Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 242 Ice Crystal Giant Moth

Qin Siyang breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, it seems that there is no possibility of killing it.

The paralysis effect has taken effect, at least it can't catch up with me.

After all, I still saved my life!

Qin Siyang breathed a sigh of relief and continued to flash forward without hesitation.

He wanted to get out of the sight of the corrosive black centipede as soon as possible.

But before he could be happy for long, the starlight above his head was blocked by another behemoth.

Qin Siyang looked up.

A huge moth was hovering above his head.

Its wings were like a pair of huge ice crystals, and the surface was covered with frost and snowflake textures.

Every time the wings flapped, fine ice crystal powder would float out, flashing a light blue light under the starlight.

The body was ice blue, and the surface was covered with neat ice blue scales. The eyes were like two cut sapphires, translucent and angular.

Qin Siyang opened his mouth wide.

It was raining cats and dogs, how could there be another god? !

As soon as he took out his phone, the moth suddenly flapped its wings and set off a hurricane.

Qin Siyang immediately activated the Feasting Domain to avoid it.

When he stood still and looked back, he found that the place where he had just stood had all turned into ice sculptures.

The cold wind blew over, cracking inch by inch, turning into ice crystals, and dissipating on the wasteland.

Only a huge irregular pit was left.

Qin Siyang swallowed his saliva and quickly took a picture with his phone.

[Ice Crystal Giant Moth]

[Species: Medium God]

[Ice Crystal Giant Moth is a very rare god, often living only near large or medium-sized plant gods. There are only a few records of its appearance. ]

[Flapping its wings can set off an ultra-low temperature hurricane, freezing the entire target area. The second-level armor can only withstand one hurricane attack, and cannot completely block its damage. The third-level armor can resist about five attacks. ]

Meaning, if you are attacked once, both the person and the armor may be finished.

Seeing this, Qin Siyang didn't want to say anything anymore.

Another medium-sized god who can easily break armor.

I thought the second-level red silk armor should be not much different from the second-level short bee dagger.

Unexpectedly, the short bee dagger is quite useful, and this red silk armor is just made of paper.

How can the difference be so big when made by the same person?

[When attacked, it can immediately produce extremely hard ice armor. All objects that touch the ice armor will increase their brittleness due to ultra-low temperature and turn into powder instantly. ]

[The weakness of the ice crystal giant moth is not known yet, but it is speculated that it should be an ultra-high temperature attack. ]

[The ice crystal giant moth is extremely rare and rarely appears. At present, no powerful sequence ability user has encountered the ice crystal giant moth, so there is no record of hunting the ice crystal giant moth in the safe zone. Countless scientific researchers hope to obtain materials from the ice crystal giant moth for research. The research potential is huge. ]

Qin Siyang glanced at the huge fluttering moth in the air, the corners of his mouth drooped, and his face became even uglier.


This medium-sized god has never been killed by a sequence ability user?

He didn't expect that the Ice Crystal Moth would be more difficult to deal with than the Corrosion Black Centipede just now.

At least the centipede knew its weaknesses.

How to kill this fluttering moth without knowing its weaknesses?

What else can you say.

Keep running.

Qin Siyang continued to run forward.

But the Ice Crystal Moth flying in the air had no intention of letting him go.

It flapped its wings and directly blocked the road a hundred meters in front of Qin Siyang.

Qin Siyang had to dodge backwards.

"I have to think of a way quickly. There are more than 30 seconds left in the Feasting Domain."

He shook his head.

This time it was really embarrassing.

He activated the Feasting Domain and did nothing but run away.

And it seemed that he couldn't escape.

But the Ice Crystal Moth didn't give him a chance to breathe.

It continued to attack Qin Siyang in the sky.

He had to keep dodging.

Just as Qin Siyang jumped away from a hurricane attack, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He immediately activated the Feasting Domain again and jumped to the side.


The ground where he had just landed was pierced by a huge tail sting.

"How is it possible?!"

The corrosive black centipede that had just been paralyzed and unable to move actually stood up again!

"Didn't you say it could be paralyzed for one or two minutes?!"

"How long has it been?! My Feasting Domain hasn't even ended, and it's already stood up?!"

"Has it been paralyzed for twenty seconds?!"

Qin Siyang was shocked and angry.

If he could escape death this time, he would have to settle accounts with Zhong who made this short bee dagger!

He was almost killed by a failure at a critical moment!

Now it seems that the short bee dagger is not very stable, just like the red silk armor.

It turned out that the hunting god props were made by the same person.

A moth blowing in the wind was already unable to deal with it, and now this poisonous centipede came back to life.

Two medium-sized gods blocked Qin Siyang one after the other, blocking his escape route.

What to do? !

Suddenly, Qin Siyang thought, isn't the weakness of the Corrosion Black Centipede the ultra-low temperature?

If he lured the Ice Crystal Giant Moth to attack him, could he take the opportunity to get rid of the Corrosion Black Centipede?

He tried it immediately.

He no longer activated the Feasting Domain, but ran quickly, so that the Corrosion Black Centipede could see the hope of catching up with him.

Sure enough, the Corrosion Black Centipede immediately caught up with him, spitting out green mist.

Not far away, the Ice Crystal Giant Moth also flapped its wings and aimed at him.

Good opportunity!

At the moment when the Ice Crystal Giant Moth's wings flapped a hurricane, Qin Siyang used the Feasting Domain again to jump away.

"Die, centipede!"

However, just as he looked back triumphantly, he was stunned.

The corrosive black centipede that had just been chasing him had already stopped outside the attack range of the giant ice crystal moth.

There was no stupid pursuit of him at all.

how come?

The Corrosive Black Centipede actually saw through his plan to kill people with a borrowed knife? !

However, just when the Ice Crystal Giant Moth's attacks were taking a break, the Corrosive Black Centipede attacked Qin Siyang again.

Qin Siyang had no choice but to keep running away.

But after only a few steps of escaping, the way was blocked by the ultra-low temperature hurricane of the giant ice crystal moth.

Both sides took turns attacking, constantly shrinking Qin Siyang's range of activities.

Two unrelated gods actually cooperated tacitly in order to kill Qin Siyang!

Qin Siyang was completely confused.

He could understand that the gods were wise.

It is also understandable that medium-sized gods possess greater intelligence than small-sized gods.

But he couldn't understand that two gods of completely different species would cooperate sincerely to surround and kill an ant-like sequence ability user like himself.

Although Qin Siyang has never taken a course about gods.

But he has rich experience in hunting gods.

The gods either appear alone.

Even if they are in groups, they are all of the same species, such as the iron-helmed rat flea or the ghost-faced heron.

When different gods appear at the same time, they often fight, or they leave each other.

This kind of cooperation has never happened before.

"What the hell is going on?! What a ghost!"

The ground beneath his feet was basically destroyed by two medium-sized gods.

It has been difficult for him to find a place to stay.

At this moment, the ground suddenly cracked and shook violently.

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