Sequential Evolution

Chapter 452 Making things difficult

"Show me your hunter credentials."

The strong man wearing a military camouflage hat said loudly.

Lin Tianyi frowned, he did not expect this situation.

Akaxi saw Lin Tianyi's dilemma. Generally speaking, the terrifying existence of Lin Tianyi's ability should not be unknown in the entire Yatan Star.

In other words, the man in front of him who calls himself "Jin" must be traveling far away for the first time, and he doesn't even have a wilderness hunter's license.

Akaxi was not as ill-prepared as Lin Tianyi. Seeing the other party's eyes gradually becoming unkind, Akaxi immediately put her hand into her cloak.

"Hurry up, no ink marks."

"Don't you have a license and want to get away with it?"

The big man said harshly.

Before Lin Tianyi could respond, Akashi had already said:

"Please wait a moment, our license is issued by the giant god creature."

"Here it is for you."

"Send the robot dog here to get it."

Hearing the words "giant creature", the big man looked a little more respectful.

Looking at Lin Tianyi's dragon scale robe and Akashi's pretty face, his eyes have become much clearer, and the greed on his face has been wiped away.

Titan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is not something that a little fanatical fluctuation gatekeeper like him can afford to offend.

"Okay, two hunters, please wait a moment."

As the gate slowly opened a gap, a triangular-tracked gun-wielding robot quickly and slowly drove out of the feverishly fluctuating gate.

Out of sight of Lin Tianyi, she quickly took out two wilderness hunter's licenses.

A wilderness hunter's license, similar to a bounty hunter's license.

This thing is a legal qualification certificate made by major companies in order to recruit some super humans, aberrations, intelligent corpses born in the wilderness, and some "Wandering God" defectors.

Licensed wilderness hunters will be eligible to enter the stronghold to purchase supplies and receive corresponding tasks.

These missions are usually very dangerous and contain radiation.

In order not to affect the safety of personnel inside the stronghold, it is a very cost-effective thing to give wilderness hunters materials to complete difficult tasks.

Of course, the stronger the company, the more difficult it is to entrust it.

For example, explore the location of the Kasha La vein mineral deposits, clean up the radiation distortion monsters in the underground city, intercept and kill the transportation team of a large company, etc.

The giant creature that Akasi spoke of is the famous top force on this continent!

Compared with the red factory behind the fanatical fluctuations, it is not trying to make more concessions.

Generally speaking, it is very rare for a wilderness hunter to act alone. Most licensed wilderness hunters form their own teams.

And having licenses from some powerful companies is not only a symbol of credibility and strength, but will also be received by many forces in the short term.

In Akashi's view, Lin Tianyi was so powerful that he was at least a seventh-level or even eighth-level demon-level expert.

Lin Tianyi saw the two licenses Akashi took out.

One of them recorded Akash's information, and on the other blank license, Akash's fingers were printing Lin Tianyi's various information in a very concealed manner.

It's all made up.

[Name: Jhin]

[Identity: Revenant Hunter]

[Grade: Level 5]

[Description: I have single-handedly killed the tyrant of the Sand Sea, explored the abandoned radiation factory, cleaned the No. 145 shelter, and killed three Crazy Ghoul Shamans and two Death Claws. 】

Lin Tian couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw it.

This Akashi is really good at making stuff up.

He said nothing, but was very interested in Akashi's finger.

The printing speed is very fast, and the electronic program written is similar to cracking the serial code of the game, which can truly and effectively conceal the identity.

When the mechanical dog came to Lin Tianyi and Akashi, Lin Tianyi's license had not even been completed.

Akashi's psychological quality is quite strong, and she inserted her own card into the mechanical dog's card reading device without changing her expression.

Soon, the information scanning display showed footage of Akashi as an engineer, repairing mechas, making biological agents, collecting old information, etc.

Lin Tiandu frowned for a moment.

This world is not backward. Although it is the end of the world, to some extent, it is even more technologically advanced than Lin Tianyi's hometown.

However, Lin Tianyi felt a little regretful about this license issue.

Those stories he fabricated would be exposed if the card reading device scans them?


When the robot dog completes scanning, the card is ejected.

Akaxi inserted the card belonging to Lin Tianyi into the robot dog's card reading device with a very natural expression.

Under Lin Tianyi's unbelievable expression, Akashi actually showed a small look of pride.

It was a fierce and chaotic battle scene, it was Lin Tianyi's exploration into the ruins shelter, it was a fierce fight in the mining area...

All the scenes were extremely real, and even Lin Tianyi's fighting methods were quite similar.

These pictures were so real that they looked like Lin Tianyi's lost memories, making him feel extremely realistic when he saw them.


"Dear fifth-level Night God, you and your team member Akashi have the right to receive paid reception from Fanatic Fluctuation."

The fifth-level night god was stuck in the hole where the shelter could not refuse reception.

Regardless of whether there is a mission or not, as long as Lin Tianyi can get the materials for trading, the other party cannot turn him away.

The big man looked at Lin Tianyi in disbelief. He really wanted to reject these two wilderness hunters of unknown origin.

Especially after the Death God made such a big noise in the Death Sand Sea.


The opponent is a fifth-level night god!

According to the convention, his organization must admit two people into the camp for the night.

He rolled his eyes and said immediately:

"You two, of course we can accept you."

"But... you have also seen what happened this afternoon. If you two want to enter the camp, please take off all your clothes and let us check it out."

"After all, no one wants to provoke those lunatics who inspect the Death God, right?"

As he spoke, he swallowed subconsciously and looked at Akashi with some evil intentions.

After he finished saying this, inside the Lying Building that lay outside the organization, whistles suddenly started one after another.

Akaxi was a little helpless and looked at Lin Tianyi, as if she was really ready to take off her clothes.

It seems that as a synthesizer, the other party has a way to hide the demon tattoo.

However, Akaxi could take it off, but Lin Tianyi was unwilling to accept such difficulties.

In the wilderness, the strong are respected.

If Lin Tianyi really took off his clothes in public and showed it to these barbaric bastards, he would probably face difficulties if he entered them.

He tilted his head, first suppressed Akashi's action of grabbing the robe and pulling it up, and then asked:

"Let me ask you a question, which one is more powerful, the missiles in Frenzy Wave or the four stalker main battle tanks?"

Akashi was obviously taken aback, and then replied:

"Fanatical Fluctuation is also a well-known organization in this wilderness, but as a branch of the Red Factory, their combat effectiveness is incomparable with the Auditing Death God."

After hearing Akashi's answer, Lin Tianyi took a decisive step forward and walked forward.

He completely ignored the other party's suggestion and seemed to want to force his way in...

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