Sequential Evolution

Chapter 500 The Secret Witches of the West

After receiving Akaxi's guidance, Lin Tianyi's mind became more active.

Lin Tianyi can be said to have a thorough understanding of the structure of ordinary vehicles, weapons and even ships.

With the help of the torrent of knowledge transmitted to him by Akash, Lin Tianyi quickly found the model of a small aircraft manufactured in-house by the God of Audit Death.

Pass the architecture and drawings to [Hacker Nanorobot] 300 micro-robots quickly change positions inside the liquid memory metal, allowing a small amount of liquid memory metal to be fixed into accessories such as 'gears', 'drive shafts', 'steering wheels', etc., in conjunction with the liquid memory metal With the ability of mimicry, a small aircraft with complete internal organs was soon transformed!

Lin Tianyi looked at the aircraft. As he thought, the turbine at the back suddenly started to rotate. If the power continued to be increased, it would be quite easy for the spacecraft to fly with the [cold fusion battery]!

This discovery excited Lin Tianyi.

He became more playful, and as his thoughts moved again, the liquid memory metal that had been lying quietly on the ground with the 'tire' suddenly seemed to be alive, and began to grow legs, eyes, mouth...

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but think of a famous cartoon line.

"Robot, transform!"

Seeing Lin Tianyi's satisfied look, Akashi smiled and said:

"Okay, just give it a try."

"Next, we have to fuse your biological leather armor into it."

Lin Tian nodded. He completed the previous fusion of liquid memory metal + dragon scale robe through the equipment furnace and the alchemy technique.

The whole process was completed by Giggs' alchemy doll golem. Lin Tianyi only had to wait quietly, just like waiting for bread to be baked, before he could get the finished equipment.

Now, he wanted to see how Akasi, a native of Yatan, completed the equipment.

After all, to separate the two pieces of equipment, Akashi only needs to analyze the composition, melting point, and liquefaction extraction of the liquid memory metal.

However, everything is easy to disassemble but not easy to install.

If two pieces of equipment made of different materials want to be fused together, according to the instructions given by Ziggs' alchemy workshop, it requires the assistance of magic and alchemy to make the two pieces of equipment fuse into one and perfectly inherit their respective characteristics. characteristic.

Lin Tianyi thought in his mind that Akashi had already taken action.

However, unlike Lin Tianyi's imagination, she did not use her hands to fuse the two pieces of equipment. Instead, she carried the relatively light dragon scale robe and walked towards a huge metal cabinet placed in the room.

"Help, control [Liquid Memory Metal] over here."

Akashi turned back to Lin Tianyi and said.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, and while controlling the liquid memory metal to turn into a human form, followed Akashi, and asked:

"How to do it?"

Akashi explained:

"I'm not good at refining magic equipment. If you want to fuse these two pieces of equipment together, you need to use a ritual restorer. This big iron box is a product of the Secret Witches of the West. You can use the witchcraft rituals inside. Merging two originally related objects into one.”

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but feel guilty as he looked at the slowly burning steaming bonfire in the huge iron box.

He has seen the extraordinary power used by the corpse shaman. Those sandstorms, tornadoes, quicksand and other spells are completely different from the magic power of the servant Fan Bian.

It is closer to the power of a god than a spell.

However, what made Lin Tianyi curious was that since he came to this world, he had heard the names of several large organizations.

For example, he audited the God of Death, Fanatic Fluctuation, Red Factory, Spark Company, and Akash gave him a forged identity, the Revenant of Giant Biotechnology Company, and the culprits of the destruction of the world, Wilhelm Academy, a hostile force in the Kingdom of the Undead.

Unexpectedly, except for these large settlement organizations.

There is actually a mysterious organization called the Western Secret Witches, which sounds like a Western wizard-related organization, and it actually sells products.

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but be a little envious of [Cruel Wings], his fruit. Although it has been baptized by the apocalyptic wasteland, the civilization it has spawned is diverse, and the technology trees of various organizations are almost full.

It is really better than the real world by more than one star.

However, as Lin Tianyi gradually grew up, his views on the Jiuding Organization also gradually changed.

The Jiuding organization, which manages an entire star tree, must be like an iceberg floating on the water. As Lin Tianyi grew up, he gradually discovered how huge the power of Jiuding was.

Thinking that after the comet of the alien god Sekhmet came, the official of the Jiuding Organization actually issued all enhanced BUFFs to all the evolvers of the great powers. Lin Tianyi knew that his understanding of the Jiuding Organization was still too shallow.

It is estimated that Jiuding already has the [cold fusion batteries] and stalker main battle tanks produced by this fruit planet.

I just don’t know why, with such a huge amount of resources, there are so few changes to the real world, and why powerful countries such as the Statue of Liberty and European Heavy Industries all maintain a low-key development.

With this thought in mind, Akashi has already begun to use the equipment smelter of the 'Western Secret Witches'.

As the dragon scale robe was hung into the flame box, Uncle Jianglou's voice suddenly came:

"Hey, hey, hey...boy, what's going on?"

"Are you going to put me in the furnace to practice?"

Hearing Lin Tianyi's armor speak, Akasi's face suddenly changed. She turned her head and looked at Lin Tianyi, asking: "Dark magic? Biological soul extraction? Or consciousness uploading?" Audit Death himself is an expert in this field. For machine synthesizers, consciousness uploading has been achieved to the extreme. But she never dreamed that Lin Tianyi's equipment could actually preserve the soul so well! Lin Tianyi looked at Jiang Lou. Usually, this big ghost of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms basically didn't speak much. Seeing him talking at this time, Lin Tianyi had to ask: "Uncle, I just modified the armor and went through the process. If the fusion is good, you will have a body to go out in the future. Why don't you agree?" Jiang Lou looked at the liquid memory metal that had raised one leg and stepped into the equipment refining box of the 'Western Secret Witch Association'. He shouted: "Everything just now, I am not blind, I saw it clearly." "The previous steps are all good." Hearing Jiang Lou's words, Lin Tianyi grinned. I didn't expect that this ghost general was really thoughtful. After watching for such a long time, he didn't say a word.

It is estimated that he, the spirit of the weapon, also wants to use the new body.

Lin Tianyi asked curiously:

"Then why are you jumping up and disagreeing now?"

Jianglou's ghost fire came out of the furnace and said:

"I have a very bad feeling that this furnace is weird!"

"If you really refine it for me, I will probably die here. If you want to kill me, just do it. I can't stay here!!"

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