Sequence Player

Chapter 313: Chaos Insurgency (limited to free tomorrow, don’t raise it)

As the countdown ended, white light flashed in front of Li Changhe. As the white light gradually dissipated, a lengthy text description appeared on his [Task Panel].

‘Everyone. Since civilization, human beings have never stopped fighting, war and revenge, even when humans were still beasts.

Human beings claim to be the pinnacle of reason and wisdom, but they are always dominated by their emotions and plunder everything from others for the sake of their emotions and desires.

Behold, they are just like zombies and beasts, eager to drag others down from their high positions, eager to tear apart what others have and take it as their own, and then be torn apart like others.

Kindness, relief, justice, and human rights are all whitewashed by the ruling class because they are afraid that the weak will rebel. What really helps people gain higher status and treatment is the naked survival of the fittest.

Knowledge, status, money, civilization,

These are all weapons used by people to arm themselves in order to gain more benefits.

Everything is to ensure one's own survival and reproduction,

Take up your weapons,

Let's smash everything that is human.

They should be afraid,

Because we are the one who ends them.

For all the good things in this world,

To end this endless reincarnation,

We are the Chaos Insurgency,

And the war never ends. ’

Well, it can be regarded as an identity introduction. Chaos Insurgency, the archenemy of the SCP Foundation. It is said to be an organization formed by some former foundation members who broke away. Later, he rebelled for unknown reasons and stole some SCPs.

"Identity is Chaos Insurgency? Doesn't that mean he is an enemy of the SCP Foundation?" Li Changhe thought to himself. I hope the other party is not a foundation, otherwise something big will happen.

When the white light dissipated, Li Changhe found that he was holding the steering wheel tightly in his hands and stepping on the accelerator. He was driving an off-road vehicle on the road in the evening.

The road was built along the mountain and was very empty, or rather deserted, because no other vehicles were seen.

As for the body, there is no change, it is still the face covered in mimic clay, and the abilities are not restricted.

The magic attire he was wearing was thrown into the [backpack] and replaced with a special forces combat uniform and a bulletproof vest. There was a Bluetooth headset in his ear to remind him of his course of action, and a revolver was tucked into his waist.

It should be a member of a combat team of the Chaos Insurgency.

Li Changhe took a look at the co-pilot and saw a slovenly uncle in uniform. Even the masculine and serious combat uniform could not conceal his sense of decadence that was about to overflow. It must be Da Tiechu, his decadence and slovenliness are impressive. He himself said that if his teammates are not reunited during a mission, if he sees a super decadent and slovenly guy, there is a high probability that it will be him.

How can I put it? I'm pretty self-aware.

There were two people in the back seat, one of whom was Mr. Bai. His face had also been treated with Bai Luohe's makeup, and it was very different from his original appearance. But my own people can still recognize it.

As for the other one, he was a male player who was not tall but very strong. He should be Da Tiezhu's teammate and a member of the player organization Nightmare.

This is good, at least it saves the four people from having to spend energy and effort in determining their position and converging.

"Hey, Lancer." Li Changhe greeted the people next to him. At the same time, he showed his [Player Name Tag], there was no need for him to hide anything. In the War of Seven Kings, everyone already knows each other's player nicknames and titles.

LV9 [Shoot a hundred heads·Master Bafang]

"Is it an archer? You'll have a hard time this time." Datiechu responded with a chuckle. He also flashed his name tag.

LV9【Thorns Penetrating·Big Iron Pestle】

Since it is cooperation, this trust still has to be there.

Mr. Bai and another teammate in the back seat also showed their name tags.

LV8【Psychic Scalpel·Mr. Bai】

LV9【Drinker·Little Diamond】

The little Zhuanfeng first said hello to Mr. Bai and then said to Li Changhe: "I hope this cooperation will be pleasant. We will definitely maintain a good relationship with Jiangjunshan in the future."

"Of course it should be." Li Changhe nodded.

Without making any small talk, Li Changhe continued to drive, listening to the instructions in the earphones to get his team to a certain city within five hours. Not a waste of time.

Each of the four introduced their own strengths and abilities.

Of course, there is no need to say more about Li Changhe's archers. He is good at a series of long-range weapons such as bows and arrows, throwing guns, and throwing knives.

"Aren't you going to do sniping?" Xiao Zhuanfeng asked in surprise: "Wouldn't it be great to use an eight-magnification scope to blast the enemy's head from a distance?"

Most of the long-range archer attack players he came into contact with used firearms to attack the enemy. The so-called archers can't go too far in using RPGs to blow up people.

"You bitch with an eight-fold mirror!" Li Changhe snorted coldly: "How can you understand the meaning of a bow and arrow! Not to mention the pleasure of knocking down a god with one arrow!"

Well, the truth is that firearms cannot be triggered to kill hundreds of heads. Moreover, most thermal weapons have no obvious effect on certain entities. In particular, certain defenses have certain resistance to firearms and even missiles.

Da Tiechu thought for a while, and during the Battle of the Seven Kings, he did see an archer from a distance knock down a divine creature with one arrow. There seems to be no problem with saying this.

"How should I put it? No matter it's a martial arts extraordinary with skill analysis or a Buddhist extraordinary with invincible defense. You don't want to fight me in close combat." Datiechu introduced himself: "Whether we can beat or not is a question. Can the opponent survive? It’s another question for me.”

There is no problem with this. As a spearman, Da Tiezhu has considerable melee strength, but Li Changhe thinks that he is already terrifying just by being alive.

When you are beating with a big iron pestle, a meteorite hits you. It doesn’t matter whether you are extraordinary in military skills or extraordinary in Buddhism.

This is the law of cause and effect weapon!

Then came Mr. Bai. Although he was not as good as the first two, his fighting ability was not weak.

Of course, the most outstanding thing is his auxiliary ability. As a person with high energy, he is especially good at memory adjustment. Very helpful for intelligence gathering.

Finally, there is Xiao Zuanfeng. A major player like Li Changhe.

His title ability is Drinker, which can affect the target's physical condition through drinking within a certain range.

"I've heard of people smoking second-hand smoke, but this is the first time I've seen people smoke second-hand alcohol." Li Changhe complained, while turning the steering wheel, he always felt that this car was weird.

When Riding A comes into contact with the vehicle, he should master the skills and methods instantly.

"That's pretty much it. Anyway, I'm a player who focuses on physical fitness. With special training, my drinking capacity is scary. In normal battles, I only need to drink a few bottles of Erguotou for myself. The opponent will almost vomit." Xiao Zuanfeng He smiled and said, "My big body party is invincible in the world. Coupled with the frontal combat power of the two of you, I think this mission is basically stable!"

Indeed, Li Changhe nodded silently. It seems that the combination of teammates in this mission is good. It has output and assistance, which is quite reliable.

Moreover, I quite agree with Xiao Zhuanfeng's statement that "the physical body party is invincible in the world".

Needless to say, the advantages of the main body player, the girl begged for mercy several times

Um? ? ?

At a turning intersection, the steering wheel suddenly fell off Li Changhe's hand. Li Changhe was stunned and stepped on the brakes instantly.

The off-road vehicle did not slow down at all and crashed straight into the guardrail at the corner. Behind the guardrail is a cliff more than ten meters high.

"Well, it seems that my 'Vehicle Killer' was triggered." Datiechu scratched his head.

Li Changhe sighed and sent his blessings.

“I him\u0026*……*¥”

boom! ! !

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