Sequential Evolution

Chapter 407 Six Boosts

At the outermost edge of the radiation zone, Lin Tianyi's body arrived here as quickly as possible through the trial battlefield map purchased from the intelligence broker Red Heart Pitaya.

After quickly arranging a space beacon and a dimensional gate obtained from [Dimensional Star], Lin Tianyi made contact with the still active clone of [Sloth] and the third clone through spiritual communication.

In order to extend his teleportation signal, Lin Tianyi released clones along the way, including those carrying the [Da Qian Lu] that could no longer move.

Among the remaining three clones, the sixth clone still retains combat effectiveness and carries extraordinary props including [Evil Storybook] and [Origami Pistol].

In order to prevent his clone from being discovered and killed by other trialists due to being alone.

Lin Tianyi reasonably allocated equipment such as [Origami Pistol], [Paper Angel Wings], [Dragon Horned Dual Swords], [Black Flame Ring], [Cybotron Electromagnetic Charge Cannon] and other equipment.

Lin Tianyi's body, covered with six black sticks, communicated with the clones wearing the [Dragon Scale Robe (various version)] through a large number of black columns. All the clones of Lin Tianyi who had completed the pupil mimicry were reincarnated eyes. , all eyes lit up purple.

In the radiation zone...

Red Heart Dragon Fruit and Psychological Scalpel were cleaning out a large number of deformed zombies at this time. The two of them seemed quite comfortable, but they were just wary of other S-class hunters that might appear.

The performance of Psychological Scalpel is also very impressive, and she has gathered many 'family members' around her.

These people were all the evolutionaries they met on the road. At this time, they had been transformed by the psychological scalpel into extremely loyal evolution warriors.

Red Heart Pitaya, who had been paying attention to Lin Tianyi's movements, frowned at this time.

Judging from the radar map imaging, Lin Tianyi has reached the outskirts of the [radiation zone].

"What is this Wu Guangjin doing?"

"Is it possible that he also discovered the [Sacred Fire] Guardian Beast that is not easy to mess with?"

"But... with his strength, it shouldn't be difficult to kill the opponent."

Red Heart Pitaya underestimated the speed of genetic mutation. The giant python at this time was many times bigger than when she saw it.

Lin Tianyi stood outside the radiation zone. At this time, he took a deep breath and started to activate his skills.

"The effect of absolute good luck is about to disappear, so hurry up and start."

As the God of Greed's quill quickly wrote the words "Sekhmet's meteorite fragments" on the note, Lin Tian began to activate his skills one by one.

[Double Eyes·Vientiane Dark Gold] Pupil Mimicry Samsara Eye - Increases the absorption speed of mental power.

[Xuanwei], [Evil Star Shine] - Improve the body's all-round attributes.

As the moonlight in the [Black Flame Ring] continued to penetrate Lin Tianyi's body, he took out his pocket watch [Clock of Destiny] and started to turn the dial.

The shadow of the clock quickly appeared around Lin Tianyi's body. As Lin Tianyi's 240-hour life span was quickly consumed, the six special effects of [Destiny Clock] were randomized like a revolving lantern.


The sound of the bell ringing came quickly, and the special effects were fixed on [Fatal Blow].

This is what Lin Tianyi wants.

After receiving the blessing of the desired state, Lin Tianyi's body began to rise into the sky.

[Forbidden Magic Ring] lit up with scarlet light.

[Anime Power SE] is activated, and the Earth Explosion Star skill is summoned.

As Lin Tianyi's body quickly rose into the sky, qi and blood smoke rose into the sky.

On the ground, a large number of rocks and soil quickly broke away from the surface and converged toward the sky. The black balls continued to absorb the rocks like a black hole, gathering and growing.

Ten meters in diameter...

Twenty meters in diameter...

Fifty meters in diameter...

Lin Tianyi's avatars were divided into six points on a straight line connecting the radiation area and the alien area, all of which were converging on the round sphere of the Earthburst Star.

"It has been detected that the S-class hunter Mist Jhin is launching [Ultra-long-range shooting]. Does it affect the skill [Earth Explosion Star]?"


As the huge Earth Explosion Star with a diameter of 100 meters quickly flew into the distance, the first ball quickly flew a hundred miles away and hit the second [Earth Explosion Star] sphere condensed by Lin Tianyi's clone.

boom! ! !

A huge noise was heard, and the two balls merged together strangely, continuing to move forward at high speed in a relay manner.

"It seems like Wu Guangjin, what is he doing?!"

On the trial battlefield, there were many evolvers who were always paying attention to Lin Tianyi's movements.

However, after Lin Tianyi eliminated the top hunters from the Twilight Society and left outer space, there were very few evolvers who dared to take the initiative against Lin Tianyi.

Many evolutionists saw this spectacular scene, watching the spheres collide, merge, and fly into the distance. Their hearts beat faster and they took the initiative to stay away.

One after another, the earth-exploding orbs continued to combine, expand, and go away.

Boost to speed up!

Or boost acceleration!

Spanning several large areas, by the time it reached the outer reaches of the alien area, this huge meteorite had already exceeded 500 meters in diameter.

Faced with a huge mythical creature, how could Lin Tianyi, who had been planning for a long time, not prepare for the mythical creature to destroy the [Earth Explosion Star] in advance?

Therefore, before the Earth Explosion Star arrived, the clone holding the [Cybertron Nuclear Magnetic Charge Cannon] had already fired a long-charged cannon in advance!

boom! ! !

The thick bright light shot directly towards the head of the flower sea python.

Suddenly, earth-shaking roars came from the entire crater!

The huge snake head with a diameter of more than two hundred meters directly raised up. Because of his movement, a large number of petals were shaken off. The petals and pollen flying in the sky filled the entire interior of the Sekhmet Crater.

At this time, the boost from Earth Explosion Star had reached the fourth level of acceleration.

[Sloth] The clone's divine power evolves rapidly, and the ash stone body transformation template is activated!

The power of anime SE, Nie Li's gravity aura from "The Legend of the Demon God"!

Covered by divine power, the huge raised head was instantly completely covered by the gravity field that expanded dozens of times.

boom! ! !

All the flowers and pollen flying in the air, together with the huge head, smashed straight into the crater.

It was like colorful snowflakes floating all over the sky, washing and falling.

The gravity suddenly increased dozens of times, which had a huge impact on the mythical creature that was more than several thousand meters long.

Caught off guard, the flower sea python raised its head and smashed it back into the crater.

Almost at the same time...

[Sloth] As the last move of the six passes, the clone directly raised his hands and slapped it down hard, like a dunk.

"I'll smash it!!"

The huge sphere, which spanned hundreds of kilometers and was terrifyingly powerful, fell instantly.

After completing six acceleration boosts, the power of this [Earth Explosion Star] was several times more powerful than the battle with the S-class hunter Kryptonian.

It was naturally impossible for the mythical creature, the Flower Tree Python, not to notice the impact of such a huge meteorite.

However, in the state of full divine power of Cangyu Dengjie, the surging divine power of [Sloth] clone successively exerted powers on him such as [Sloth], [Mental Confusion], [Sixth Sense Loss] and so on.

That's too late!

The Earthburst Star, pulled down by gravity, suddenly became several times faster.

boom! ! ! !

In an instant, the ground shook.

What followed was a strong shock wave, as well as petals and pollen flying everywhere...

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