Sequence: The God Eater

Chapter 70 Deadly Vengeance

Qin Siyang and Li Tianming returned to school together.

As it was already night, the school was empty.

The school gate was locked.

This did not stop the two sequence ability users.

They jumped a few times and climbed over the gate and entered the campus.

"Principal Li, do you think the teacher watching the surveillance tomorrow will be scared when he finds us two?"

"I am the principal, what can he say? But you look really scary with blood all over your body."

Qin Siyang looked at his antifreeze suit, and the blood had already solidified.

The dark green blood at the bottom was from the deformed sickle.

The red blood on the top was from the long-legged worm.

The dark red blood on the top was from the unlucky John.

The layers are clear and the colors are diverse.

It's like a camouflage uniform with color difference.

Qin Siyang asked, "Principal, is there a place to take a shower in your office?"

Li Tianming scratched his neck: "In the principal's office, it's good to have a bed, how can there be a place to take a shower?"

"When I used your computer the other day, I saw a folder called [Office]."

"...How much did you read?"

"Not much. But I see that you are always gentle and polite, your clothes are neat and new, and you are a person with mysophobia. So, there should be a place to take a shower in the office, right?"

"...Okay, I had someone convert a bathroom behind the bookcase in the office."

"Yeah, I knew it. Thank you, principal."

"You are so rude. Remember to clean it up after use."


Qin Siyang and Li Tianming walked into the principal's office together, and under Li Tianming's guidance, they entered the bathroom, washed their clothes, and took a shower.

Li Tianming gave him a few more instructions, and left with the folder and the bag containing eight bottles of magic potion.

After taking a shower, Qin Siyang lay on the folding bed.

The soft mattress made him feel like he was back in his previous life.

During this period of time since his rebirth, he had never slept in such a comfortable bed.

The feeling of fatigue soon came like a tide.

Lying on the bed, thinking about what happened that day, he soon fell asleep.

When Qin Siyang woke up, it was more than six o'clock in the morning.

Perhaps because he was not used to sleeping in the principal's office, the comfortable bed did not allow him to sleep longer.

Qin Siyang got up, unpacked the unused towels and toothbrushes in the bathroom and washed up.

"It's probably prepared for some female teacher, why not give it to me. At least I can buy him a sequence potion at a low price."

Qin Siyang enjoyed Li Tianming's private place with peace of mind.

Qin Siyang checked the information of the sequence ability users in front of the computer for a while, and only set off for the classroom when it was almost time for morning self-study.

After becoming a sequence ability user, there is this little freedom.

In the past, if I skipped classes, no one cared.

Now it's not possible.

I didn't come to school yesterday because I went outside the safe zone to hunt gods. The reason was reasonable and no one could find any problems.

But if I don't have anything to do today and still don't go to school, I will definitely be reported to the education department by my jealous classmates.

The United Government attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' thoughts and conduct.

They don't want the sequence ability users they support to have anti-human and anti-social personalities.

Therefore, those who awaken sequence ability users while they are still students will be given special attention.

The United Government strives to make every student who enters the Sequence Ability University excellent in both character and learning, and can become the pillars of the future of mankind.

However, in Qin Siyang's view, this kind of effort is not very effective.

But he still doesn't want to cause trouble.

If skipping classes has a great impact, the education department will probably contact the Sequence Ability Management Bureau and let the staff of the Management Bureau give him a verbal education.

He is very sure that someone from the Management Bureau will come to him soon to ask about what happened with John in the fighting arena yesterday.

Killing, even within the legal scope, is not a trivial matter.

So he also prepared an excuse.

He has not received moral education.

Throw the blame on the school's moral education director.

He tore off a page of the office calendar.

[Blue Star Chronicle January 27, 2010]

[Western calendar, Wednesday.]

[Lunar calendar, Ji Chou year, December 13, suitable for release]

"Suitable for release? Release what?"

Qin Siyang shook his head and walked towards the classroom.

As soon as Qin Siyang sat down in the classroom, two people appeared in front of him.

He looked up and saw that they were Li Jingwen and Zhou Yang.

Li Jingwen hugged Zhou Yang's arm, and her eyes were still full of fear when she looked at Qin Siyang.

Zhou Yang said: "Student Qin, you and my uncle are both sequence ability users. Can you please stop arguing with Jingwen about the previous things for my sake?"

Qin Siyang sniffed lightly and looked at Li Jingwen with disdain.

"Is this the helper you found?"

Li Jingwen swallowed her saliva: "Qin Siyang, I really know I was wrong..."

Qin Siyang looked at Zhou Yang again: "Zhou Yang, do you really know what the grudge between me and Li Jingwen is?"

Zhou Yang stiffened his neck: "No matter what the grudge is, we are all classmates, there is nothing that cannot be resolved."

Qin Siyang nodded: "It seems that she didn't tell you the truth, that's right, how dare she tell the truth about such a thing."

"You are quite quick, Li Jingwen."

"Qin Siyang, what do you mean?"

"I just made it public the morning before yesterday, and I went to bed with Zhou Yang and tied up this idiot."

Zhou Yang immediately blushed: "Don't spit out blood..."

"I am a sequence user with a very good nose."

Zhou Yang gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, Jingwen and I have decided to get married after the college entrance examination. So, can you give me face and stop having trouble with her?"

Qin Siyang smiled contemptuously: "I really don't know who gave you the courage to talk to me like this, your good-for-nothing uncle?"

"What did you say?"

Qin Siyang took out his cell phone and threw it to Zhou Yang: "You should remember your uncle's cell phone, right? Call him now."


"Or I'll slap you like the dean of grade. Keep your word."

Zhou Yang thought of the grade director who was still lying in the hospital, felt a chill in his back, and dialed his uncle's number.

"Hey, uncle, it's me..."

When Qin Siyang heard that the call was dialed, he snatched the phone away.

"Hello, Director Zhou? I'm Qin Siyang."

When Zhou Xing heard this, he immediately smiled: "Oh, it's classmate Qin. I just wanted Zhou Yang to contact you and ask about your recent school life, so you took the initiative to find me. What a coincidence. . By the way, what do you want from me?”

"Do you know what happened to me yesterday?"

"I know, of course I know. You hunted so many gods at once, and you are the hero of [Ju'an School]! You are a role model for our area 14121..."

Qin Siyang, who holds eighty bottles of sequence magic potion in his hand, is certain to be able to rise to sequence level three.

In addition, he has awakened his sequence ability before the college entrance examination. Entering a top university is not a problem, and his future is unlimited.

Far from being comparable to a grassroots official in the education department on the edge of the safety zone.

Moreover, Qin Siyang, who has awakened the sequence, is only under the control of the Sequence Ability User Management Bureau. He, a member of the education department, can no longer control anything about him.

Although Zhou Xing is now an official in name and Qin Siyang is a student, in fact he really wants to make friends with Qin Siyang.

"Well, if you know, it will be much easier for me to communicate with you. It's nothing. Your nephew Zhou Yang wants to protect one of my enemies. What do you think?"

Zhou Xing was stunned for a moment and asked: "Enemy?"

"Well, a mortal feud."

"I understand, please give Zhou Yang the phone number."


Zhou Yang took the phone and glanced at Qin Siyang: "Uncle, don't listen to his nonsense. We are all classmates. There is no mortal grudge."

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Stop the relationship with that person and admit your mistake to Qin Siyang."

"But uncle..."

"If Qin Siyang doesn't forgive you, then your family will have nothing to do with me anymore. Do you understand?"

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