Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 65 Go to the Battle Arena

Looking at Qin Siyang's eyes shining, Li Tianming already knew what this kid was planning.

The look he looked at John was full of sympathy.

Poor John might just want to defeat Qin Siyang and regain his privilege of exiting the safe zone.

But Qin Siyang fell in love with his hunting weapon and wanted to take his life.

Qin Siyang's sequence was weird, and Li Tianming knew it.

His extraordinary strength and agility alone are enough to make people suspicious.

Even though Qin Siyang had been holding back his strength, the sophisticated Li Tianming still observed that his basic attributes far exceeded those of ordinary first-level sequence ability users.

There are only two possibilities.

Qin Siyang is not a first-level ability user.

Or maybe Qin Siyang is not an ordinary sequence ability user.

Regardless of the possibility, it means that there is a huge secret hidden behind Qin Siyang.

Only Li Tianming, who depends on him, can know this secret.

Others who saw his sequence skills would not keep it as secret as he did.

So in Qin Siyang's mind, once he and John get into the fighting ring, he has only one outcome.


Seeing that Qin Siyang didn't seem to be afraid of killing people, and there was only a desire for the hunting god weapon in his eyes, Li Tianming became curious about him again.

This is definitely not the first time this kid has killed someone.

So who did he kill before?

The area on the edge of the safe zone is in chaos, with people missing and being killed every week.

Li Tianming didn't know either.

It does not matter.

Li Tianming laughed at himself, who hasn't killed someone before?

Qin Siyang knew that he could attack at will in the fighting arena, and immediately looked at John like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

"Do you really have a hunting weapon? I don't believe it unless you show it to me."

John took out a short knife slightly longer than the Hunting God's Dagger from his waist and handed it to Qin Siyang.

Qin Siyang held this "blind sword" and immediately felt that the power in his body was communicating with the blade.

The knife seemed to have grown on him.

"This is a blind knife. If you cut it on a god's body, the god will become blind within a minute."

Qin Siyang licked his lips, it was indeed a good thing!

"How long will a god be blind?"

"This is related to the size of the god. The smaller the god, the longer it will be blind. If it is the long-legged worm you have hunted, you will probably be blind for about five minutes."

"Five minutes?! So long?!"

Qin Siyang thought that the skill attached to this weapon could only be controlled for more than ten seconds.

I didn’t expect it to last five minutes!


The treasure of treasures!

Qin Siyang's eyes seemed to be sucked by the blind knife and he could not move away for a long time.

John will definitely die today, even if the people from the coalition government come, they can't save him!

Seeing the greed on Qin Siyang's face, John sneered in his heart, knowing that Qin Siyang would definitely accept his challenge.

When the time comes, he will use the fighting ring to make Qin Siyang suffer.

Teach him how to be young and energetic and suffer big losses.

"Okay, I promise you, let's go to the fighting ring."

"Going right now?"

"Of course, I'm busy with work. After going to the battle arena, I still have to go to the management office to collect the reward."

John thought Qin Siyang would ask for a break, after all, he had just finished hunting more than 700 gods.

Although they are long-legged worms, chasing and killing so many of them is not an easy task.

Qin Siyang didn't want to rest, which was exactly what John wanted.

"Okay, then let's go to the fighting ring."

"How to get there? Walking?"

“The fastest way is by bus.”

"Okay, let's go. Principal Li, help me pay the fare."

Li Tianming snorted: "I have no money. John will drag you to the fighting ring. You can ask him to pay for your fare."

"Stingy guy, I gave you more than thirty silver coins, but you won't even pay ten copper coins for the fare?"

John didn't want to waste time on the fare, so he said directly: "I paid the fare for you two, let's go."

"Hey, okay, thank you, Brother John!"

When others heard that John and Qin Siyang were going to the fighting ring, they also became interested and followed them.

"Aren't we going to go out to hunt the gods? Are we not going?"

"What a waste of hunting. That kid chopped down more than 700 long-legged worms alone. How many gods are left outside? Why not go and watch the excitement."

"That's right! Gods can be killed any day, but the nearby fighting arena can't be opened even once a month! Why can't you distinguish priorities!"

"Is it so interesting to watch the excitement..."

"You're just talking nonsense. It's not interesting to be lively, so how can it still be called lively!"

A large group of sequence ability users flocked to the bus stop.

The bus driver was stunned when he arrived at the bus stop at the exit of the safety zone No. 38324.

Since the establishment of the safety zone, he has never seen so many people waiting to take the bus at the bus stop!

For a moment, he thought he was back in the days before the apocalypse, when office workers crowded into the bus.

But all the passengers who came up were wearing antifreeze suits, which brought him back to reality.

They are all sequence ability users!

Where are so many sequence ability users going?

The bus was full of passengers.

A few were unwilling to wait for the next bus and even climbed onto the roof of the bus after paying the fare.

There is also a sequence ability user, because the sequence skill is [Suction Cup], it can be sucked directly under the bus and has the exclusive position under the bus.

The bus driver left with a car full of people.

The sequence ability users who didn't get on the bus looked at the people sitting on the roof and curled their lips in disdain.

A bus trip only takes 20 minutes.

What's wrong with waiting a little longer?

Why do we have to catch this one?

Could it be that the battle arena will be over in 20 minutes?


"Driver, we are all going to the battle arena station, you can just drive straight there."


Because it was overcrowded and no one got off the bus, the bus driver didn't even stop when passing other bus stations.

When they arrived at the battle arena station, everyone evacuated in a rush.

The bus driver looked at the empty carriage, as if it was a different world.

John and Qin Siyang walked at the front of the crowd.

Qin Siyang didn't know the way, so he relied on John to lead the way.

However, the battle arena was quite conspicuous.

After getting off the bus station and walking for about a minute, we arrived.

John pointed to a dark square building in front of him and said, "This is the battle arena."

"Why is there no light?"

"No one usually comes here, so the lights are not turned on to save electricity."


John walked forward and knocked on a small door on the dark building.

"Who is it?"

"I came to the battle arena to solve the problem."

"Oh, wait a minute."

About a minute after the response, all the lights around suddenly lit up and the lights were bright.

Qin Siyang saw that the dark building in front of him had colorful colors flowing on the surface.

But the colors were not pure, and there was a hint of darkness in them.

It was like a soap bubble in the evening.

A man in uniform came out with an electronic tablet in his hand.

The man yawned and asked, "I am the manager of the battle arena. Who wants to solve the problem?"

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