Sequential Evolution

Chapter 218 Cursed True Name (please order the full version)

There was a bang.

The Dread Lord's magma-covered fist actually failed to smash Orphan Dickens' huge head back into the dimensional rift.

The other party's body was like a mountain, extremely hard.

Orphan Dickens sneered, although the burning of the magma made his face burn.

However, this kind of power is nothing more than that to him.

Just when he was about to open his mouth and launch a terrifying dimensional crack storm to kill the weak demon in front of him.

He found that his cheeks had become numb.

The Dread Lord's fist did indeed cause very little damage to the great lord Olephon Dickens.

But the six black sticks he held between his fingers were genuine, and dozens of them were inserted into his face with one punch.

Like an elephant being constantly attacked by wasps, the 'sting' is extremely painful.

Orphan Dickens opened his mouth full of anger, but he could not spit out the dimensional storm he imagined.

This power is sealed by the six black tubes.

He roared unwillingly, and used his arms harder and harder to open up a larger space, squeezing out crazily.

The Dread Lord, who was much shorter than him, punched him in the face one after another.

Orphan Dickens closed his eyes and simply endured the blows, using all his strength to tear apart the space.

The chest was exposed, the fat red belly squeezed out, and the crooked black stone crown and head squeezed out of the space.

The Dread Lord didn't stop for a moment, and the giant lava fist hit his chest and belly crazily, as if a fifteen-year-old minor was punching the big man crazily.

Dickens endured the burning pain, the withdrawal of strength, and felt the constant stings like a wasp.

How could Lin Tianyi, who was always looking for opportunities, miss such a good opportunity?

At this time, his five clones, including the shadow arm, were using all available attacks to focus fire on his chest!

Six black sticks, which are extremely harmful to the body, are constantly inserted into the broken parts of the skin.

Like an elephant stung by more than two hundred wasps, Olephan Dickens, the fearless lord, could not help but retreat.

He closed his eyes, as if competing for endurance, and allowed the heavy rain of attacks to fall on him.

At this time, most of the thirty-meter-tall body had been squeezed out, and the surrounding space suddenly vibrated with a buzzing sound as Orphan Dickens's head came out of the crack in the space!

The harsh and long spell sound came quickly.

Lin Tianyi was shocked to find that the other party's big red head actually had two faces.

First, I squeezed out the back of the head that was bruised and swollen, and there was an identical face!

Not only that, that head seemed to be chanting a large-scale destructive forbidden spell.

The forbidden spell of the lord-level BOSS is enough to destroy all creatures in this space, including Lin Tianyi!

Lin Tianyi's pupils shrank and he directly summoned the magic mirror.

The silver mercury mirror immediately emerged, and Arrodes' long voice sounded throughout the space.

"Olephan Dickens, you have two faces, each of which occupies half of your brain. So, may I ask, does Orphan manage the excretion of daily wastewater, and Dickens manages the excretion of excrement?"

Lin Tianyi has been trying repeatedly to interrupt the enemy's forbidden spell skills using the Arrodes Magic Mirror.

However, when I used it today, the effect was surprisingly bad.

The cunning Orphan Dickens closed his eyes tightly. He felt the power of rules coming to him, and immediately replied with a bruised mouth:

"This is not the case. Any intelligent creature would not like its own excrement. Therefore, the answer to this question is exactly the opposite of what you said."

Arrods seemed to have gained some interesting knowledge, and several fireworks unexpectedly popped up on the mirror, and he said excitedly:

"correct answer."

As he spoke, the mercury-colored mirror strangely did not return to the evil storybook.

Instead, he asked Orphan Dickens:

"You can ask me a question now."

Lord BOSS immediately seized this opportunity and asked directly:

"The person who summoned you, his full real name is...what?"

Lin Tianyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

With two curse skills, he knows exactly what it means once his true name is exposed.

With the opponent's strength, he might be able to kill Lin Tianyi with a curse without any hindrance.

Arrodes was surprised by this question. He noticed Lin Tianyi quickly closing the evil story book, and he said quickly:

"Like you, he has two real names, namely Lilith Weir Lin Tianyi."

Almost at the same time as this sentence ended, a voice came from the back of Olephan Dickens's head.

"I curse Lilith Weir to be forever hunted by the cracks in the dimensional plane. She will be cut apart by space..."

Before he even finished his curse, a terrifying will suddenly erupted from Lin Tianyi's black flame ring, and a cold, twisted and evil feeling descended directly on the entire space.

The consequences of cursing the god's uniqueness will be direct attention from the god!

And one of the characters of Lilith Weir is the original witch who represents jealousy, disaster, and despair!

In the ring, a strange power suddenly burst out, and a large amount of blood and tears suddenly flowed out of the back of the head of Orephine Dickens, who was issuing a curse.

A large amount of hair began to grow out of his nose, eyes, mouth, and ears. The hair quickly became thicker and grew into the shape of a python, biting towards his body.

"Magic Mirror! You tricked me!"

The head roars from the front of Orephion Dickens.

Arrodes looked like he was watching the show and said innocently:

"My answer is always correct."

"You just cursed the wrong person." The evil mirror disappeared with a snap.

Orphan Dickens roared, and the severe pain made him rush out faster. Like a bloated body, he finally escaped from the dimensional rift and entered this space!


Olephon Dickens stepped into the pool of poisonous blood and punched the Dread Lord's body.

With just such a punch, a terrifying hole was instantly punched out of the huge lava volcano's body.

The body of Dread Lord Jack exploded into pieces in an instant and dissipated directly.

The power of the lord-level BOSS is truly terrifying.

Even though it has been weakened so much and its skills have been sealed, the wisdom and remaining strength of the body it possesses are still terrifying to this extent.

The huge pupils slowly opened.

His bloody eyes were fixed on the figure floating in the distance. Olephant Dickens looked at Lin Tianyi who was wearing a dragon scale robe. He felt that Dickens's face on the back of his head was gradually turning to stone and died. He was seriously injured and furious and looked at Lin Tianyi and shouted. :

"Despicable ants who can summon magic mirrors, I will kill you, I will kill you!!!"

As he spoke, his body bounced up instantly, and his terrifying red palm, like a mountain, smacked towards Lin Tianyi...

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