Sequential Evolution

Chapter 18 Bagua Killing Formation

During the exploration phase of the survival mission, the Evolution Palace will not give specific clearance conditions or mission requirements.

Under normal circumstances, eradicating all supernatural creatures except players in the copy space will be considered as passing the level.

But if the situation is bad, or you stay in the copy space for too long, the Evolution Palace will proactively assign specific tasks.

This purpose is mainly to prevent the trialists from finding a place to hide until the end of the mission.

After many experiments on the Evolver Forum, there are only two ways to clear the survival mission:

One is to eliminate all supernatural creatures and achieve perfect clearance;

The second is to complete the special passing conditions and exit the mission copy after the mission has advanced to a certain level and the mission instructions are clearly given in the Evolution Palace.

Other than that, the only option is to wipe out all the trialists, or to keep a single player trapped in the mission copy, waiting for the next wave of trialists to enter, and then continue to try to complete the mission.

However, the latter is a very special case and is far more difficult than the former two.

At this time, Xuantian disciple opened his mouth and introduced:

"Everyone, since entering the copy space, I have discovered the weirdness of this college ghost story."

"It is different from similar related tasks introduced on the forum. There are many kinds of ghosts here. After my analysis of Yin Qi, the campus of City No. 1 High School is roughly divided into four areas."

Picking up a blank drawing board in the studio, Xuantian's disciple quickly sketched a rough topographic map of the entire city.

The playground, teaching building, dormitories, and the wasteland in the back mountain.

He pointed to the central teaching building with a sketching pencil and said:

"The studio we are in now is located on the sunny side of the teaching building. The sun has not completely set yet, so everyone is safe for the time being."

"But this does not mean that the teaching building is the safest. On the contrary, the yin here is heavier than the dormitory and the playground."

All the people had extremely serious faces, surrounding Xuantian's disciples, listening carefully for useful information.

His sketching pencil quickly drew eight circles on the campus playground, including the school gate, the duty room, the parking shed, the cafeteria, the second teaching building, the first teaching building, an open space and the former boys' dormitory.

As an evolver, understanding the contents of the dungeon in advance is the most basic quality for all evolvers.

Shui Bingyue said:

"Everyone must have seen the topographic map before coming in. What do you want to say?"

Her question was also a question that everyone else wanted to ask. Xuantian disciple did not answer the question, but drew a line at the main teaching building opposite the gate.

"Look carefully, the playgrounds in other schools are all rectangular, but this playground and the surrounding green belt are round."

Disciple Xuantian quickly drew several green belts with a pen, and then pointed out the locations of the two goals.

"Come and see, what does this look like?"

The evolvers present were all Chinese, and they were the first to shout to the young master:

"Gossip! Like gossip!"

Xuantian disciples praised and said:


"After you accept the mission, when you look at the floor plan, aren't you curious why there are still two lonely goals on the playground when the stadium has been planned to a larger location at the back?"

Fatty Lei replied:

"Because this is the innate Bagua, the positioning of heaven and earth, the ventilation of mountains and rivers, the fighting of thunder and wind, and the shooting of water and fire. In short, it is a symmetrical arrangement of completely opposite hexagrams. These two goals are the eyes of the formation."

Everyone was quite surprised when they heard that Fatty Lei, who was dressed like a wealthy landowner from the old days, could speak such professional Feng Shui knowledge.

Unexpectedly, Wu Guangjin, the newcomer at LV2, could actually answer the call:

"However, compare the position of the innate Bagua with the position of the campus using the four hexagrams in the flower bed, goal, and flag-raising platform as the hexagram array."

"Everyone will find that in addition to the four hexagrams of Qian Kun Li Kan being rotated 45 degrees clockwise, Gen Zhen Dui Xun is not in the standard orientation either!"

"Instead, it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise and arranged on two separate levels. If the four hexagrams of Qian and Kun can be explained by blocking the way, then the rotation of these four hexagrams is puzzling."

Lin Tianyi didn't understand Feng Shui, and he could only scratch the surface after a night's work. But it didn't matter if he didn't understand, but he understood the meaning of Feng Shui explained by Xuantian's disciples.

Xuantian's disciple smiled and looked at the two of them in surprise.

It seems that every evolver who has survived until now is not a good person. At least in terms of homework, he has done a good job! Very spot on!

He clicked on the four formation eyes mentioned by Lin Tianyi, drew a few arrows in a clockwise direction and said:

"We can move the outer circle according to the position of the innate Bagua, Qian to the Xun position in the southwest, Kun to the earthquake position in the northeast, Li to the Dui position in the southeast, and Kan to the Gen position in the northwest."

"Looking at the inner circle like this, the Sunda position in the southwest is shifted to the earthquake position in the northeast, the earthquake position is shifted to the southeast position, and the Sunda position is shifted to the Gen position in the northwest."

"Let's combine the two door pillars of the tallest gate in the city to see the tallest main teaching building and the dormitory buildings on both sides. Do they look like two candles enshrining countless tablets?"

In addition to Fatty Lei and Lin Tianyi, there were three other people present who knew nothing about Feng Shui.

Hongri said impatiently:

"Let's just draw conclusions. The sun is setting."

Xuantian disciples went straight to the point:

"In this school, all the hexagrams and layouts are mutually restrained. The purpose is to suppress the evil creatures and let them kill each other in this completely mutually incompatible hexagram array."

Now, everyone understood.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yigao’s Feng Shui layout was actually arranged by an expert in advance!

But Fatty Lei asked again doubtfully:

"According to your explanation, the Feng Shui pattern of this school is quite good, but why is there a missing piece in this position?"

Na asked while pointing his finger at the only blank part of the eight circles drawn by Xuantian's disciples.

Xuantian's disciple looked solemn, pointed there and said:

"There must have been a building here! But it was demolished, thus destroying the entire Feng Shui array and turning it into a place where evil spirits gathered to nourish evil spirits."

Chao Gongzi said:

"There are indeed buildings here. I have checked the architectural drawings of the renovated old school site. This location should be the former dry toilet!"

Dry toilet? !

Everyone was stunned.

Yes, with the popularity of toilets, indoor toilets have become a standard feature for thousands of households, and the dry toilets outside schools have no use.

Xuantian disciple nodded and said:

"That's right. The expert who built the Feng Shui bureau for the school built the dry toilet in this Bagua location in order to use the students' urine and sunflower water to completely block the only place in the Bagua killing array. Health gate."

"Now that the student gate has been broken, the entire formation has stopped functioning, which is why ghosts are rampant in the city. Teachers and students are killed every year, making this place a paradise for ghosts."

The extremely evil knight Red Sun narrowed his eyes and asked directly:

"In other words, can you repair this Bagua Killing Formation again? Let us easily complete this survival mission?"

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