is tense, it has not yet reached the point of collapse.

So many officials and students believed that everything would be fine as long as Master Wang was dispatched.

As a result, battle groups and fleets gathered in the capital world.

But in the palace, there were green and white jade hands turning the pages of the book.

"We have been planning for so many years and have promoted countless generals and civil servants. They are all over the world, how could they be blocked so easily?" The holder chuckled: "Although the plan was forced to be advanced, the general trend has been achieved. . By the way, have you found the movement inside Xuanwu Gate?"

The palace maid next to her said: "No, the two battle groups and Xue Rengui were sealed inside, and they were guarded by demigods themselves, unable to transmit any information. We don't know what kind of extraterrestrial objects they were at that time."

The holder thought and shook his head: "Well, at least you helped us block Xue Rengui, didn't you? Now the veteran Zhenguan is either sitting on one side or on the front line. Among the new generation of famous generals, the only one who is truly powerful is Xue Rengui. Humph, it's so cliche. Empire, then it is up to us to create a new Tang Dynasty. Due to historical changes, the Tang Dynasty has no Emperor Wu, but I was born."

If we follow history, the Tang Dynasty will have the only female emperor in Chinese history, Wu Zetian.

But because history was acquired in advance, Datang tried its best to avoid this situation.

Otherwise, would you still be watching Li Er's woman crawl into Li Zhi's bed?

In short, under the deliberate control of the Tang Dynasty, the Queen did not appear.

But the holders of the Heavenly Book have absolute confidence. Holding the Book of Heaven and being the chosen one of the gods, she is very confident that she can become the new empress.

This stems from her secret arrangements over the years.

Send certain people who have experienced special changes to a special location at a special time. Then she will make the choice she wants.

Rebel coalition? It was just a bait to attract the remaining strength of the Tang Dynasty!

Do they think they have no more arrangements?

The Book of Heaven will not fight a war without any certainty.

Li Shimin, General Li Ba.

You won the blood river bet back then. The Blood River forces will no longer target the Tang Dynasty within a hundred years, but the other adults are not included in this.

Not all adults are as impulsive as Blood River.

Now, three of the four or five masters of Chaos have already sneaked into the Tang Dynasty with their help.

And I will use these powers to lead you to a higher peak!

Today, Li Shimin and the Zhenguan Mengnan Tiantang are on the front line, and the front line information and logistics are cut off. Maybe he has been sent to that death place by Tian Yanhui.

Tianyanhui, Tianyanhui, very useful chess pieces. It's really thanks to them that human genius is so depleted.

Even after the plan is successful, Evil God Li Ba is a terrifying existence that must be feared.

We must prevent this guy from returning to the Tang Dynasty and regain the world of the Tang Dynasty in the name of General Tiance.

However, now he is countless light years away. Even if he comes back after killing him, it will take thousands or tens of thousands of years.

At that time, there was no possibility of recapture here.

Now, who else can come back to help Datang?

"Since we have been given this opportunity, don't miss it. Let's get started." The holder of the Book of Heaven said calmly.

"Here!" The palace maid left quietly.

Two battle groups took over the defense of the imperial city.

On the other side, a large number of fleets and battle groups gathered in the summit world. Located in the port in space, large and small fleets cover a starry sky.

They come from various worlds that are still under the control of the Tang Dynasty.

Among them, there are even legions from Chenhai World.

Li Zhi was sitting in the palace. Under the astonished eyes of the civil and military officials, he walked to the entrance of the palace and pointed in the direction of the space port.

"Look, this is my army. With just a slight order, they will eradicate any enemy for me." Li Zhi pointed to the distance and smiled.

All the civil and military officials didn't know why Li Zhi suddenly said this, so they could only congratulate His Majesty.

Li Zhi added: "Unfortunately, there is some rebellion mixed in. Today, I gave them the opportunity to gather here. I hope they can take advantage of it! If you don't seize this opportunity to assassinate the king, you will really It’s a pity.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the civil and military officials suddenly changed.

They never thought that Li Zhi would use themselves as bait.

Knowing that there might be rebellion among the troops, he still allowed the troops to assemble in the summit world?

However, almost at the same time, a flash of light burst out in the sky, and fierce battles suddenly broke out among several assembled battle groups and fleets.

The landing pods of many loyal battle groups were suddenly lowered, and the confused Jiawei warriors inside looked at each other and left the battlefield.

There were also many rebels defeated by loyal warriors.

But there were also more fleets that forcibly broke through the port and quickly approached Chang'an City.

At the same time, shouts of killing could be heard outside the palace.

The officials looked out in horror, and suddenly discovered that the two battle groups that were supposed to guard the palace suddenly launched an attack on the Jinwu Guard and Qianniu Guard battle groups that were guarding the palace.

"As your Majesty said, today is the day to kill King Assassin!" A demigod whispered, and he was one of the three demigods of the Tang Dynasty who guarded the capital world!

He appeared out of thin air above the palace and was blocked by another Tang Dynasty demigod.

Li Zhi smiled calmly and said: "Just a demigod? I don't know, do you think that the Tang Dynasty can't kill demigods?"

"Your Majesty, you are worrying too much." The demigod responded calmly.

On top of the rapidly approaching battleship, four more demigod auras spurted out.

For this operation, Tianshu secretly trained four demigods, plus a guarding demigod whom they had won over. A total of five demigods!

There are only two demigods in the Tang Dynasty.

Is the outcome determined?

Li Changhe looked into the void and laughed mockingly.

In an instant, orders that shocked everyone resounded through the void. That being who should never appear here is using his authority!

‘The first sequence has been checked, Admiral Tiance! ’

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