Sequence Player

Chapter 228 Getting in the car

From Liu Yan's memory, we learned that the person who got the black umbrella. They are often people who are extremely desperate or haunted by evil spirits.

The appearance and state that Li Changhe showed at this moment was the latter.

Using [mimetic clay] and Bai Luohe's makeup techniques, Li Changhe's appearance was disguised.

The disguised identity is that of a migrant worker who was inadvertently provoked by evil spirits and forced into desperation.

After meeting Liu Yan, he got the black umbrella and the location to get on the bus. I came here this time to gain new life.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with taking it literally." In her mind, Yunting complained.

Because Li Changhe is really in this situation.

The evil spirits on the body=possessed by Brother Ting

Young migrant worker = migrant emperor

Meet Liu Yan and get the black umbrella = cripple Liu Yan and grab the black umbrella. Well, with a little bit of detail taken care of, Li Changhe’s statement seems to be fine.

"Uh-huh, as long as Brother Ting protects me, I won't be easily discovered." Li Changhe responded in his mind while holding a black umbrella and gradually approaching the destination.

I saw a light in the distance, it was a billboard. The lights above are the only source of light in this area.

Afterwards, I soon saw several people dressed similarly to myself under the billboard. On the mobile phone, remember ‘→\\B\\iq\\u\\g\\\\o\\m’ in one second to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

They were also wearing black clothes and holding black umbrellas. They were silent in the heavy rain, like ghosts.

No wonder the driver ran away without even asking for the fare. This outfit looks weird no matter how you look at it.

"When I got off the bus, I looked at the time on the bus. It was 11:49, which was about ten minutes before the bus showed up. People should have almost arrived."

Li Changhe approached from the rain, and everyone's eyes were focused on him, but Li Changhe's eyes showed fear and nervousness. After nodding with everyone, he hid aside.

At the same time, I quietly observed those guys. They should be the passengers who will board the bus this time.

There were not many people, only six including Li Changhe.

A middle-aged man and woman, judging from their intimate appearance, they should be husband and wife. Among them, the woman's expression was not good, and the man carefully protected her.

An old man on crutches, although his face already has very obvious wrinkles, his eyes are very sharp.

There was also a tall woman wearing a black winter coat, her face obscured by a veil.

The last one is a man with a plaster on his right leg.

He was leaning on an iron crutch and his face was very gloomy. Judging from the wounds on his face, it looked like something had happened to him. She was smoking with the man in the couple.

"Hey, Hezi. Have we started chatting?" Li Changhe asked in [Friends]. That was Hezi's disguise. His disguised identity was that of a student who was bullied at a certain university.

This is also quite consistent with the conditions for boarding public transportation. As for the two of them coming here one after another, it was to avoid arousing speculation from others.

He Feng arrived here ten minutes ago. Both of them have insect god vests and are not worried about being noticed.

"At least since I came here, they haven't had any noteworthy contact. But the man of the couple came up to talk to me." In [Friends], He Feng responded: "Judging from the words, deeds, and stance , He should be nothing special. After his wife had a miscarriage, someone gave them two black umbrellas and they planned to come here to try their luck."

"If this place is really as magical as it says, then it is indeed worth a try." Li Changhe thought to himself, if he was not a [player], he would not have access to those magical extraordinary drugs.

I'm afraid I'd give it a try under the same circumstances.

"That old man came earlier than us. He didn't have contact with anyone, but you should be able to detect it. He is very unusual." He Feng continued: "As for that woman, she was two years earlier than you. Minutes. I haven’t seen anything fishy yet.”

The group waited in the rain for several minutes until the last passenger arrived.

It was a tall priest.

Yes, he was a middle-aged blond priest wearing black clothes and hanging a cross.

"Pray to me, and I will give your kingdoms an inheritance, and they will be yours to the ends of the earth. You will break them into pieces like pottery with your black iron staff."

He read out psalms from the Old Testament of the Bible, holding a black umbrella and walking quickly. The momentum is like a tide.

The old man on crutches had a cold look in his eyes at this moment. The crutch in his hand was held in his hand like a weapon. He is indeed no ordinary old man.

"Fuck, is this atmosphere about to start a fight?" Li Changhe and He Feng's hearts sank. At this time, they just hoped to board the bus and find Luo Qiao.

Wouldn't this priest come out halfway and disrupt their plan?

The two people's thoughts are surprisingly consistent. Are you so desperate that you are going to cause trouble now?

Just as they were thinking about how to get out of this situation, everyone was startled by the light coming from the distance.

It was a bus that drove out of the rain, and it drove past the uncovered highway somewhere. Stopped silently on the side of the road.

The priest in black couldn't help but stop. He glanced at the old man, let out a laugh of unknown meaning, and then walked towards the bus.

The bus door opened slowly, obviously not caring about what the priest had done before.

The old man looked ugly, but he didn't have an attack.

He glanced at the people who had not yet reacted and said, "Get in the car, your wish will come true soon."

"Old man, can cancer really be cured here?" asked the middle-aged man who was talking to He Feng.

He didn't even know that when the priest appeared, the two had already gone toe-to-toe. Now, he just wants to know this question.

The old man frowned visibly, but he still said calmly: "You will know when you get to the station. This car will not wait for anyone."

After that, he didn't linger any longer and boarded the bus.

The masked woman followed.

The couple hesitated for a moment, and then got in the car with Li Changhe and others.

Li Changhe took back his black umbrella and looked towards the driver's seat as soon as he boarded the bus.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a young man wearing light clothes. In this weather, there was no air conditioning in the car, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Instead, he grinned at Li Changhe, revealing his shark-like fangs, which were still covered with bloodshot threads and pieces of flesh.

Fortunately, the couple didn't see this scene, otherwise they would have been scared away.

"The bleeding gums need to be treated." Li Changhe resisted the urge to complain. A frightened and evasive look appeared on his face, and he quickly walked into the car. Find a place to sit down.

The driver made a teasing sound, as if he was mocking Li Changhe for his timidity.

Li Changhe didn't care either. His main task now was to find Luo Qiao first.

Just laugh, and when you are done with things, you will cry.

After seeing powerful weirdos such as Jack and Red Shoes, and even divine weirdos.

Li Changhe estimated that a shot put would beat this guy to tears.

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