Sequence Player

Chapter 250: Becoming a Demon

The killing in the Yuezhou military camp ended quickly. Most of the hundreds of standing army armored soldiers, thousands of auxiliary troops, and tens of thousands of conscripts garrisoned in the military camp were killed or injured.

The sudden fatal attack and the gap in combat power completely sealed their last chance of survival. They never expected that the heroic battle group would actually raise a butcher knife against their own people.

Standing army soldiers had their bodies severed by chain axes and their armor pierced by eight-oxen crossbows.

Martial arts masters and even martial arts extraordinary people were trampled to pieces by armored warriors.

The auxiliary army and recruiters were even more powerless against the Longwei Chapter.

Then, a huge number of Chaos servants emerged from the mountain of corpses in the military camp.

They look similar to humans, but their bodies are different. The red skin shows strange lines, and the black fangs and whites of the eyes are even more daunting.

They rushed out of the military camp and fortress and launched a terrifying attack on all living creatures in the outside world.

Their first opponent was the soldiers of the auxiliary army patrolling nearby. The turmoil in the military camp was no longer a secret. The soldiers who had a chance to escape brought out the terrible truth.

So on the road leading to Yuezhou City, a Tang captain roared and led a few soldiers into a military formation to meet the terrifying servants of Chaos.

Crossbows fired in volleys, chainsaws and halberds were fired, and the curtain of the Third Alien War of the Tang Dynasty completely unfolded.

What they were trying to do was buy time so that the people of the nearby Tang Dynasty could escape into Yuezhou City.

They are not fighting alone. Many people from the Tang Dynasty came to watch this conscription.

The Tang Dynasty was very martial, and there were countless good warriors among the people.

When the school captain commanded the battle, many martial artists and talented scholars joined the battle.

This time, the Chaos servants were suppressed, and hundreds of Chaos servants were beaten to pieces by the military formation.

But when the armored warriors of the Longwei Chapter rushed out of the military camp. The battle that had been fought so hard collapsed.

Just like the armies of other countries facing armored warriors, they were beaten back and forth.

The powerful crossbow arrows cannot penetrate the armor's defense, and the chain saw halberd can only leave white marks on the armor. The martial arts masters were even more miserable. They were trampled to pieces by the cavalry before they could show their superb fighting skills.

Not everyone can fight against armored warriors with their mortal bodies like the personal soldier Yang Dong. It's still this organized group of heroes. Even the wielder has to avoid its edge.

When the captain's head was crushed by the giant steel hand, the entire battle collapsed completely.

All they could do was to delay the Longwei Group's killing knife as much as possible.

There was a scholar who drew his sword to fight, angrily shouted and questioned, but what he received in response was a chain saw with an ax without mercy.

Some martial arts masters punched to stop him, but they could only make the armored warrior pause slightly. Then he was beaten to death.

The unique weapon of the Tang Dynasty was aimed at the people of the Tang Dynasty today.

Among the people fleeing to Yuezhou City, a woman holding a young child burst into tears.

The captain whose head was crushed was her husband. She originally wanted to surprise her husband on duty with her children.

But unexpectedly, he saw the most desperate scene in his life.

But she couldn't die, she had to keep her husband's only bloodline.

Seeing that the Yuezhou City Gate was approaching, the heavy footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer. They were the unique footsteps of armored warriors. In the past, when the people of the Tang Dynasty heard this voice, they would offer blessings and respect.

Every time an armored warrior patrols the streets, his body will be covered with gifts given by enthusiastic people. The soldiers are also proud of it.

But at this moment, this footsteps sounded like a hypnotic death knell. Everywhere he went there was killing and no mercy.

The soldiers and martial arts masters who wanted to block their steps were completely silent.

Just when a woman thinks she is going to die with her child.

There was a familiar vibration in front of the woman and a roar that contained endless rage.

"Traitor, die to me!"

The ground shook, and a blue armor rushed out of the city gate with heavy steps, chopping with a chain ax in its hand. Collided with a black and red armored warrior. Behind him, blue armors roared and wielded axes, blocking the rebels' progress outside the city gate.

Yuezhou City garrison soldiers appear!

They saved the woman who almost died. The last batch of soldiers and civilians were also saved.

The person who took action was the captain of the fourth team of the Standing Battle Group whom Li Changhe had seen. He looked at the approaching Longwei Battle Group soldiers and roared angrily: "You beasts!"

He knew that these guys in front of him were once his brothers and his comrades-in-arms.

But not anymore!

"All fire! Let these beasts see the power of the Tang Dynasty defenders!" the captain roared, and at the same time, the ballistae on the city wall also fired. The offensive of the rebels and Chaos servants was suppressed for a time.

Where such cities are built, they are designed to protect against armored warriors.

Even if they face the strongest battle group, they still have the ability to defend.

"Xue Shen, if you have the skills, let me chop off your dog's head!" On the city wall, the captain of the fourth team had actually been seriously injured. When the incident occurred, someone also launched an assassination attempt on him. But a wall of ice that came from nowhere blocked the fatal blow.

He successfully repelled the enemy. Endless anger filled his brain, and he ignored the pain in his body and roared. Ordered the soldiers to fire the ballistae.

He knew that Li Yang and the others could not come back.

They, Qian Niuwei and others all entered the rebel encirclement, and their own strength had no effect in the past. All we can do now is defend Yuezhou City!

The white king who rushed back saw that scene and opened the bone bow in his hand, but she did not attack the captain of the fourth team rashly.

She knew that someone was waiting for her to take action.

Once she reveals her whereabouts, the opponent will launch that fatal attack.

There must be long-range players ready to snipe Chaos believers like themselves at any time.

The companion who originally sneaked into the city to cooperate with the city's destruction was now dead, and the companion who killed the martial arts master in the chaos was also hit by an unknown attack and turned directly into a mummy.

We are all players, who will look down on whom?

Bai Wang was not careless at all, she knew that the plan was progressing. Datang's military power was completely locked down, and several loyal war groups were wiped out.

But the danger for players has not been reduced in the slightest.

【Number of participants: 429】

After a commotion, a total of more than 70 players left the dungeon. Some escaped with coins, others were killed outright.

Some players will choose to reveal their identity and kill the enemy with a sword.

There are also some players who will continue to hide their identities until the time is right to deliver a fatal blow.

For example, now, once exposed, they will be besieged by the war group. Even the possessor cannot escape death. Now, the sooner the identity is revealed, the better.

"However, the plan was successful." King Bai looked at the tall city wall. She knew that the population within the city wall had reached the largest ever.

There was a huge increase in the number of people coming and going during the Great Recruitment. Coupled with the rising rebellions, many people took refuge in Yuezhou City.

In this way, the plan was mostly successful.

That's right, their plan is to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty to please the evil god and achieve demonic ascension!

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