Sequential Evolution

Chapter 46 Artificial Evolver

After sending Gu Xiaochao away, Lin Tianyi, who had acquired new skills, was not in a hurry to find mission triggers and experiment with new skills.

He first went to a fireworks store and brought home the various fireworks he pre-ordered. Then he went to various metal processing shops and took away the metal parts he ordered last week.

Then I went to the flower and bird market and bought a cockatiel and put it in a cage.

He has decided that he will carry a parrot with him wherever he goes in the future. This will ensure that at least in the real world, he can activate the [Xuanwei] skill at any time.

Naturally, you cannot refine chemical materials at home. Whether you are purifying strong acid or strong alkali, the smell is very strong.

Lin Tian found a place early in the morning and rode a battery car to an abandoned community on the outskirts of the city.

A fire broke out in the community a few years ago, killing many people. After the fire, the old community, which was already remote and sparsely populated, was completely evacuated.

Such communities are actually very common all over the country. Not to mention that they have been hit by fires. There are many places where entire towns and more than ten buildings are empty.

The electric scooter was fully charged yesterday. His scooter was modified for express delivery. Its battery life is much better than ordinary electric scooters. With the spare battery in his backpack, he is not afraid of riding too far away. not coming back.

As the car left the city, Lin Tianyi faced the early morning sunshine and drove towards the abandoned community.

There were fewer and fewer people on the road, and the surrounding scenery began to become desolate.

In the early years of the uninhabited town, it was actually a small coastal fishing village that relied on fishing for a living. Later, due to the dumping of nuclear wastewater by an unscrupulous country, the fishing industry gradually declined. In this small village, several fishermen directly changed careers, and with it the nearby fishermen. Several small fish workshops were moved away together.

The main business in the town was gone.

Coupled with the serious loss of young people, most of the ones left are old people.

Later, there was a fire in the village, which broke out in the only residential complex with the largest population. Coupled with the virus that spread from some Western countries, the last few families in the town also moved out five or six years ago.

After driving for dozens of minutes along the asphalt road that was already covered with grass, Lin Tianyi arrived at the outskirts of the dilapidated town.

Lin Tian got off the battery car, carried the birdcage covered in black cloth, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the strong sunlight and the warm sea breeze could not resist the desolation of the uninhabited town.

The doors of many bungalows were open, the windows were smashed, and it was dark inside even though it was broad daylight.

The cautious Lin Tianyi walked around the town, and after making sure that no one was there, he chose an abandoned factory in the corner of the town, moved the generator out of the open space, and set up the convertible.

After spending forty minutes setting up the extraction equipment and other things purchased online, Lin Tianyi officially lit a fire, put on a gas mask, and began to take out several groups of things that needed to be purified, one by one.

Seeing the rising smoke and the reactants starting to bubble in a large number of glassware, Lin Tianyi suddenly felt a little irritated.

"Obviously it's to purify some strong alkali and dismantle some fireworks to make some earth mines, but I actually feel a little guilty as if I was making contraband for the first time in Breaking Bad."

Lin Tianyi laughed at himself, turned on the Bluetooth speaker, and started playing English speaking listening training questions. Then he took out the welding gun that he had prepared and was busy using customized steel pipes to assemble self-defense equipment.

Four hours flew by.

The sun is setting in the west, the grass is growing and orioles are flying.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, insects began to chirp in the abandoned ruins.

Lin Tianyi stretched his waist and neatly packed up the ugly explosive bombs mixed with steel balls, glycerin, and magnesium powder. He also packed the reinforced and powerful composite bow purchased from the Internet together with the modified bow and arrow, and the iron throwing iron. After making a javelin and putting a handheld Gatling firework with a ignition point over 1800 degrees into his backpack, he finally felt at ease.

"With these things, if I encounter a beast of the Ouhuang's level again, I am sure to kill it within ten minutes."

Knowledge is power, this is absolutely true.

After cleaning up the scene, the sun had completely set. Lin Tianyi checked the time on his mobile phone and prepared to finally visit the abandoned residential building where the fire broke out.

It would be best if you can encounter weird missions, but if you can't, there's nothing you can do about it, right?

The second reason why Lin Tianyi came here was that when he was browsing videos on the Internet, he saw a video with more than 9,000 likes.

The content of the video is all about rumors that No Man's Town is haunted.

The cause was a hot comment under the account of a certain soul-searching blogger, asking him if he dared to come here to live broadcast late at night.

Lin Tianyi has seen this kind of video account a lot.

Lin Tianyi never believed in just relying on the live broadcast of outdoor spirit exploration to gain popularity.

However, the anchor didn't know whether the other party cut off the live broadcast signal midway to create a live broadcast effect, or if something really weird happened. In short, it has been three days since his live broadcast, and the account has not been updated.

That's why Lin Tianyi came here.

Just kidding, this anchor must be fine, otherwise the officials would have come long ago.

Lin Tianyi also caught the follow-up of that unscrupulous psychic anchor before he decided to come in the morning.

It seems that fans of this blogger met the live broadcast team at the city hospital. Several people were registering and seemed to be getting infusions and injections.

This short video has 58 likes and is not popular.

Strolling along the way, Lin Tianyi carried the bird cage, and like an old man from Forty-Nine City, he soon arrived at the gate of the community marked "Happy Home".

The surroundings were already dark, many stars had poked their heads out in the sky, and the moon hung on the treetops, providing Lin Tianyi with some glimmer of light.

However, Lin Tianyi had no intention of turning on the flashlight. After obtaining the skill [Double Eyes], his night vision ability was extremely strong.

This feeling was quite novel. In a dark neighborhood with almost no light, everything Lin Tianyi could see was extremely bright.

He even hummed a tune because he was in a good mood.

Arriving at several old-fashioned buildings with traces of burning, Lin Tian looked up and saw that the red paint originally painted on the building had mostly fallen off, and the positions above the seventh floor were even more blackened by black smoke. .

Most of the glass windows here are gone, and the only sounds that can be heard are the frogs croaking in the distant pond.

The security door of the residential building had long been removed. Lin Tianyi looked at the dark hall corridor and said to himself:

"Hey, there's also an elevator shaft. The metal doors have all been opened. This community is better than the one I live in now. It seems that it used to be a good western-style building."

Lin Tianyi didn't hesitate and entered the abandoned building directly. He took out his mobile phone and started looking through the original fire information.

"Xu Moucui is accused of malicious arson, causing the death of at least 10 people, including an infant."

Climbing to the third floor, Lin Tianyi suddenly turned off his mobile phone because he clearly heard sounds coming from the corridor above, as if... someone was having a conversation.

"Boss, is this too much of a loss? The dead are the most important."

"Shut up, everyone is dead, there are no ghosts anywhere! Are you stupid for being an evolver? What is the nature of ghosts? They are the product of the conceptualization of the ocean of consciousness of human intelligence clusters, and they are fictitious!"

"If you don't take advantage of the popularity of this live broadcast to conceptualize the weirdness, I will deliver it to you by the end of the month?"

The purification method cannot be written in too much detail. The author knows it, but cannot explain it in detail.

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