Sequence Player

Chapter 226 Black Umbrella

Among the passenger information Li Changhe got from the magic mirror, there was this guy in front of him.

Huang Hai, whose real name is Liu Yan.

He was once paralyzed on one side of his body due to an accident with ulterior motives. But after boarding that night bus, his body miraculously recovered. He changed his appearance and became the owner and coach of a gym.

From a poor man who could only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, he became a strong and healthy fitness expert. He really had an incredible transformation.

However, because of his previous experience, he had a habit that was not known to outsiders.

As a fitness coach, he could get in touch with many guys who were good at physical exercise, and coaxed or knocked them out to this basement.

Then he forced the other party to fight with him until the other party died completely. Not limited to gender and age, not limited to age gap, he just liked the feeling of fighting with fists.

Of course, this is not accurate. He actually prefers the miserable expression of the other party when he attacks others.

It is a one-sided slaughter, and his attributes are already higher than ordinary people. The people he brought here were all beaten to death by him.

This is also the reason why he did not escape but took the initiative to enter the underground room after discovering someone entering it.

He was confident in his own strength and believed that he could deal with Bai Luohe, a young and slender girl.

But now, he encountered a more violent guy.

Huang Hai could clearly feel how terrible the young man in front of him was. He had killed many people! A murderer like himself was simply not a big deal in front of him.

Li Changhe was not a bloodthirsty person, but after one mission after another, more than a hundred enemies died in his hands.

When he released his hostility without reservation, no one could despise him.

Huang Hai felt his throat dry and his expression stiff. He tightly grasped the wrench in his hand and roared towards Li Changhe.

This was not to die, but to survive. He knew that the guy in front of him would never let him go, so all he had to do was to beat him to death!

Li Changhe was unmoved, but observed the details of Huang Hai's movements. According to the information obtained from the magic mirror, Huang Hai has killed many people, including a black belt in Taekwondo. This is completely impossible for an ordinary person who was still in a wheelchair half a year ago.

"The agility attribute is at least 8 points. As for strength," Li Changhe stretched out his hand to catch the wrench that Huang Hai chopped down. With his attributes and damage reduction effect, he had no difficulty in taking this attack: "It's almost 8 points, or maybe higher."

"I see, do you prefer to use attribute crushing to deal with others?"

Li Changhe tilted his head and looked at Huang Hai: "You have gained some kind of power to strengthen yourself. Come, tell me where the destination of that bus is."

Huang Hai's face changed, and he immediately gave up the wrench caught by Li Changhe.

At the same time, he stepped closer again, and his fist with brass knuckles hit Li Changhe's neck. Every move was murderous.

However, Li Changhe grabbed the wrench and swung it horizontally, and he was the first to arrive after being attacked, and hit Huang Hai's chin.

The strong force almost smashed his jaw, and at the same time made his eyes blurry. He fell to the ground again.

He longed for a fight, but he crushed his target with his abnormal attributes, and when greater violence appeared, he could only be crushed.

"If it were me, I would bite off his limbs. Let him see what hell on earth is." The little black cat approached, spoke human language, and looked at Li Changhe with dissatisfaction.

It hated the way Huang Hai looked at Bai Luohe. If Li Changhe hadn't intervened, Huang Hai's fate would be even worse now.

"Don't worry. Now, he can't die." Li Changhe took out the [Seal of the Heroic Spirit] from his [Backpack] and placed it on Huang Hai's back. Black hair flowed out of his cuffs.

He Feng, who was taking shelter from the wind near the villa, waited for more than ten minutes and saw Li Changhe and Bai Luohe leaving the basement with a woman.

He approached and asked, "Have you found out?"

"Basically, I understand everything. Brother Ting's ability is particularly effective against this kind of guy." Li Changhe responded, the old method, using the Seal of the Heroic Spirit to absorb the opponent's energy value, and then using Brother Ting's ability to perceive what he was thinking.

Afterwards, the three of them placed the unconscious woman at an intersection far from the villa. After Bai Luohe's first aid, the woman would not be in any danger of life for the time being.

"Then let's retreat first." He Feng looked around, then took a breath and shouted: "Someone, someone is killing someone!"

The voice was very shrill and harsh, and it also disturbed the nearby residents. Seeing someone running here, the three people and the cat immediately left the scene.

Soon, the sirens of police cars and ambulances resounded throughout the street.

"First of all, it's Liu Yan's personal information." Li Changhe and his group hid in a car on the side of the road, watching the police car whizzing past the window, and continued: "He was originally a poor man who was beaten to paralysis by social people. Of course, now it seems that he is not pitiful."

"He is not a poor man who has tortured so many people. I won't ask how he ended up." He Feng nodded and asked: "Then what?"

"Then, it was half a year ago. A person found him. From his memory, he could not understand the appearance and characteristics of that person. It should have been sorted out through memory." Li Changhe organized his thoughts and responded: "The other party gave He bought a black umbrella and told him how to get on the bus. It was said that as long as he got to a certain place, he could fulfill his wish. This was the last hope for Liu Yan who was desperate. You can guess it. He boarded the bus one night half a year ago and then changed his identity and opened a gym here. Not only did he recover from his disability, he also changed his identity. His attributes have even improved a lot.”

Most of the attributes of ordinary people are 4-6, athletes may have 7 points, and a very small number of peak athletes can train their strength or agility to 8 points.

It is basically impossible to go up. Unless there is long-term training with an extraordinary system.

But Liu Yan's attributes are not low, if you say [player], that's it. But he is neither a player nor an extraordinary person.

But he has such power that he is addicted to the pleasure of killing others.

"Does that mean we need to recommend someone? How do we get in?" He Feng frowned.

"Don't worry, I have already obtained Liu Yan's black umbrella. It is said that when he meets some poor people who need this kind of help, he can give the black umbrella. This should be the other party's way of attracting members."

"But how could a guy like this, who is obsessed with power, allow others to gain similar power to him?"

"That's right." Li Changhe's eyes flashed coldly: "And I was worried that the other party might notice something happened to Liu Yan. In order not to alert the snake, I did not kill him. Instead, I broke his limbs and threw him in The basement. The woman who was severely injured and unconscious by him would definitely notify the police if he was still alive. Of course, under normal circumstances, he would not be able to survive that. when."

"That woman was seriously injured. She won't wake up in the next two days." Bai Luohe said: "The victim who was abused by him has become his life-saving straw. He must be desperate now."

"And two days later, even if the other party finds out that something happened to Liu Yan, it will be too late." Li Changhe smiled slightly: "Because I will board the bus tomorrow."

At that time, it wasn’t what they said!

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