Sequential Evolution

Chapter 263: Taoist Master Lin is unpredictable (full order, gentlemen)

He and Gu Xiaochao walked out of the alley.

The latter asked Lin Tianyi:

"Brother Tian, ​​I killed a man who was doing evil things in the alley. These scumbags are really evil and cruel."

"We made such a big noise in the county town. Will it end badly and delay the progress of the mission?"

The two of them crossed the second street and saw the Shiweitian sign from a distance.

Lin Tianyi said:

"Our main mission requires us to kill the guy who is the current imperial advisor. This demon has controlled hundreds of civil and military ministers of the DPRK. Now that the whole country is our enemy, why do we care about a few arrests?"

When Gu Xiaochao heard this, he thought it made sense. He raised his thumb and said:

"Okay, I know your double eyes can distinguish good and evil evil spirits. We will do whatever you say."

"Let's go. Let's fill our stomachs first. I'll buy more food and store it later. I also collected a lot of money and coins from those scoundrels."

"This task is quite troublesome."

"It's worse than the [Exclusive Mission Trial] I did before."

At this time, the waiter who was greeting customers at the store saw Lin Tianyi and the other two leading the horse inside. He immediately shook the towel on his body and took the horse's rope on his own initiative.

Lin Tianyi had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run away. He took out a piece of silver from his arms and handed it over and said:

"Feed the best feed. If there is any extra, I will reward you."

In this world, everyone spends money on coins when they go out, and broken silver is not common.

The waiter's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly:

“We have two distinguished guests!!”

The shopkeeper in the lobby seemed to have heard some signal and immediately came out to greet him, nodded and bowed and said:

"You two, please come in."

Lin Tianyi looked at the surrounding environment. It was past dinner time and there were not many customers. The waiter was wiping the table with a towel.

They sat down by the window. Gu Xiaochao took out four slings of copper coins tied with leather ropes from the book basket, put them on the table and said:

"Change it all into food, wrap it up, and keep it for us to eat on the road. Meat! Tea! No wine."

The shopkeeper's eyes flashed and he immediately put away the heavy copper plates.

Lin Tianyi spoke slowly:

"Shopkeeper, serve the chickens and ducks, tear them whole now, don't play any tricks."

As he spoke, he slapped the sword on the table.

Xue Xiao had just cut off his hands and feet, and the smell of blood was very strong.

The fat shopkeeper shuddered, his smile became brighter, and he said more respectfully: "Sir, don't worry, I'm sorry, our store is different from the one outside the city, it's different."

As soon as the store owner left, Gu Xiaochao pretended to take something out of his arms. In fact, he was taking something out of the backpack of the Evolution Palace.

He took out four porcelain bottles, handed them to Lin Tianyi and said:

“When you walk through trials, be prepared.”

"The white bottle can distinguish 95% of biological toxins and chemical toxins when poured into meals. The black bottle is a detoxification and metabolism drug. Once you feel bad, take one pill and you can quickly detoxify, including intoxicants."

Lin Tian's eyes lit up. This thing is a must-have artifact for all role-playing missions.

"What a good thing. It's quite well prepared."

"Where did you get it? The trading house has never seen this thing."

Lin Tianyi didn't refuse this thing. It was a good thing.

Gu Xiaochao looked quite proud and said with a smile:

"This is an antidote developed by our Jiuding organization. It is not suitable for ordinary people. It is only effective when combined with the powerful physique of evolutionaries. In fact, it can be regarded as a kind of poison, the kind that accelerates metabolism."

"The combination of black and white can effectively detoxify. After all, defense is far more important than solution."

The strategy team of the Jiuding Organization is truly incredible. Ordinary evolvers would never think of such a thing.

It's not just a meal, and with the money given, the food is served quickly.

Various braised and grilled food wrapped in oil paper, served quickly.

Use a white bottle during the day, sprinkle the powder on it, and it will dissolve quickly without any reaction.


The shopkeeper of Shiweitian watched from a distance at the counter, secretly praising the prudence of these two people in the world, and also glad that he did not dare to be short-changed.

While the two were eating, a group of menacing policemen appeared on the street.

Gu Xiaochao glanced sideways at the knife he was carrying. He could tell by looking at the clothes he was wearing that he was from the Kuai, Zhuang, and Zao teams of the three yamen, the Kuai class, who specialized in hunting down murderers.

However...these government officials are full of fat. Although their steps are fast, they are not steady. Lin Tianyi has practiced stick skills. In this world, he can be regarded as a half-master with only ancient martial arts. It can be seen at a glance that they are all Wine and rice bags.

Gu Xiaochao's eating movements speeded up, and he quickly gulped down a bowl of noodles with braised meat.

Lin Tianyi was playing with the chopsticks in his hands, and with a flick of his strength, the old bamboo chopsticks, blessed by the strange power of his lv10 evolver, dug into the ground and were nailed into the red lacquered wood door pillar of the restaurant.

It's three points deep...

The fast-track catcher, who originally had a fierce look, saw Lin Tianyi slowly spreading the coins on the table. No movement was seen in his hands, and the coins suddenly stood upright.

The talisman paper that the other party was knocking on his hand was faintly flashing with electric light and making a crackling sound.

The thunder talisman in the palm of his hand, and dozens of the eight hundred magic coins given by Taoist Xuantian.

As long as Lin Tianyi pours his spiritual power into it, these unconventional visions are more than enough to scare ordinary people.

Standing outside the door, the catcher's face quickly turned from green to red, then to white again.

Sweat dripped from his forehead unknowingly. It would probably take less than a breath to deal with them all with this method.

He turned around suddenly and slapped a thin man who was leading the way in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"My dog ​​eyes are blind. Those Taoist and scholar grandfathers are so righteous and upright. At first glance, they are just men of justice. How could they be Zhou Yabing, the slanderous thief?"

After saying that, they didn't dare to enter, so they just wanted to smile and leave.

Lin Tianyi reached out and picked up a piece of beef tongue. He didn't eat it in a hurry and said softly:

"Ji catches the head, right?"

"Uh...ah haha, I'm here for a humble job."

He straightened his waist and lowered his posture a little, and deliberately used the word 'humble position', hoping that the other party would be a little wary of his official status.

Gu Xiaochao said angrily:

"We helped you get rid of seven or eight scumbags who committed murder and swindled goods in the alley. I wonder if there is any reward available?"

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Ji Baotou's face suddenly became even more ugly, and he forced a smile and said:

"Yes! Yes! I forgot about this."

He turned around suddenly, looked at the government officials on the fast shift, and yelled:

"Quick! Take out all the reward money and give it to Master Dao."

As if he was not worried enough, he gritted his teeth and took out two silver ingots from his arms. They were the silver ingots he was going to take to honor the county magistrate. There were ten taels each, for fear that Lin Tianyi and the two would not be able to see them, in front of everyone on the street. The noodles were stuffed into the handed over cloth bag.

He trotted around, took in the food, and handed it to Gu Xiaochao respectfully.

Lin Tianyi said softly:

"Captain Ji, you are very efficient in apprehending important criminals. It is inevitable that you will get the wrong person. I would like to remind you to go back and check carefully to see if you have arrested the wrong person. There are eighteen levels of hell, and the tongue-pulling hell is only the first level."

As he spoke, he put the sliced ​​braised beef tongue in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

These words and this action scared Capt. Ji's pants to the point of getting soaked.

Just because Lin Tianyi put the talisman paper on the table, and the current released caused the table to burn out into a large black network like lightning.

"Save it, save it! It's right to be reminded by the Taoist priest, and I must accept it humbly."

"Go back and tell your county magistrate that the national master Pudu Cihang is coming soon. He will be very unhappy when he sees the people suffering like this."

The fourth update is here, even though I’m sick, it still has 10,000 words! The missed chapters will be filled in by the gentlemen!

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