Sequence Player

Well, the Tang Dynasty you all wanted is finally here.

"Demon God Baal, the demon god in charge of the power of wind and thunder among Solomon's Seventy-Two Demonic God Pillars." Li Changhe was surrounded by green flames, and he heard a voice without joy: "Before, you instantly supported Hai Qing, and you used Use the power of this demon? Do you still have this speed here?"

Hai Lingshan frowned slightly.

Judging from the increasingly dangerous aura exuding from Li Changhe. It should be to summon some kind of dangerous existence.

Are you trying to delay time?

"Don't bother. This space does have some influence on the power of lightning." Hai Lingshan waved his scimitar: "But you don't naively think that I can only fight with the power of the devil, right?"

Of course it's impossible. Not to mention it's just influence. Even if he didn't use the power of [Demon God Baal] at all, Li Changhe would be no match for Hai Lingshan.

[Sequence Gene], level, attributes. They are all gaps. The kick just now almost killed Li Changhe.

But as long as Hai Lingshan doesn't explode at this moment, he can kill Chen Yan and Zhu Hou instantly. Then Li Changhe still has hope!

71 seconds!

Li Changhe suddenly raised his hand and shot an arrow at Hai Lingshan, and Hai Lingshan's speed suddenly increased. A flash of lightning flashed and he dodged the arrows of the 'Three Moon Companies'.

He quickly crashed into Li Changhe.

However, less than five meters away from Li Changhe, he was intercepted by several Mo Dao.

The Tang soldiers who walked out of the green fire stood firmly between the two of them. The Mo Dao Formation of the Tang Dynasty faced the enemy head on. In ancient times this was the most deadly sword formation. He has the evil reputation of "when the Mo Dao comes out, both men and horses will be torn to pieces". Countless cavalrymen suffered under this formation.

However, the opponent at this moment is not some charging cavalry. But the fantasy species [player] who is proud of the others!

Hai Lingshan raised his eyebrows, raised his sword and turned it around, drawing out a twisted sword light, like a turbulent river, graceful but deadly.

【Streaming Light Slash】

Mo Dao shattered instantly, and the green fire flashed on the soldiers of Datang Mo Dao again. Transform into a heavy crossbowman and fire a volley in the face!

Hai Lingshan's armor burst out with lightning, and he tried to get close to Li Changhe despite resisting the heavy crossbow fire.

Also, the defense of [Magic Equipment] is extremely strong, and a heavy crossbow cannot kill even a single [Possessor]

But in the next moment, he saw a huge eight-oxen crossbow appearing in front of Li Changhe behind the heavy crossbowmen.

Li Changhe stepped heavily on the trigger of the Eight Ox Crossbow, and an arrow thicker than the mouth of a bowl shot straight into Hai Lingshan's chest.

This is different from the heavy crossbow. The heavy crossbow is an anti-personnel weapon, but this is an anti-city weapon. Ancient soldiers used this kind of siege chisel to create a foothold on the city wall to climb up and attack the city.

"There are so many tricks!" Hai Lingshan cursed angrily and grabbed the huge arrow with his left hand. The power of this ancient siege weapon should not be underestimated, and it flew over the top of Hailing Mountain more than ten meters.

I just wanted to get rid of the arrow that was in the way.

The arrow exploded!


This was Chen Yu's suggestion while still in the aquarium. Tie high explosives into the arrows of the Eight Bull Crossbow.

Li Changhe got a lot of explosives from Chen Yu at that time. All tied up.

This kind of explosive is not enough to kill Hai Lingshan. But enough of the delay!

59 seconds!

Li Changhe thought quickly, and the arrow that was thrown back was because Hai Lingshan was too fast. The arrow was immediately caught and thrown back. It should be the power of [Demon God Baal].

Now his speed is still very fast, but he can barely keep up! There's drama!

At the same time, Yunting shouted in her mind: "Back there! Give me the knife!"

Li Changhe turned around instantly, the space wave in his right hand flashed, and he threw the [Ding Tang Dao] directly.

It's the shark [player]!

It was a thin shark, slightly smaller than the other shark soldiers. They wanted to sneak attack Li Changhe and cover up his aura. Li Changhe didn't notice, but Yunting kept staring at them!

The shark [player] waved to Li Changhe in the air. Judging from the spatial fluctuations in his hand, he was trying to perform a [backpack trick].

He let the [Ding Tang Dao] pierce his shoulder and burst out blood, then waved it at Li Changhe.

A giant hammer appeared, and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty immediately blocked it with shields, but the human shields were still smashed by the huge force. Li Changhe subconsciously raised his hand to defend and heard a "click" in his left hand, and it was dislocated!

Definitely [Skill]!

Li Changhe gritted his teeth to hold back the pain, and instead of retreating, he moved closer and punched the scabbard of the Hengdao [Tiger Climbing Mountain Hardly]!

The horizontal knife penetrated directly through the shoulder of the shark [player] under the huge force. Li Changhe grabbed the handle of the horizontal knife and twisted it hard.

The effect of [Twelve Continuous Slashes] is triggered, and the slashes spread instantly within the shark's body. The shark [player] stiffened and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Li Changhe had no time to rejoice in severely injuring an enemy, so he grabbed the horizontal knife and directly lifted the shark to the right.

And a cold light flashed, directly cutting the shark [player] in half and hitting Li Changhe's right side of the abdomen.

Li Changhe flew out and hit the stalagmite heavily.

45 seconds!

Blood oozed from the bronze mask, as if the mask was oozing blood and tears.

"Didn't you fucking say you wanted to strengthen the strength of the Sea Clan? Why didn't you even spare your own teammates!" Li Changhe cursed angrily. At the same time, I felt cold, damn, my ribs were broken!

"Compared to a [player], I feel it is more important to kill you." Hai Lingshan said coldly, the scimitar in his hand was still dripping with the shark's blood.

There are still 40 seconds!

It's all been too long!

"Li Changhe?" A voice came from behind.

It turned out that Hai Lingshan's slashing attack directly knocked Li Changhe away to where Zhu Hou and the others were lying down.

They are now seriously injured and on the verge of death, and can only speak a few words at most.

Li Changhe did not dare to look back: "Zhu Hou and my cousin, I can't save you. This time I am here to take them to feed the dogs!"

"That's enough" Zhu Hou's voice was broken.

Chen Yanze still had some strength: "I finally admired someone, but you are Li Ba! What will Xiao Nan do if you die here?"

"You said I couldn't protect her, and now my life is at stake, why are you still blaming me? If you weren't from the girl's mother-in-law, I would shoot you an arrow!" Dozens of Tang Dynasty heavy crossbowmen appeared in front of Li Changhe, and he himself Immediately use [Wind Demon Old Lead] to break the stalagmite, and the cave will be covered with mud for a while.

Temporarily blocking the opponent's line of sight.

There are 37 seconds left!

Only then did Li Changhe look back, feeling cold in his heart.

Both of Zhu Hou's hands were severed. The chest was penetrated.

Chen Yan was pierced through the abdomen with an iron spear and nailed to the ground. It should be because he is afraid that she still has fighting strength.

Li Changhe stretched out his hand to pull out the iron spear from Chen Yan's body. Instead, Chen Yan vomited out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"How long will it take before that thing comes out?" Zhu Hou asked breathlessly.

"30 seconds!" Li Changhe turned around and warned.

"Even if it comes out, it will leave as soon as you die. You have to wait until the other party dies," Zhu Hou responded with difficulty.

Li Changhe was stunned. In other words, when the hound came out, he only needed to be killed first. Then the plan to replace Hai Lingshan failed!

Zhu Hou shook his head helplessly and struggled to move his broken arm. Three carefully carved small stones appeared in his hand.

【Energy Rune】

"So let me help you one last time." Zhu Hou smiled in a low voice: "Thank you for helping me before and treat it like I'm paying you back. If you want to protect Xiao Nan, go ahead and fight with all your might!"

The second after Zhu Hou said those words.

A sword shadow wrapped in thunder passed through all the rubble and struck Li Changhe straight!

"No, you have no chance!"

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