Sequence Player

Chapter 61 Den

This time Li Changhe was not careless at all. In order not to be disturbed by any [players], Li Changhe released all the black hawks in one breath.

The black car pursued them at three different distances and angles.

In this way, even if a black hawk is eliminated, Li Changhe can react quickly and control the black hawk to avoid it. Or release the Black Hawk again.

"It seems that there are quite a few of them, and they might be a trafficking den." Li Changhe himself was sitting at a stall on the street.

The four-dimensional perspective made his mind a little confused. According to Mr. Bai, this was the result of insufficient energy.

So, just close your eyes.

Control the black hawk and focus on chasing the traffickers. His hands have reached his hometown, and it is useless for Li Changhe to think that he is a good person.

If I don’t stage a scene about Death Coming for them, I’d be sorry for my dad raising me!

"Yesterday, they bought seven bowls of beef noodles and five chicken drumsticks in Hulina. They left in a van."

He Feng nodded: "According to what they said, they planned to do something last night. It's really arrogant, but the little girl got home first and went into the store to buy noodles in order not to appear abnormal. In that case, in my heart High tension. Number of people speaking out.”

"It should be very close." Li Changhe thought for a while: "Set the target to be at least seven people, and we do not rule out the possibility of victims."

"If there are victims, we just need not to affect them." He Feng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He didn't know when he learned this.

He smoked faintly and blew out smoke rings skillfully.

Only the cigarette butt flickers in the smoke.

The man and woman were very cautious. After taking a circuit along the river, they changed into a car and consciously changed their clothes before driving towards the suburbs.

During this period, Li Changhe released six black eagles back and forth. Alternate monitoring. It took a lot of energy to follow them.

Afterwards, their vehicle left Yanyun territory from the southwest and stopped in a small village on the border with Yinshan City next door.

The drop off location is a motel.

Li Changhe controlled Black Eagle and stayed there for a long time. I never saw them leave again. This should be it.

"It's really cautious. We drove hundreds of kilometers. We also have anti-reconnaissance methods." Li Changhe shook his head slightly, if it weren't for the fact that the Black Hawk can fly and has super vision. It's really hard to keep up with them.

Mark a location on the mobile phone map and hand it to He Feng beside you.

"It turns out we just left the Yanyun area." He Feng looked at the map carefully: "If an unfamiliar face suddenly appears around you, it may attract the attention of the neighbors. But in this kind of wilderness, with It would be safer if we used the hotel as a cover, but I don’t know if that’s their hideout.”

"If there is a victim, it's impossible for the hotel not to notice it. Either it was bribed, or it's just a group of people. It's impossible to say it's okay." Li Changhe thought for a while and checked on his mobile phone. That hotel.

A hotel registered three years ago. However, from the appearance, it is difficult to imagine that this is a store that has only been opened for three years. The furnishings and signboards outside the store are a bit old. Most people would probably choose another hotel a few hundred meters away, which looks cleaner.

Very suspicious.

"You'll know after you give it a try." After determining the location, there was no difficulty in this plan.

Because the angle is different, the other party is a criminal.

No matter what the trouble is, they don't want to touch it.

For example, when Li Changhe fell down outside their door, he said that the floor was too slippery and he wanted to pay for some medical expenses. Otherwise, call the police.

Do they dare to retaliate? No, they would rather give the money privately. Because of a guilty conscience.

On the other hand, Li Changhe and He Feng are two good young people who abide by the law.

As long as [the player's] identity is not discovered, the police can ask questions.

In fact, the two of them only had to fight in front of the hotel to attract the police. That group of people was almost gone.

But Li Changhe and the other two didn't want them to be sent to prison just like that.

The crime of human trafficking is divided into three levels.

Fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years.

Fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years or life imprisonment.

The most serious one is the death penalty.

They have reached out to their hometown, and if they don’t chop them off, it’s not in line with their character.

If you don't kill them, [Halo] will cry, okay?

"Hurry up, don't let [The Great Wall] and the others get the upper hand." Li Changhe paused: "We must let them remember our angry look even in hell."

"Don't use equipment unless it's absolutely necessary. Even if you use equipment, don't use the same costumes we have used in the past. To avoid any loopholes being seen by others." He Feng reminded.

The mountain armor and bird's beak mask should be kept out of sight as much as possible. The recognition is too high.

Needless to say, Shan Wenjia is the logo of [Jiangjun Mountain]. Xiao Shi, the bird-beaked doctor, can’t do it either. The former is too eye-catching, while the latter is offending.

"As long as it's fast enough, there won't be any accidents."

He Feng nodded, and suddenly asked as if something sounded, "Is that woman dead?"

"Ten years in prison." Li Changhe knew who He Feng was talking about and simply responded: "It's a pity that he committed suicide in prison."

"That's a pity." He Feng patted Li Changhe on the shoulder.

The most regrettable thing in life is to be harmed when you are weak. After you get the power of revenge, that person is already dead. What a pity.

Two hours later.

On the road near the hotel, a man dressed as a cleaner was cleaning up the garbage on the roadside.

In the distance, an old man selling sweet potatoes was warming himself by the fire.

Young men and women in the other direction are carrying badminton. Sweat, youthfulness.

However, they will sometimes glance at the hotel.

"Is this the target?" Someone whispered in the dark. The voice was a little hoarse.

"According to the information obtained, the van stopped in Yanyun City. The two people on it changed to a bus and traveled a distance, then got into a car." Someone responded: "It finally stopped here. "

"It seems a bit suspicious when you look at it this way. Unfortunately, we don't know whether the source of the intelligence is reliable." The person who spoke first said: "The police are investigating closely. If they can capture me, don't take action and continue to hide." Just keep them safe.”

"What if the enemy has a [player]?"

"Then let them have a taste of the Crow team's coordinated attack."

"What if [players] intervene?" Someone asked in a low voice: "You also know that some [players] have the only way to solve problems."

"It depends on the situation. If it is really a human trafficker, he will die if he dies." The hoarse voice paused: "But we can't rule out that it may be to silence people, so be careful!"

"Crowpaw, there's a situation. Be careful."

Hearing the warning, the young man disguised as a cleaner turned back and glanced at the hotel.

I saw a man with a yellow crown on his head and a yellow robe.

Delivery boy!

Carrying a few plastic bags, I approached the hotel.

"You really have worked in all kinds of jobs." Among the [Friends], [He Weifeng] sighed with emotion.

In the takeaway helmet, the face wearing a mask pulled out a smile.

"Isn't it true that he is called the working emperor for nothing?"

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