Sequential Evolution

Chapter 214 Implementation Plan (Fifth update, please update in full)

At this time, the dozens of skinless beasts in advance did not look like the skinless monsters driven by Drossel's demon dogs. They ran around as soon as they appeared. Instead, they watched the wind with great vigilance, appearing to be quite intelligent. .

oh? ! Is there inferior intelligence? It's still a highly organized beast like an ant colony.

He did not take action immediately, but observed the appearance of those monsters.

It has colorful patterns, beautiful fur, a huge and ferocious head, and looks like a lizard. There is a ring of mane around the neck, and it looks a bit like a reptile wearing a fur cloak.

The monster spat out the letters, and from time to time bubbles filled with colorful mist appeared from its mouth. Each time they exploded in the air, they turned into a faint miasma.

The frequency of monsters jumping out is not very high, but it is quite rhythmic.

After landing, they will look for their own warning position, but they will also fight and fight like skinless red beast monsters, and they seem to have a certain sense of territory.

It is poisonous, has some intelligence but not very high, cannot fly, has average jumping ability, but has strong and powerful claws. Its forelimbs are similar to those of a mole cricket, which is also a mole cricket. It seems to have a strong ability to burrow into the ground.

Scanning the terrain, he found that the mouth of the mine was one-way, with spiral mine tunnels dug around it, extending downward in a coiled structure. The sky was covered with steel bars, which should be lifting frames made for building heavy mining equipment.

Not far away, some metal instruments, such as prospecting drill cars, railway transport carriages, etc., have jumped on many monsters at this time. There are also several goblin corpses around, the flesh and blood of which have been eaten.

Looking at the huge space cracks that are slowly expanding and tearing apart.

Lin Tianyi made a decisive decision and could not wait any longer.

He quickly released his clone, and then took out the laser gun and all-terrain minecart robot he had just obtained.

With four shadow assassination arms, plus the main body and five clones, Lin Tianyi directly summoned the mermaid and the mutated Ben Ben, and released the newly obtained laser gun.

Arrange tasks says:

"In a moment, destroy all those monsters. Don't begrudge the energy crystals in the laser transmitter to save your mental energy. Do you understand?!"

The mermaids summoned by the fish monster Benben and the evil storybook were quite new to the laser gun, but after Lin Tianyi's one-on-one guidance from a large number of clones, they all understood how to use this thing.

The main body was left behind, and the clones drove the all-terrain mine car machine and rushed out of the mine tunnel at extremely fast speeds.

Lin Tian thought about it and issued an order.

The clones can actually quickly summon their own shadow arms, similar to how Lin Tianyi used the shadow assassination technique!

More than thirty laser transmitters were immediately divided up, and driven by the triangular crawler terrain vehicles driven by the clones, they quickly rushed around.

He has seen the garrison using this kind of laser launcher, and he feels that it is quite powerful. The power of each laser cannon is close to that of the electromagnetic gun, but the energy crystal is not very resistant.

But facing the early stage of space cracks, this is enough.

It felt great to be an army of one. The advanced driving skills they had just acquired allowed the clones controlling the terrain vehicles to fire wildly around the cracks in the dimensional space with the four shadow arms attached to the roof of the vehicle.

Lin Tianyi was not idle at all. He quickly turned the pages of the evil story book and fixed the story on the Wizard of Oz.

A large number of vines stretched out towards the steel frame in the sky like pythons. A large number of vines hanging upside down instantly covered the entire dome.

At the same time, Lin Tianyi took his time and quickly took out the artillery obtained from the Suicide Squadron and filled it with boxes of flares taken from the mine tunnel.

In doing so, there is no requirement for accuracy, only efficiency, speed, and large coverage area.

The shadow arm of the main body is busy loading and igniting.

Suddenly, laser rays filled the sky, and every time the cannon was fired, it would bring out a fierce light, directly illuminating the dim mine as if it were daytime!

The 1800-degree high-temperature continuous-burning attached flare will immediately turn into a bright light restricted area when hit on the ground, completely destroying the sight of all monsters!

It was so bright that the entire space seemed to be shrouded in the scorching sun. The superimposed brightness of hundreds of incendiary bombs was a blinding disaster for cave dwellers in other dimensions.

At this time, Lin Tianyi and his clones' eyes all turned into dark gold. In their field of vision, there was no interference from light, and the whole world was black and white.

Creatures are black and the world is white!

Lin Tianyi's thunder method caused unimaginable damage under the consumption of items regardless of the cost.

In an instant, this medium-to-large dimensional rift and a large number of beast monsters were instantly killed by Lin Tianyi and others before they could even show their power in time.

With the blessing of Vientiane Dark Gold, Lin Tian jumped directly into the air. The vines hanging down from the Wizard of Oz instantly wrapped around him like a python, one after another, and quickly threw him near the dimensional crack.

Suffering such a violent artillery attack, the entire dimensional crack seemed to be affected. A large number of monsters seemed to be thrown out of the dimensional crack. The number was astonishing, and they were thrown out of the huge crack fifteen meters high like a goddess scattering flowers.

Dozens of monsters fell to the ground. Many monsters immediately stepped on the hot and sticky glare bombs on the ground. The ultra-high temperature caused a large number of monsters that fell to the ground to scream and roll. Will not die immediately.

Feeling impressed by the tenacious life of the different-dimensional monsters, Lin Tianyi quickly separated without hesitation.

Together with the original six-path clone, they emerged in the air under the pull of the vines.

Command the clones to quickly put on protective clothing.

It would be bad if these highly toxic blood water came into contact with solid flares and turned directly into steam, causing harm to Lin Tianyi who was hanging in the air.

There are protective suits distributed by the Dimension Star Mining Area, why not use them?

With the last step completed, Lin Tianyi and his clones stood in the air, although their waists were tied with vines.

However, I have already experienced the taste of Pain's Six Paths destroying the world.

Four shadow arms grew out of each of their bodies, and each arm held a laser gun.

With 24 laser guns, guarding the surrounding area, Lin Tianyi directly controlled the clone and raised his palm at the same time.

A large amount of black poisonous water was pointed at the ground as if being sprayed by a high-pressure water gun. Those monsters who could not see due to the strong light could not see their opponents and attacked randomly.

The terrifying black blood, like a large amount of powerful corrosive fluid, was completely poured on the monsters, and began to melt quickly, as fast as butter thrown into a pot.

The kill prompt sounds are as dense as the rolling experience slot for killing monsters in the game.

[Number of dimensional monsters killed +3807]

[Number of dimensional monsters killed +4153]

[Number of dimensional monsters killed +4488]

Although it is only an increase of dozens of experience points.

But I couldn't stand it, these monsters rushed out in a steady stream fast enough!

A large amount of black blood fell on the ground, and immediately there was smoke evaporating from the solid signal bomb on the ground.

The smoke is like a sea of ​​steam mist, even making the dimensional cracks hazy.

Moreover, they are extremely toxic.

A large amount of mist and water droplets quickly condensed on Lin Tianyi's body. Even the vines of the Wizard of Oz and the extremely strong steel frame could not withstand corrosion and made strange noises.

Looking at it this way, Ben Ben is still very strong. He can eat such strong corrosive poisonous blood without dying immediately, so he is a talent.

Today’s fifth update, because it’s not easy for me, please be merciful and give me more support. If you haven’t fully subscribed, please subscribe. This is the first time this book has been recommended. If there are a lot of new subscriptions, this week Five, I might make another recommendation, it’s very important, thank you.

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