Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 278 Other People's Children

Not long after Chu Xiaoang hung up the phone, the office phone rang again.

"Hey, who's looking for me?"

"Huh? Who are you talking about? Okay, I understand. Just tell him that I have something urgent to deal with and I will call him back later."

After he hung up the phone, he snorted.

A young man with a stern face on the side asked: "Dad, whose phone number is it?"

Chu Xiaoang touched his beard and said, "Gu Weiyang."

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this: "Secretary-General Gu? Why did he call?"

"Why else? Of course it's for the little things Qin Siyang wants to hand over to the administration."

"Secretary-General Gu is also monitoring this matter?"

"Gu Weiyang is not this kind of person. It should be that Tang Wangong came to intercede with him, so he made this call to me."

Chu Xiaoang looked displeased: "Qin Siyang moves too fast."

"Not long after we finished chatting with him, he told Tang Wangong about it."

"What a troublesome boy!"

The young man said: "Dad, how about I kill Qin Siyang and snatch the things?"

Chu Xiaoang glanced at the young man with disappointment: "Chu Baxing, you are already eighteen, you only have a body but no brains? You know how to kill every day! Can you save me some trouble?!"

"Who do you think Qin Siyang is? An orphan gangster on the edge of the safe zone?"

"Qin Siyang is supported by so many people now, is he someone who can be killed casually?!"

Chu Baxing replied calmly: "You taught me that status is not achieved through negotiation, but through fighting."

Chu Xiaoang was so angry that he slapped the table: "You remember this sentence clearly! What about other words? Are they all falling on deaf ears?!"

"I also taught you that you should know how to make more friends and fewer enemies! Why didn't you listen?!"

Chu Baxing said indifferently: "No one can be my friend."

"You are so crazy, who did you learn this from?!"

"Look at Qin Siyang! He was born in Mudlegs, and now all the boys from the Zhao family and the Gu family have a close relationship with him!"

"Look at you again! Your father and I relied on my brothers to support me back then, but it turned out that it was good for you. All the brothers in the entire legion who were about the same age as you were offended by you!"

"Why is the gap so big?!"

Chu Baxing said disdainfully: "Most of the second generation in the legion are too arrogant and extravagant. They are a bunch of trash. They are not the same as me."

"As for Qin Siyang, he is just a lucky boy."

"How lucky? How lucky is he to have a good relationship with Li Tianming? You are lucky, I will let Guo Jiuxiao be your teacher, and you will scold him away the next day!"

Chu Baxing replied coldly: "Guo Jiuxiao's character is too bad. He is a well-known stinker in the safe zone. It is easy to learn from him. If Li Tianming becomes my teacher, I can accept it."

"You're not a big damn person, and your face is not small! Did I ask Guo Jiuxiao to teach you your character? I just followed him to do research, and it also ruined your character?! You are the only white boy in the world. Lotus, right?”

"You are still dissatisfied with Guo Jiuxiao and asked Li Tianming to be your teacher?! Why don't you let Zhu Haifeng be your teacher?"

"Is that okay?"

"Yes, you are big enough! You are really spoiled!"

Chu Xiaoang stood up and walked around the table angrily.

"Look at Qin Siyang, with just over 10,000 points, he has brought back the Heart of Vine, Crimson Crystal, Thunder Snow Wolf and Titan Thatch Fragments!"

"Li Tianming's scientific research team, as soon as it was formed, immediately had no worries about high-end research resources. And the Zhao family, it's been a smooth sailing. I think the scars on the heads of Zhao Dazhao and Zhao Dazhao will burst with joy!"

"I heard that the Zhao family is also planning to set up a chamber of commerce. Now, the progress has been greatly accelerated! Our military has also been planning to set up a chamber of commerce for several years, but it has not been able to come up with anything to open the door!"

"This is all Qin Siyang's credit!"

"And you!"

"You can kill, and you have earned more than 80,000 God Hunting Points, but have you ever contributed anything useful to our legion?!"

Chu Baxing's attitude remained cold: "I haven't met those rare gods, can you blame me?"

"Nonsense! You know how to kill as soon as you leave the safe zone, and you don't even use your brain to think about where to find the treasure! What a hell you'll encounter!"

"Do you really think that Qin Siyang is lucky enough to be able to see such treasures? He must have his own skills!!"

"You still look down on others?"

"It's true that the eyes are on top of the Heavenly Spirit, right?!"

"This year I asked you to go to Nanrong University instead of other Sanrong universities. Why do you think it is?"

"Don't you just think that your mouth and your style of doing things can easily offend various forces, so I went to Nanrong, who has the easiest relationship, to prevent you from getting into trouble!"

"As long as you do your best, I will definitely send you to other Sanrong to make some disciples and help build relationships with our legion!"

"You're such an old man, I can't share my worries with you, and I'm still causing trouble everywhere!"

Chu Baxing lowered his eyebrows and did not respond to Chu Xiaoang's accusation.

Chu Xiaoang took a deep breath.

"It turns out that our military hunted for rare materials, and various forces came to our military for meetings."

"Just because of Qin Siyang's appearance, I have sent two groups of people to the safe zone for meetings in the past six months."

"Especially this time, Qin Siyang got the fragments of the inner leaves of Titan thatch. This kind of thing has not been seen in the safe zone for more than a year."

"Right now, Zheng Mubian is still lying in the military hospital. Only the middle and inner leaves of Titan Thatch can save him."

Chu Xiaoang looked solemn: "Your uncle Zheng saved your father's life during the military mutiny. His son Zheng Cong saved your life outside the safe zone!"

"Two generations of the Zheng family saved the lives of two generations of our Chu family. No matter how much it costs this time, we must get the inner leaf fragments of Titan thatch!"

"Qin Siyang sounds a little suspicious. I don't think he will believe me unless he sees you."

Chu Xiaoang's eyes suddenly shot out a cold light: "This time you go with me to see Qin Siyang, you must agree to Qin Siyang's conditions. If you dare to make trouble, I will break your dog legs!"

Chu Baxing nodded: "Dad, I'm not an ungrateful fool. Don't worry, as long as he gives We are the inner leaf of Titan grass, I will never hinder him from topping the list of freshmen of Nanrong University. "

Chu Xiaoang looked at his son with disdain: "Hinder him? Didn't you hear him say that 100,000 points is not difficult for him?"

"What he said is not necessarily true."

"Don't worry about anything else, go to see Qin Siyang, and put away your arrogant face first! Don't act like a big shot!"

"I tell you, if it's because of you that I didn't get the inner leaf fragment of Titan grass this time, and caused your uncle Zheng to die in the hospital, I won't recognize you as my son!"

"I know."

Chu Xiaoang calmed down and picked up the phone.

"I, Chu Xiaoang. Call Secretary Gu for me."

"Hello, Chairman Gu, hahaha, it's me, oh, it's been a long time since we talked, how are you doing recently? ..."

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