Sequence Player

Chapter 300 Rest

God-given Miscanthus, one of the trump cards used by Li Changhe in Datang.

The price is that after use, there will be a chance to force belief in a certain divine being.

Belief in divine creatures is actually a very dangerous move. It’s not that you just believe it if you believe it, or you just slap your butt and leave if you don’t believe it.

The operation of believing in Taoism today and Buddhism tomorrow like uncles and aunts do will not work.

After believing, the believer's character, behavior and even form will be affected by the other party. This is an unavoidable price.

According to Chen Guang, who has also eaten the god-given miscanthus, when he sees those lights and shadows, it means that Li Changhe has quietly believed in a certain existence.

Although Chen Guang did not elaborate, before he gave up his belief. Both he and the believer experienced terrible things.

Thanks to him, he was able to kill a divine creature while being affected in all aspects.

Li Changhe's current problem is that he already has faith, but he just doesn't know who to believe in. Because he was not affected or interfered with at all.

It is possible that the other party has divinity, but the level is not high enough to influence believers.

It is also possible that Li Changhe's desperate will blocked that forced belief.

Perhaps in the future, we can look for existences such as magic mirrors in some special copies and ask about them.

Or, wait for the demigod player to come to Yanyun. As a demigod, you should be able to see it.

"By the way, there are already official demigod-level players. And there should be more than one." Li Changhe asked: "Then as long as they expand their followers within the Great Wall, wouldn't they be able to strengthen their combat power?"

Demigods can give believers special abilities. Isn't this equivalent to using a skill for free? If the officials are willing, they may be able to attract a large number of believers in the real world. In this way, the official strength will be greatly strengthened.

"This is true in theory, but it is very difficult to become a believer. And those demigods don't want their colleagues to believe in them." The girl said: "After all, for believers, divinity actually does more harm than good."

Well, there will indeed be many problems. Combat strength may be improved, but other problems are unavoidable. Belief is a troublesome thing after all, and the official should be considering this aspect.

Speaking of divinity, Li Changhe now possesses the divinity of black mud. But it is not yet available for free use.

Every time you use black mud, you have to make sure that you trigger Desperate Will. Otherwise, he will be infected by the divinity of black mud and turn into an irrational madman.

"So, you have a divine power in your body. But you can neither replenish it nor control it?" Chen Yu asked.

"You can't say that. If I can master the will of desperation, maybe I can freely use the black mud divinity." Li Changhe thought that there would be no chance of supplementing it.

The old lead's effect 4 disappeared immediately. After all, the king only issued a curse.

However, there are still more than 1,800 gods, which is not too few.

Chen Yu said: "Unfortunately, there is no detailed information about the Will of Despair in our database. It can even be said that you are the first player with the Will of Despair that Great Wall has come into contact with."

Chen Guang also said that there is no official record of the effects of Desperate Will. Maybe it's really rare.

"However, this may be the opposite." Li Changhe touched his chin: "If you let yourself enter some kind of controllable desperate situation, wouldn't it be possible to trigger the desperate will?"

"A controllable desperate situation?" The girl shook her head: "Then you have to deceive yourself first, and there is a certain danger."

The three of them discussed it for a while, but couldn't find any reason.

Let’s talk about the issue of sequence genes.

Because the effect of sequence genes is to obtain the ability of a certain species.

Players can use it to strengthen certain skills of their own, such as the fire man Li Changhe met before.

He used the genes of the Fire Giant to strengthen his title ability, allowing him to control fire and temporary elementalization.

Of course, you can also use it to make up for your own flaws or shortcomings.

Just like Hai Lingshan, as the holder, he is relatively weak in close combat. Then use the sequence gene of a certain demon species. Strengthen your melee capabilities.

These two are the more common usage scenarios. Either strengthen your abilities or make up for your shortcomings.

For Li Changhe, to strengthen his abilities, it would be best to use the sequence genes of the battlefield black sheep.

After all, I tried it once. That kind of large-scale attack skill is extremely dangerous!

As for making up for his own shortcomings, Li Changhe has no shortcomings.

As an archer, he has powerful long-range output.

In terms of close combat, not to mention the ultimate trump card of extraordinary military skills, the Baiyin Immortal Cavalry alone is enough to feed many people.

Especially now, Li Changhe has upgraded the Immortal Cavalry. The summoned soldiers are all terminators. There's nothing to worry about in close combat anymore.

Of course, there are also people who are more conservative, pursue insurance, and are satisfied with their current abilities. Some species with high-speed recovery capabilities were selected.

The improvement in combat is not big, but it can survive very well.

Especially some species that are difficult to die or simply have no concept of death.

Their sequence genes were used. Basically, you can't die until your rationality value is exhausted.

This is also one of the reasons why [players] above LV10 have terrible combat power. Who knows what kind of guy you're facing?

It was getting late, so Chen Yu didn't stay much longer, even though she lived next door. But she said she couldn't bear the grievance and slammed the door and left.

"Why is she so angry? Didn't the noodles she ate just now taste delicious?" Li Changhe was a little confused. Chen Yuke just ate two large bowls of beef noodles. Heartless when throwing bowls?

"Humph, maybe it's because I'm full." The girl lying on Li Changhe's lap responded with a smile, her long silky hair spread on the white nightgown, looking a little lazy.

The white and tender skin was more eye-catching than the white nightgown, and the silky feel could be felt through the clothes, which made Li Changhe feel itchy.

From Li Changhe's angle, you can see her soft shoulders and depth.

Since the Tang Dynasty, no, to be precise, since the battle in Yuezhou City, the girl seems to have become more and more clingy.

At least before, when outsiders were around, she wouldn't just act coquettishly with Li Changhe.

Maybe it was because I was afraid that I almost lost everything. This emotion made her get closer to herself.

The girl stood up and sat on Li Changhe's lap, put her hands around his neck, and whispered in his ear: "Let's rest?"

The hot air blowing from his ear made Li Changhe's body feel a little warm, and the moisture at his earlobe made Li Changhe feel weak.


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