Sequential Evolution

Chapter 347 Corpse Tide and Temptation

Night has fallen completely, and the disappearance of the last trace of light in the sky seems to make the living corpses more active.

Lin Tianyi's sentence "Monsters, facing me head-on" was in Chinese.

The members of the GBL cult did not have the Evolution Palace as a translator. They only heard the crisp girlish voice, and then with Lin Tianyi as the center, they instantly exploded with a large range of taunting skills.

The endless living corpses are almost mutated, and the roars one after another are almost endless.

The ground was shaking, because there were too many sounds of crashing and breaking glass, and the dumpling-like tide of corpses seemed to be gathering an army of ants.

Many living corpses that were close by had already rushed into Fan Bi'an's flame circle and were rushing towards here.

Dong dong dong dong...

The sound of heavy running footsteps came.

Some huge, deformed corpses over five meters in length rushed towards them like crazy.

These were real monsters close to B-level. As soon as they appeared, they crushed a large number of metal magic vehicles and crashed towards the high earthen platform.

When Thorin saw this, his expression also changed slightly.

He didn't expect that the B-level priest in front of him could be so powerful in his taunting skills. He no longer bothered to test the strength of the three of them, and quickly took out a bottle of exquisite silver test tubes from his pocket, uncorked the bottle and drank it directly.

The Blood Prince's ultra-rare skill, blood energy extraction.

As he extracted the skill of a certain abyssal dragon beast, Thorin, with his white hair dancing, stretched out his hand towards the sky.

The stars in the night sky immediately became brighter, as if the distance between the world and the stars was getting closer, giving people a feeling of spinning.

Boom boom boom...

Several meteorites with a diameter of more than ten meters fell from high altitude, landing dozens of meters away from the earth platform.

The building was collapsed, and a large number of falling rocks and tilted buildings fell into the group of monsters.

The earth shook.

But the monster's footsteps did not stop there, and the diffuse smoke and fire did not dissipate. A large number of living corpses were like ants stepping on the collapsed building and continued to rush towards the crowd.

Seeing this natural disaster-like scene, Xie Wujiu showed a provocative look at Xiao Chen and said with a smile:

"Hey! That A-level one, are you fighting madly?"

"Do you dare to follow me down to the pile of living corpses and see who can kill more?"

This is hopeless. Is your brain out of shape?

As soon as Lin Tian thought this, Xiao Chen responded boldly:

"Okay, then I will compare with a young man like you to see how big the talent gap is between me and the GBL cult."

As he said that, the two people actually jumped off the high platform one after the other.

Outburst of rage, bloody fury, earth-shattering cross slash.

A large number of blood-colored skills bloomed like flowers on the ground. The attack range of both people was not small, and blood-colored fluctuations continued to appear.

On the high platform, a large amount of magic bombarded downwards. Ji Calamity's exploding arrows showed a wide range of lethality. His arrow speed was extremely fast. Each arrow combined with magic could set off waves on the ground. Flesh craze.

Fan Bian's wand was no longer inserted behind his back, but he was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, with blizzard spells, ground stab spells, and chain lightning spells emerging one after another.

Lin Tianyi and Su Luoqing, who also had priest skills, used holy light, which was extremely powerful against undead creatures. Thick beams of light kept falling from the sky.

The original witch also took action. Her fingers shot out a series of black beams. The beams from her fingertips hit the corpse tide. The corpse tide, which was originally indomitable and fearless of death, was hit and immediately fell into a large chaos, fighting each other. .

Silently observing the skills and combat effectiveness of these people, Lin Tianyi evaluated each person's strengths and weaknesses, thinking about how he would respond if a fight broke out.

However, what made Lin Tianyi vaguely uneasy was that in the opponent's team, the shield knight Wei Zhuang, who was holding a knight's spear, had been silently guarding Leslie, who was also a B-class, like a statue.

The cleaning speed of everyone was not slow, but the tide of zombies who were fearless and fearless of death seemed to be endless.

The battle only lasted for about five minutes, and a large number of living corpses climbed up like ants climbing a tree appeared around the stone platform.


Leslie's tone was flat.

The shield knight named by the bishop of the GBL Order raised his large shield high and immediately smashed it.


The strange resonance of the stone pillar trembled. This strange shaking frequency made everyone on the stone pillar feel numb in their feet. However, the living corpse clinging to the stone pillar had its hands and feet broken by the shock, and fell off the stone pillar with a crackle.

Fan Bian cooperated tacitly and waved the ruby ​​staff again. The flames wrapped the stone pillars and immediately burned out a foul smell. A large number of living corpses were wailing and rolling in the fire.

This battle lasted for another twenty minutes.

The surrounding ground has become riddled with holes, and a large number of corpses have piled up into mountains, but the tide of corpses has not decreased yet.

Lin Tianyi has played many doomsday survival games, but so many zombies really make him feel a little overwhelmed.

Even though he is the priest in the team, he has a unique fishing release skill, super high mental power, and combined with the magic-recovering conch, he has also drank many potions produced by the adventuring guild.

Of course, Lin Tianyi has the ability to clean up these monsters. Whether it is evil story books or various extraordinary props, they can bring a heavy blow to the zombie tide.

But his goal is not to kill all the zombies, but to use the zombies to maximize the strength of these GBL cult members who are malicious to him.

If this continues, they will probably be killed here.

If you can't pass the first level, I don't believe you won't take action.

Glancing at Leslie from the corner of his eye, Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand to help Ji Yan, who kept pulling the bow and had all his fingers cut, recover from his injuries.

Wei Zhuang has hit the stone pillars with his shield dozens of times.

This time, the living corpses once again climbed all over the stone pillars, almost rushing to the high platform. Wei Zhuang's knock only caused a small part of the living corpses to fall down.

Leslie finally took action.

Wearing a white robe, he raised his palm slightly, and invisible power fluctuations lit up in his palm.

Bah bah bah bah bah.

A large number of dense stone needles suddenly emerged from the irregular stone pillars, each one five meters long, and accurately penetrated the head of every living corpse that climbed up the stone pillar.

The stone needle was so fast that it pierced the opponent's head and then fell off the stone pillar.

What skill is this?

The opponent's move seemed ordinary, even far less gorgeous than the skills of anyone present.

But in Lin Tianyi's opinion, his skill accuracy was too high.

The stone needle stretched and retracted, piercing the heads of hundreds of zombies at the same time. As the initiator of the natural disaster and the archbishop of the GBL Order who resurrected the God Lord, Leslie was really powerful.

The hand that was inadvertently exposed made Lin Tianyi extremely fearful, and even the original witch beside him couldn't help but look sideways.

He spoke again, speaking to Xiao Chen and Xie Wujiu, who were stepping on the corpses and continuing to fight:

"You two come up here, I'm going to activate a range of skills."

Xie Wujiu, such an unruly and arrogant boy, immediately acted like a submissive sheep after hearing Leslie's words. After swiping out several sword rays with all his strength, he jumped up on the stone pillar, borrowed his strength with one hand, and used The second section jumped onto the stone pillar.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, stood up directly from the ground and jumped onto the 12-meter-high stone pillar in one step.

As soon as the two of them landed, the magician and archer Ji Calamity immediately activated the levitation technique, and everyone jumped into the air.

Xie Wujiu looked at Lin Tianyi and the others proudly, and said excitedly:

"My lord is about to take action, just wait and clean up the battlefield!"

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