Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 297 He is the Vice President

The red crystal distribution meeting was held as scheduled.

Qin Siyang did not participate.

We ate and slept in the hotel, and slept and ate.

But in order to look better the next day, I also avoided having diarrhea at the Chamber of Commerce ceremony.

Qin Siyang didn't dare to eat the freshly cooked food in the hotel.

Just drank a little porridge.

The meeting started at 8 a.m. and ended at 8 p.m.

When Zhao Longfei and others returned to the hotel, everyone looked tired.

Qin Siyang heard some noise in the hall, so he walked out of the room to learn about the meeting.

Li Tianming threw his tie on the sofa.

"Fortunately, it was Lao Qian who presided over the meeting today and cut off a lot of useless speeches. Otherwise, this meeting would have lasted all night!"

On the side was Zhang Kuang, whose hair was messier than before, and he looked like he was scratching a lot.

"Really, Qian Wendao found this host really well. I suggest that he be the host of all meetings we attend in the future!"

Zhao Longfei nodded: "Don't worry, after today's meeting, everyone has realized the beauty of his hosting meetings. From now on, Qian Wendao will probably be the dedicated host of all major meetings."

Hao Liang sat down on the sofa, and when he got angry, he cursed: "Damn it, those guys in the military are just bandits! I almost started fighting with them on the spot!"

Chang Tianxiang sighed: "The scene was indeed too tense. If Secretary-General Gu hadn't called and stabilized all parties, it would have ended badly."

Hao Liang asked: "Who informed Secretary-General Gu?"

"Wu Yu. He used to preside over key scientific research projects announced by Secretary-General Gu personally, so he knows Secretary-General Gu."

Hao Liang snorted: "Sure enough. I saw it last time outside the safe zone. Wu Yu is a complete swindler. He didn't say a word at the meeting and directly reported the case to the secretary-general behind his back."

Wu Yu adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses: "Hao Liang, if it weren't for me, you would have been beaten to death by those people from the military today. Even if you don't thank me, you'll even slander me."

"What's wrong with me? Am I not fighting for everyone's interests?! The people in the military asked Lao Li to only take one percent of Lao Li's red crystal. Isn't this bullshit?!"

"Even if the asking price is sky-high, it's not such an outrageous request, right?!"

Zhao Longfei walked aside with a cigar in his mouth, shook his head and smiled: "You two are in tandem, which directly weakened the military's power to seek the red crystal. At that time, I thought that Professor Wu and Professor Hao, one with a white face and the other with a red face, were It was discussed secretly before.”

"Who would discuss such an unflattering matter with a sinister guy like him!"

"Hao Liang, it's almost done."

Li Tianming also spoke out to persuade him to make peace.

"This time, the share of red crystals we received is acceptable. The financial and material assistance provided by all parties also met our expectations."

"The hard preparation and efforts these days have paid off. Our research in Nanrong is all ready. Let's have a celebration banquet tomorrow! Principal Zhao, you can join us."

Zhao Longfei said: "I can't go tomorrow, so you guys can go. I must be present at the founding ceremony of the Zhao Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, yes, I have heard about this. But I have been preparing for the Crimson Crystal meeting recently, so I haven't paid attention. Do you need our help?"

"No, the business of the Chamber of Commerce is to raise funds and resources for Nanrong University. This should be my responsibility as the president. You are professors, just concentrate on your research."

Li Tianming didn't ask again.

Since Zhao Longfei said he didn't need to help, that means he really didn't need to be there.

It just so happened that Li Tianming also felt that his nerves had been tense these days and he no longer wanted to go to formal occasions to socialize.

"Okay, then tomorrow it will be just us and Xiao Qin, let's go have dinner together."

Qin Siyang smiled slightly, meaningfully.

Zhao Longfei took a puff of cigarette and glanced at Qin Siyang aside, showing an unhappy expression.

"Xiao Qin can't go either."

"Why? He is going to attend the ceremony of the Zhao Chamber of Commerce?"

"That's right. He has to be there."

"Why did he have to be there?"



Zhao Longfei's words were interrupted by Qin Siyang. Looking at the proud look on his face, he knew that this kid was going to show off in person.

He waved his hand nonchalantly, indicating to Qin Siyang to speak on his own.

Qin Siyang smiled at Li Tianming, who was full of doubts: "Old Li, you can call me Xiao Qin. However, I prefer that you can call me by my job title outside."

"Position? What is your position? The moral model of Ju'an School?"

Qin Siyang straightened his collar and said, "You can call me, President Qin."

"President?" Li Tianming stood up in excitement: "Zhao Chamber of Commerce, are you the president?!"

"What's wrong, can't you?"

Zhao Longfei blew out a smoke ring and said calmly: "The deputy."

"The vice president is also the president! How come you, a little director, don't have any eyesight?"

"I'm not in a happy mood to begin with. If you don't grow up and have a beard, I'll twist your head off right now."

Seeing that Zhao Longfei seemed to be really in a bad mood, Qin Siyang immediately lowered his head: "Uh... I'm sorry, Director Zhao. For the sake of me still being a child, forgive me for my behavior just now."

Li Tianming and others were all stunned.

Qin Siyang is actually the vice president of the Zhao Chamber of Commerce? !

Zhao Longfei explained: "The news has been released a long time ago. Qin Siyang is the vice president and a member of the board of directors. But you are all focused on preparing for the Red Crystal Conference and didn't go out of your way to find out."

"It's not... him, how come he is the vice president?"

Li Tianming still felt incredible.

Qin Siyang argued: "Zhao Sifang is the president, Gu Yunpeng is the vice president, why can't I be the vice president?"

Lu Daoxing scratched his garlic nose: "What do you mean? Zhao's Chamber of Commerce has trained a group of boy scouts?"

Zhao Longfei sighed: "The future belongs to the young, we are planning early and training them."

Li Tianming's face was full of questions: "Zhao Sifang's surname is Zhao, Gu Yunpeng's surname is Gu. I can understand training them. Why Qin Siyang?"

Qin Siyang was immediately unhappy: "Why, people with the surname Qin don't deserve to be trained?!"

Wu Yu said calmly on the side: "Compared with the two of them, you, the orphan of the Qin family, are indeed not worthy of being trained."

"Professor Wu, you..."

Zhao Longfei interrupted: "Little Qin, that's enough."

Qin Siyang's chin was almost raised to the sky, and he looked at Li Tianming arrogantly.

Li Tianming was still puzzled.

Zhao Longfei said: "If you are really curious, you can go to the ceremony of Zhao's Chamber of Commerce tomorrow and you will know more or less."

The fact that Qin Siyang was the vice president successfully aroused Li Tianming's curiosity.

"But none of us have invitations."

Qin Siyang waved his hand indifferently:

"It's no big deal, I will take you there directly."

"Following behind the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, who can stop you?"

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