Sequential Evolution

Chapter 124 The Ceremony of God’s Descendance (Plot Points, Full Order!)


As soon as this title was activated, Lin Tianyi's stiffness, petrification, and stagnation completely dissipated like a tide!

And within a short period of time, he will no longer be controlled or interfered with in any non-physical sense!

The petrified fragments peeled off piece by piece, and Lin Tianyi, who was moving again, suddenly took out the evil storybook.

The pages of the book turned quickly, and what came up was Lin Tianyi's most powerful killing move!

The story quickly freezes in "Jackass", a terrifying goat-headed monster dripping with lava. It turns into a shadow of flames that blocks everything, and throws out a huge amount of lava as soon as it appears.

Lava is originally a rock, no matter how much it is petrified, it cannot change its scorching properties, and it is quickly splashed towards the ritual.

The extremely surprised Petrov snorted, and that cold voice seemed to hit the heart of the Dread Demon King. The lava sheep-headed demon that originally fed on souls and regarded resentment and negative emotions as the source of its power actually exploded!

A large amount of magma is like evaporating gas, corroded by strong resentment in the air.

Lin Tianyi's storybook didn't stop at all. While she was solving the lava demon, the storybook had already turned to "Ice and Snow Princess"!

The entire room was completely frozen, and the blood flowing in the ritual was frozen and slowed down rapidly.

This forced Petrov to stop what he was doing to deal with the solid ice in the room.


An extremely soft moan burst out from deep in her throat, like a girl with dazzling eyes on the bed. Just one voice of affection was enough to raise the temperature of the whole room!

This was no act of coquettishness. In an instant, Lin Tianyi's blood flow speed increased by nearly 10 times, and his heart's beating speed soared to 800!

The huge pulse of blood was enough to make his head explode. At the same time, this musical scale with strong mystical significance seemed to shake the entire space, causing all the ice to burst like a glass touched by a tuning fork!

Lin Tianyi activated the "Steadfast Tin Soldier" in time and at the same time chewed up the Xingnao Dan in his mouth. His body turned into steel, and with the powerful body brought by 10 points of physical fitness, he took the blow forcefully.

Even if it was missing by a hair, his head would have exploded into a puddle of rotten watermelon.


The distance is enough!

The pages of the evil storybook turned without interruption. Little Red Riding Hood stuck out her head and threw a large number of mushrooms directly towards the occult ritual that was just around the corner!

The red umbrella amanita mushroom fell into the sacrificial formation composed of the girl's flesh and blood, like a crucible of molten iron poured into the snow.

Countless mushrooms exploded on the spot, and a large amount of flesh and blood was contaminated by the spores, which were quickly absorbed and transformed into new mushrooms. The blood in the ritual was also drained, and the terrifying explosion spread toward the center of the formation!

"Did you feel happy when you gave birth to your child?"


The female Petrov's roar sounded in the center of the formation. This roar was obviously an unwilling roar at Lin Tianyi for ruining her rituals. What responded to her was the mocking voice of a mirror!

"Wrong answer! Punishment!!!"

boom! ! !

The terrifying thunder was not hindered by the mysterious ritual. The rules of the "Magic Mirror" overrode the surging energy generated by the ritual, and directly hit the body of the female Petrov, holding the statue of the god.

The thunder was not fatal, but it evaporated countless tumors on her body in an instant, causing a large number of souls that should have been integrated into the statue to completely dissipate!

Not caring about killing the ants in front of her, the female Petrov directly chose to dedicate herself, let the ritual be completed in advance, and forcibly summoned the advent ceremony!

She crushed her heart and spit out the blood containing a large amount of soul on the statue!

The female Petrov, whose mouth was full of blood and whose teeth were stained red with flesh and blood, made a fanatical voice:

"You are the feminine that represents all things,"

"The mother of plagues and calamities."

"The symbol of joy, the queen of despair."

"A great being born from chaos,"

"The First and the Last,"

"The symbol of all beauty, the embodiment of despair, the master of joy."

"Your devout believer, pray for your coming!"

"I am willing to dedicate my body and my soul. In exchange for this, I respectfully invite your great will to come into the body of the purest container in the world - Lilith Weir!"

not good! ! !

As soon as Lin Tian heard the prayer, the Cheshire Cat immediately hugged him and escaped from the violently shaking underground chamber.

The next moment, the entire underground chamber began to vibrate crazily. The strong light emitted by the statue directly penetrated the entire underground chamber and rushed toward the top of the head!

The turbulent soul was enveloped by the strong light, leaving only Petrov who instantly shriveled and turned into a puddle of ashes.

A huge earthquake came from the underground, abruptly interrupting the lively dance. The nobles fell to the ground in embarrassment, staggered around, and ran out the door screaming!

As the earthquake came, Xuantian's disciple, who had been standing in the corner and watching coldly, felt his heart beat violently. He had a tacit understanding with Lin Tianyi and did not need the other's reminder at all. He directly controlled the paper man and lit the cannon. fuse.

Almost at the same time, Lin Tianyi appeared out of thin air and suddenly appeared next to Lilith Weir, who was still holding hands with her clone.

In the astonished eyes of the other party, the latter threw her down forcefully, trying to directly use [Spirit World Travel] to pull her into the spirit world to hide the terrifying power coming from the ritual!


He forgot that Petrov had two!

Almost as soon as Lin Tianyi appeared, the male Petrov stretched out his finger and said in judgment:

"You, damn it!"

Lin Tianyi's neck suddenly heard a snap and was twisted directly!

The [Spirit World Travel] skill that was about to be activated turned gray again.

Looking blankly at Lin Tianyi who fell in front of her, his head spinning 180 degrees, Lilith Weir screamed in extreme pain.

Huge malice erupted from her body, and a terrifying black energy lingered around her body. Her long dark brown hair, which was neatly coiled into a bun, spread out, and her eyes became completely cold. He looked at Petrov.

boom! ! ! !

Without even giving the other party a chance to say a word, the man behind the whole advent ceremony, the most loyal believer of the original witch, exploded into flesh and blood fireworks.

As a container, Lilith Weir's will finally worked. How could the evil god have feelings for an ant, even the most loyal one?

When Xuantian disciples saw Lilith Weir, who was already standing in the air with her snake hair flying, she turned into a Silver Moon Demon Wolf without hesitation. Her huge body instantly expanded into a six-meter-long terrifying demon wolf, and sprayed directly at the opponent. Breathing out a huge cloud of mist composed of moonlight.

In an attempt to snatch Lin Tianyi's body back before the opponent completely succeeds.

It's a pity that this extremely powerful extraordinary power can't stop the opponent from casually attacking!

The mist dissipates.

The advent ceremony has begun.

Five updates today! The plot point is here. Let the officials rush in and write down the performance for us.

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