Sequential Evolution

Chapter 437 Serious shortage of manpower

As the time came to noon, the fluorescent green comet [Sekhmet], the source of the fantasy virus, finally broke through the gravity of the earth and left the earth's orbit.

Large-scale fantasy viruses are breaking out all over the world, like the end of the world.

The country of China under the rule of the Jiuding Organization is no exception. Due to its large population base, a large number of fantasy virus patients have crowded hospitals and even police stations.

These patients, who bite everyone like zombies, don't seem to know what pain is. They salivate at the corners of their mouths, some cry, some laugh strangely, some fall on all fours, and some look like crazy.


Compared with the apocalyptic situation abroad, even some official organizations were completely lost. The whole situation was in chaos and could only be suppressed by massacres with firepower.

China once again showed what it means to be China's speed.

Almost as soon as Sekhmet brought about the outbreak of the 'Fantasy Virus', it took the entire country of China only three hours to build hundreds of thousands of super large buildings across the country at the speed of an infrastructure maniac. specialized hospital.

A large number of fantasy virus patients were taken into custody, and countless 'expert teams' with the 'Jiuding' logo came to the scene in person, using various vaccines that had never appeared on the market, combined with a weird 'light', to quickly comfort and treat them. Sufferers of 'Fantasy Virus'!

The effect of this special therapy is extremely good. Patients with out-of-control fantasies can enter deep sleep almost within a few minutes and receive the injection treatment quietly!

[Sekhmet] had just left, and countries around the world, including the Statue of Liberty, which is known as the world's most powerful country, were still unable to extricate themselves from the chaos of fire and armed suppression.

The entire country of China has restored order, and people who have not been infected with the fantasy virus can already enjoy contactless delivery through "intelligent robots", enjoy delicious food at home, and take vacations and entertainment.

In fact, this does not mean that China's black technology is much better than that of the Statue of Liberty and European heavy industry.

Mainly because, between the accumulation of strategic materials in the 'Evolution Palace' and the safety of citizens, China decisively chose to consume a large amount of evolution coins, mobilize all the power and resources of the existing star trees, and do its best to help the sick. Suffer.

Those well-equipped and huge-scale super-large temporary cabins have actually been constructed long ago and have been quietly stacked in a certain [Fruit World] for emergencies.

When the 'Fantasy Virus' broke out on a large scale, a large number of Jiuding members quickly entered the fruit world as required, brought these cabins out, and quickly set them up in various cities in a checkerboard grid pattern!

If it weren't for the global nature of [Mystery of the Alien], which caused a large number of Jiuding members to suffer heavy losses and were unable to exit the dungeon immediately, this speed could be even faster!

Some people who have obtained permission to go out can use electronic IDs to overcome various restrictions and go out to 'work' or become 'volunteers'.

Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao are naturally among the group of people who have obtained electronic IDs and can go out freely.

Normally, Gu Xiaochao shouldn't be so idle at this time.

As a member of Jiuding, he should serve as a volunteer and help in a certain makeshift hospital.

Unfortunately, Jiuding has not been able to recognize Gu Xiaochao's identity.

As an official organization, they will never allow non-human evolvers to become members of Jiuding. That would be irresponsible to the people of the entire country of China.

So... Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao were quite free, and even had time to go to the Hunters Guild to ask some questions about trial tasks and the influence of godhood.

There were very few pedestrians and vehicles on the street at this time.

The two people drove the car towards the Hunter Guild.

Looking at the empty streets, Gu Xiaochao couldn't help but think of the years when he did nucleic acid testing more than ten years ago.

He couldn't help but ask Lin Tian:

"Brother Tian, ​​is that green comet really a part of a powerful alien god?"

As an evolver, this matter is not a secret to Gu Xiaochao.

The discussion on this matter on the Evolution Forum was so heated that it was impossible to hide it.

Lin Tianyi nodded and said:

"Yeah! Although this is beyond our fantasies about gods."

"But we have to admit that compared to some of the ancient gods in the starry sky, we are as small as bacteria facing an elephant."

"Some gods have just one head, which is as big as a planet."

Gu Xiaochao knew that the Blue Star where he and Lin Tianyi were was not big at all.

In the universe, the largest planet known to mankind has a diameter of 2.376 billion kilometers. The volume of this planet is 4.5 billion times that of the sun, which is equivalent to the size of 2 trillion earths. So far, no one larger than it has been found. Big stars.

Of course, some people will say that the temperature of stars is too high, and even higher-dimensional creatures should be difficult to appear on such stars.

Then HD 100556b is currently the largest known planet in the universe.

This planet is big enough to hold 350 Jupiters or 450,000 Earths.

This data is really exaggerated to the extreme, but we have to admit that in front of a planet of this level, it is not an exaggeration to say that the earth is like a sesame.'s not surprising that there are gods as big as a planet.

The two of them were sitting in the car, discussing all kinds of information and thoughts about [Sekhmet] like they were discussing novels and anime plots when they were children, making time fly by.

As the vehicle arrived at the Hunter Guild headquarters, under the leadership of Gu Xiaochao, the two people went directly to the person in charge of the guild.

From the underground garage to the guild hall, compared to the previously bustling mission hall, the Hunter Guild at this time seemed particularly deserted.

The atmosphere here is unprecedentedly depressing.

Because of the world-wide large-scale mission [Mystery of the Alien], a large number of evolvers died silently in the dungeon. Some of the evolvers who finally survived went into hibernation to recuperate, and more Part of them is busy 'taking care' of their family members who are suffering from the 'fantasy virus'.

At this time, seeing the arrival of Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao, a staff member immediately came forward to ask:

"Excuse me, are you two here to respond to the call from the Jiuding Organization and come to help with the trial mission?"

Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao looked at each other and asked in surprise:

"Under the current situation in the guild, there is actually a recruitment mission?"

After hearing what Gu Xiaochao and Lin Tianyi said, the staff member explained helplessly:

"Not only are there recruitment tasks, but the number is astonishing."

"Due to the chaos in the real world, a large number of evolvers have suffered serious casualties. This has resulted in a large number of [Fruit World] being severely understaffed, and there are many backlogged tasks that need to be processed, so many that they are exploding."

"If you don't have anything particularly urgent to do, you'd better take a look at today's task list. The evolution coins and bounties for many tasks have increased several times. You can earn more by doing tasks now than at any time. !”

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