Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 239 Sequence Level Five

Qin Siyang hesitated for a long time.

In the end, he didn't eat it.

He really couldn't make up his mind.

Moreover, he found a perfect substitute.

The brain of the Thunder Snow Wolf.

Qin Siyang admired his own ideas very much.

Too smart.

Who would eat the intestines that contain that thing when you can eat the brain!

The effect of eating a mouthful of brain is better than that of eating other organs in the body!

Moreover, the taste of the brain is fresh, tender, soft and smooth, and it melts in the mouth.

It is refreshing and not greasy, and even makes Qin Siyang have endless aftertaste.

It is simply a delicacy in the world!

"In the future, when eating the corpse of the god, eat the brain first!"

When he was about to eat the brain, a wave suddenly came from his whole body.

The wave continued to expand, as if a torrent swept through his body and mind.

He felt a heat flow gushing out of his heart, flowing through his body along the constantly pumping blood vessels.

The heat flow carried powerful energy, making every cell of his body seem to be ignited, dying in the heat, and reborn in the ashes.

He felt the power gathering and expanding in his body, filled with energy that could explode at any time.

But these energies finally merged with his flesh and blood, becoming the nutrients for his body's evolution process.

Then, his skin began to glow faintly, like a firefly in the dark and empty head of the Thunder Snow Wolf, illuminating the surroundings.

Qin Siyang looked at himself in surprise.

He didn't understand what was going on.

There was no such strange phenomenon in the previous several sequence level promotions.

Could it be that the promotion from sequence level 4 to sequence level 5 is a qualitative leap? !

He couldn't help but look forward to himself after the promotion.

As the light of the skin gradually became stronger, the blood seemed to be infused with new vitality, flowing faster and more powerfully. Qin Siyang closed his eyes and could clearly feel the rapid growth of muscles, and each muscle became tighter and stronger.

At the same time, the bones became tougher in the process, as if they had turned from ordinary stones into indestructible fine steel.

The strengthening of skin, flesh and bones did not affect his agility. When he tried to move his steps, he felt his steps become extremely light, and his body became like a feather.

When his body became stronger and the light of his skin dimmed, he felt a strong energy pouring into his brain.

After a while, his senses became more acute.

He could even hear the sound of wind outside the Thunder Snow Wolf's head.

His vision was raised to a new level, and he could clearly see every detail in the darkness.

When the sequence upgrade process was over, Qin Siyang stood there, feeling a brand new self.

A brand new feeling.

No, it should be said that except for the mind, the rest of himself was completely replaced.

[Sequence "God Eater" promotion]

[You will become stronger if you digest gods]

[Current sequence level: Level 5, Earl of Food]

[Skill: Blood Drink. Skill description: You can also digest raw gods. ]

[Skill: Violence. Skill description: Within ten minutes, your own strength, agility and physical strength will increase by three times, and you will not feel any pain during this period. ]

[Skill: Duel Medal. Skill cooldown time 291 days. ]

[Skill: Feasting Domain. Skill description: Within one minute after consuming a god, you can teleport to any open location within a 20-meter radius. If you try to move to a location with obstacles, the teleportation fails and the skill becomes invalid immediately. Cooldown time ten minutes. ]

[Skill: Transform God with Food. Skill description: After consuming the remains of a god, you can activate a skill possessed by the god once within one minute. The power and strength of the skill are related to your own comprehensive ability. You can activate Transform God with Food up to three times by consuming the same god's remains. Cooldown time one minute. ]

Qin Siyang looked at the newly acquired skill [Transform God with Food], his eyes rolling.

This skill...

It's amazing!

It can actually imitate the skills of gods!

In other words, if he eats a bite of Thunder Snow Wolf meat, he can spray lightning from his mouth? !

Or if he eats a bite of Ghost-faced Heron meat, he can gain powerful recovery ability? !

Divine skill!

Although the same god can only use [Food to Transform God] three times.

But there are countless types of gods outside the safe zone!

There will always be new gods appearing.

This skill, he probably won't be able to use it all until he dies!

Qin Siyang was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He had an extra skill folder with countless skills!

Wouldn't he be invincible? !

Qin Siyang took a deep breath.

His mind had already begun to imagine an unrestrained future.

"It can be foreseen that in the near future, the Qin family will become the most important force in the safe zone!"

Although the Qin family only has him now, one person can feed the whole family.

But don't panic.

Everything will be there!

Qin Siyang suddenly felt emotional.

Thinking back to more than four months ago, he was just a student in the slums without any hope.

After the college entrance examination, he would have to live a life of hunger and fullness.

Who could have thought.

It has only been four short months.

He has reached the pinnacle.

What should he thank for all this?

Qin Siyang looked down at the calendar on his phone.

[Blue Star Chronicle April 10, 2010]

[Western calendar, Saturday.]

[Lunar calendar, Gengyin year, February 26, good for traveling and making money]

He nodded in approval.

That's right.

It's a good day to travel today.

What I have to thank the most is, of course, the arrangement of fate!

The skills of Sequence Level 5 are so amazing.

If I can upgrade to Sequence Level 6, wouldn't it be heaven?

Qin Siyang immediately decided not to care about the points.

Keep eating!

However, after eating the remaining half of the Thunder Snow Wolf's brain, Qin Siyang felt that he was still very far away from Sequence Level 6, and the distance did not shrink at all.

This made him confused.

He clearly felt the improvement of his strength.

But the progress of the sequence level did not improve.

What's going on?

He closed his eyes again and felt the gap between the promotion to Sequence Level 6.

After carefully checking the condition of his body, he was shocked.

The road from Sequence Level 5 to Sequence Level 6 is actually dead!

Now he is at Sequence Level 5, looking up at Sequence Level 6 is like standing on the ground and looking up at the sky.

He had to cross the gap between heaven and earth to be able to upgrade from sequence level five to sequence level six.

And the brain of the Thunder Snow Wolf that he had just devoured was like building several steps under his feet.

It seemed that he was closer to the sky.

In fact, he was still small.

Unlike every previous upgrade, he could clearly feel that he was one step closer to the next sequence level.

Now he was in confusion.

He didn't know when he could reach sequence level six, how to reach sequence level six, and whether the current direction was correct.

This weird and helpless feeling surrounded Qin Siyang in the darkness.

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