Sequential Evolution

Chapter 444 Abandoned Shelter

A few minutes later, the entire underground pipeline was filled with corpses of crazy ghouls.

These crazy corpses obviously do not possess intelligence.

They should be the companions of the shelter mentioned by the ghoul.

"This guy knows how to lie."

"Nine points are true and one point is false."

"The real part is that he did come out of the shelter, and his companions were all dead."

"The fake part is that these people, like him, have become ghouls, and there are even ghoul shamans."

"However, the only one who still retains his wisdom during his lifetime is himself."

Below the pipe well, inside the falling space, a figure climbed up carrying a corpse wrapped in liquid memory metal into a rice dumpling.

It was Lin Tianyi's [Lazy] clone.

Lin Tian made preparations early in the morning.

As early as when he followed the ghoul into the building buried under the sand, Lin Tianyi used the skill [Information State] to make the clone [Sloth] invisible and enter the building in advance to explore in advance.

By the time Lin Tianyi and the ghoul went down to the sewer, they had quickly explored the surrounding environment and found out about the [Sloth] clone, which had returned to the ghoul, always following the other party closely.

When Lin Tianyi asked the other party how far it was to reach the other party's lair.

As soon as the corpse showed the way, the ghost-like information state [Sloth] clone floated over first.

Then, he saw the hydraulic cabin door leading to the fallout shelter, and entered it before the corpse.


As the clone of [Sloth] entered it and the pounced corpse fell into it, the door of the entire radiation shelter began to be sealed layer by layer.

The hydraulic gates, which were strong enough to withstand radiation and the power of nuclear explosions, were closed four times in a row.

And the crowds of crazy ghouls outside were already howling one after another...

The scene returns to the present.

The corpse ghost looked at Lin Tianyi's identical opponents, with a horrified expression on his face.

"Haha, I would like to advise you not to play any more tricks."

"Otherwise, I will burn your body, stick your head in the sewer, and let those cockroaches eat you up bit by bit."

After hearing Lin Tianyi's words, the undead corpse finally showed a truly trembling expression on its face.

Carrying the corpse, Lin Tianyi quickly descended into the radiation shelter.

It has to be said that due to the years of war on Yatan Star.

All large fallout shelters are extremely well equipped.

Lin Tianyi followed the four doors that were opened layer by layer and entered. What he saw was the huge evacuation elevator.

It was a huge elevator like he had never seen before.

The interior of the elevator is large enough to accommodate an armored vehicle.

The electrical equipment in the entire shelter is basically not functioning properly.

The main reason why he was standing here was to view the divisions and layout of the entire shelter.

The first floor of the entire shelter is the life enhancement point of the residents. It not only has a spacious track and field room, a fitness room, but also a canteen and a storage room.

Here, members of the shelter can exercise, gather, and go to the wasteland to collect supplies.

The second floor is the leisure and entertainment area and the space where workers in general shelters live. It is divided into school area, research area, toilets and medical area.

Next is the third floor, the working space. The main function here is to complete the production of oxygen. Through photosynthesis, crops are grown and livestock are raised. Human excrement is used as feed to raise livestock, and part of the excrement of livestock is used for plant fertilization. and biogas production.

Below is the management living area.

It is adjacent to weapons and equipment studios, science laboratories and other high-tech facilities.

It is also the area with the highest water, electricity and food quotas.

The space further down is the power generation area and water processor, as well as a hidden weapon backup space, and a small food storage area.

Although the sparrow is small, it has everything.

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but clicked his tongue when he looked at the densely packed map signs.

The wasteland world is really interesting.

His eyes scanned the entire abandoned shelter, and then he asked the corpse:

"That girl you mentioned, did you make her up, or is she real?"

At this time, the corpse ghost was discouraged. When faced with Lin Tianyi's question, the other party answered honestly:

"It's true. What I said before is all true."

"The woman is in the cell in the management area, but the elevator is no longer available. You have to take the stairs down."

Lin Tianyi was not worried about the other party cheating. With his current ability, a ghoul did not pose much of a threat.

As Lin Tianyi entered the shelter, he roughly checked the environment of the entire shelter one by one.

There had obviously been a huge riot here. Although it was covered with dust, the brutality of the original riot could still be seen.

The abandoned environment is dim and smelly, but from the footprints on the ground and the piles of garbage in the wasteland, it can be seen that the corpses really live here.

Taking out a flashlight from the black flame ring, Lin Tianyi carried the corpse along the wide iron mesh stairs, step by step, to the management area on the third underground floor.

Here, Lin Tianyi saw the lighted lamp and looked around with a flashlight. He found the laboratory marked on the map. In addition to a large number of chemicals stacked inside, there were also many needles scattered on the ground.

Bending down to look at the injections, Lin Tianyi said in surprise:

"You've turned into a ghoul. What are you still injecting into your body?"

"In reply to Master Mage, it is some inferior kharas."

"In our shelter, we have researched unstable fragrances that can increase life span and bring spiritual enjoyment and happiness to people."

Lin Tianyi looked at the corpse ghost with some surprise, and then asked:

"Can your shelter make Kasola spices?"

The corpse said sarcastically:

"Not entirely. The managers of the shelter have been secretly developing spices that can lead to eternal life behind the backs of the people here."

"They will arrest the residents of the shelter on various charges and use them to conduct in vivo experiments on fragrance."

"However, you have also seen the results of the experiment."

"I became a ghoul, and they mistakenly thought they had found the secret to eternal life."

Hearing the mocking words of the corpse, Lin Tianyi walked into the laboratory and took away the large jar of red solution and some red injections placed in the cabinet.

Seeing the other party's actions, the corpse ghost suddenly panicked, and he quickly begged:

"Please, don't take them all away. These fragrances are the driving force for my survival. Without them, my body will quickly decay."

Lin Tianyi was noncommittal, this is a good thing.

It's enough to turn a person into a ghoul or a crazy ghoul:

"Take me to the girl and I can consider your proposal."

Lin Tianyi said lightly.

Hearing this, the corpse ghost showed an anxious and sincere expression for the first time on his face, and he quickly said:

"Further forward, the human woman is in the cell ahead. You will see her soon."

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