Sequence Player

Chapter 410 Kill

The strong man riding on the handsome warhorse was named Shi Hu. He was the third emperor of the Later Zhao during the Sixteen Kingdoms period.

Shi Hu didn't know how he came to this city. In his memory, he was still enjoying beauties with his subordinates in his palace.

The next second, he came to this city fully armed.

After seeing some strange-looking monsters, he was not afraid. The monsters did not attack him actively.

So, after a brief surprise, he quickly calmed down.

Although he didn't know what was going on, his army was by his side, and he was confident that he could achieve hegemony in a strange world.

This was destiny. He was always confident.

At first, he followed his malice towards someone in his heart and wanted to attack that safe zone.

But after his sentinels saw hundreds of monsters of all kinds being killed by steel crossbows outside, they gave up the idea of ​​attacking the safe zone.

He really wanted to kill someone, but he didn't want to die. This world has technology far beyond his imagination, looking at the steel-refined monsters on the streets, the smooth and seamless roadsides, and those peculiarly shaped buildings.

Shi Hu knew that if he wanted to dominate here, he had to plan for the long term.

While wandering around, he found a bunch of guys hiding in a building.

That was actually a safe zone formed by several players, which was not as solid as the official safe zone. There were no machine gun turrets.

But there were not many people inside, so the number of people targeted by the Terror Demons was reduced. In addition, with the support of several players, it was still safe and secure at the time.

Some players did not respond to the official request for gathering, but worked alone in the outside world.

After all, it is not easy to be dragged down this way.

When Shi Hu found them, he smiled ferociously when he saw that their appearance was very similar to the "two-legged sheep" in his memory.

He already had too much experience dealing with "two-legged sheep".

He was hungry, so he saw how these "two-legged sheep" tasted. Looking at those fair-skinned and beautiful women, Shi Hu felt his saliva pouring out.

So he drove the army to attack those guys.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the opponent was very strong. The guns in his hands were even more powerful, and the tall and strong Jie soldiers were torn into pieces under the attack of guns.

After leaving behind more than a dozen corpses, Shi Hu thought about how to deal with them.

Soon, he found an opportunity.

When some horrors attacked those small safe areas, the defense inside was weakened. He took the opportunity to send soldiers into the room.

Of course, the loss was not small, and the players inside killed more than a dozen of his soldiers.

However, Shi Hu's plan was successful.

He kidnapped several people, including men and women.

So, the plan began.

After Shi Hu kidnapped several people, he did not leave, but set up camp not far from the safe area. Make sure that the sound he made here is enough for the other party to hear.

The man was thrown directly into the pot, and the woman became a tool for the soldiers to vent.

Soon, the screams and painful cries before death echoed in the empty streets. Intertwined with it was the laughter of the Jie soldiers.

This made the people in the safe area extremely angry.

So, Shi Hu's plan was successful.

The people in the safe zone gave up defending and took the initiative to attack the Jie soldiers, as if they wanted to rescue their companions.

And this was Shi Hu's plan.

The Jie soldiers were all horse archers. If the other side hid in the house, Shi Hu would have no way to deal with them.

But if they dared to rush out, this would be the battlefield where the Jie tribe was best.

They would care about the life and death of their companions. As long as they used their companions as shields, most of them would not dare to shoot.

The same was true for attracting them out of the defense zone.

They cared too much about their compatriots. As long as they heard the wailing of their companions, they would be in a mess.

"It has always been like this, you deserve to be food!" Shi Hu sneered in his heart.

The location he chose was where the terrors were hiding.

Although those terrors could not communicate, they would not take the initiative to attack themselves and their army.

Shi Hu used this to attract humans in the safe zone into the area where the terrors roamed.

Terrors rarely fight each other, but they are full of hostility towards humans.

At that moment, the Jie army, the weird terrors, and humans killed each other.

In this battle, Shi Hu's army lost nearly a hundred people, and several powerful terrors were killed, but the human safety zone was completely destroyed.

The players had no choice but to flee, but more people were killed or captured.

As for now, when he felt that the people he had to kill had left the safety zone.

Shi Hu laughed and ordered the soldiers to take the "two-legged sheep" to kill the human.

He knew that his army could not resist firearms, but as long as these "two-legged sheep" were blocked in front of him, most of the opponents would not dare to shoot.

And his Jie soldiers could throw spears and shoot arrows unscrupulously.

As long as they got closer to a certain distance, how could those thin-armed and thin-legged "two-legged sheep" be the opponents of the Jie soldiers?

Looking at Xiao Mo in the distance, Shi Hu licked the blood on the corner of his mouth and issued an order to charge.

On the other side, Xiao Mo was going crazy. The Jie soldiers were his terrors, born of his fear.

At this moment, he had killed too many people. It was like he had killed his compatriots.

This made him collapse and despair.

He wasn't the only one going crazy.

People in the fighting group, both men and women, are violently violent, their compatriots, and even acquaintances.

Being humiliated in front of others and being used as a shield.

Lao Zhao's eyes turned red. He saw that one of those women was his junior high school classmate.

The originally quiet and delicate girl was now in ragged clothes and crying loudly. He was blocked in front of him by a Jie tribe soldier who laughed.

"I'll kill you!" Lao Zhao wasn't very familiar with that classmate, but he still wanted to chop the Jie soldier to death with his knife.

But some people know that this is the opponent's plan.

Whether it's using a woman as a shield or biting a woman to make her scream. It's all to anger one's own side.

The other party intends to use this to get closer to itself. The members of the combat team are all selected from the people in the safe zone. Most of them do not have high combat literacy. After losing the effective weapon of firearms, they are too disadvantaged to fight with the Jie tribe soldiers. Big.

What if, here are thirty Great Wall contingents. It is completely possible to kill the Jie tribe soldiers accurately and accurately while ensuring the safety of the hostages.

But if today's combat teams shoot rashly, they will only accidentally kill their own compatriots.

That's why Gu Qing angrily ordered the combat team to retreat, and the players took action to kill the enemy in close combat.

It's really the only way to save the hostages.

The moment Gu Qing rushed out of the defense, the Jie soldiers laughed and shot arrows and threw their spears.

However, there was someone who rushed faster than Gu Qing.

When he took the first step, a terrifying aura descended, and the horses under the Jie soldiers neighed in terror.

When he took the second step, the flying spears and arrows twisted strangely.

When he took the third step, a green flame ignited, lighting up the night.

[Sequence skills: Learning completed] [Current progress 100%]

"Kill me!"

Today, Tang Dynasty's general Li Ba will kill Emperor Zhao Shihu!

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