Sequential Evolution

Chapter 56 Church of Storms

Following the instructions of the mission, Lin Tianyi quickly put on the dark blue denim coat that symbolized the punisher, imitated Xuantian's disciples, jumped out of the window and jumped out of the small two-story apartment.

Daffodil Street was quite quiet at night. A person and a cat were running on the stone pavement. Lin Tianyi looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

The kerosene lamp made of black iron was hung on the street light pole, and the dim yellow flame flickered.

Lin Tianyi frowned. The smell of bitter almonds in the mist was too strong, which was obviously the result of industrial pollution.

All around, pedestrians on the road were like zombies, wearing dirty clothes and walking forward with heavy steps. They seemed not to be at all surprised by the huge ghost ship crossing the sky.

Although these people are still alive, they are no different from living corpses.

As Lin Tianyi ran, he asked Xuantian's disciple who was leading the way:

"Master Dao, what was that thing that just flew over?"

"I woke up one day earlier than you, so I know more about the secrets of this world. What just flew over was the ghost battleship of Alz Turners, the King of the Seven Seas. The name seems to be the Flying Celtic."

"Recently, Nanami has been very uneasy. Tenas seems to be declaring war with the Church of Storms, but... this has nothing to do with our low-level punishers. By the way, meow, please don't call me Taoist for a while, but call me Abyss." team leader."

As he spoke, his body gradually changed its appearance as he ran. The gray-black fur gradually turned into snow-white. As the size increased, his mouth gradually protruded forward and his tail swayed.

From cat to dog!

"Fuck, Alaska!"

"Shut up, labor has become a wolf! The digestion speed of the magic medicine has become faster, and I will gradually be able to control this power." came the angry voice of Xuantian's disciple.

As the rows of low-rise two- and three-story Rococo-style apartment buildings quickly backed up, the two people turned across the street and saw a majestic Western religious building standing tall not far away.

Bell tower, spire, distinctive long horseshoe Gothic Latin cross-shaped white church.

The dark night and white mist could not cover the two bell towers on the west facade. Under Lin Tianyi's super eyesight, he could clearly see the semicircular outer wall at the rear of the altar and the end of the horizontal hall. Roman stone pillars and arches lined up at the end.

From the giant white wolf's mouth, the voice of Xuantian's disciple echoed in Lin Tianyi's ears:

"Crossing the Long Liberty Bridge over the Intis River, we entered the church along the side entrance of the East Square."

Following the instructions of Xuantian disciples, no, Captain Abyss, Lin Tianyi followed the footsteps of the giant wolf, crossed the white marble bridge, and ran towards the iconic spire next to the altar.

As he got closer to the Church of Storms, Lin Tian initially saw some of the punishers wearing the same dark blue denim coats as him entering the two open dark doors one after another.

Seven or eight steps up the stairs, Xuantian's disciple Abyss, who gradually transformed into a werewolf, began to transform into a strong blond man with a bare chest and blue standard trousers.

I don't know if it's the sequelae of Druidry, or if he's born with thick body hair, but he still has a lot of chest hair on his chest.

Seeing the other party shaking his coat and putting the coat directly on his body without wearing a shirt, Lin Tian murmured in a low voice:

"Can't this be transformed into a human form?"

Xuantian's disciple complained in a low voice: "Stop making sarcastic remarks to me. If you have the ability, don't create any more clones. Isn't it difficult to control the power of the potion? Don't you know?"

As they spoke, the two people who came to the church gradually stopped laughing and looked serious.

Surrounded by more than 20 colleagues, both male and female, who were also wearing dark blue denim coats, they took their seats on the benches used for prayer on both sides of the statue.

Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples found the most inconspicuous bench and sat down side by side, looking at the so-called 'colleagues' around them.

Perhaps because they have mastered the magic potion for a long enough time, they do not have the chaotic aura of Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples.

Only occasionally, a blue light flashed in the eyes of some people, or some fine scales were exposed in an inconspicuous position on the cuffs.

Turning his gaze to the man with curly brown hair standing under the statue, Lin Tianyi couldn't help but hold his breath.

It was a man with a thin beard. His eye sockets were quite deep, as if there were stars in his eyes. Under the straight bridge of his nose were two thin lips.

On his body, he wore a priest's robe woven from pale golden satin, and the simple blue wave-shaped pattern seemed to be fixed by the trident brooch worn on his right chest.

Majesty, kindness, gentleness, generosity, vastness...

Just by looking at it, Lin Tianyi felt an overwhelming pressure.

It was as if there was really a sea hidden in his eyes, a sea with overwhelming power, surging undercurrents, and bottomless sea.

"Your Majesty, everyone is here."

Suddenly, a humble voice sounded beside the brown-haired man.

Only then did Lin Tianyi realize that there was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character standing next to him. That was the consul of the Punishers, Gandalf Asimov.

The Bishop of the Church of Storms nodded slightly, his gentle yet majestic eyes lightly swept over everyone present, and then he said:

"Thank you for your hard work recently."

"In spite of the serious shortage of manpower, we can still ensure harmony and tranquility in the capital. Everyone here is indispensable."

Hearing the bishop's praise, Gandalf Asimov on the side lowered his head slightly. He clenched his right fist and placed it a punch away from his right chest. At the same time, he bowed slightly and said:

“Praise the sea, praise the Lord of storms.”

“Praise the sea, praise the Lord of storms.”

As Gandall took the lead in singing praises to the Storm Lord, Lin Tianyi and Xuantian disciples also followed the other punishers in saluting and singing praises.

The archbishop nodded, and with eyes as deep as the entire ocean, he turned to Lin Tianyi and the two in the last row.

"Ryan, if Abyss remembers correctly, this is the second time you have taken the potion. How do you feel?"

Upon hearing the Archbishop's roll call, Xuantian's disciple was the first to speak:

"Your Majesty, I have been able to initially adapt to the side effects of digesting the magic potion."

The archbishop nodded with satisfaction, showed a smile, and said in a generous voice:

"Thank you for your hard work. As one of the few nobles in our ranks of punishers, we have a task that must be completed by you."

The task is coming.

Lin Tianyi thought in his heart, and then said immediately:

"Please give me your Majesty's instructions."

"Very well, Duke Lanster's beloved daughter Lilith Weir has always been interested in the occult. Recently, she seems to have joined a secret organization and has been successfully promoted to become a transcendent."

"Go and find out what the secret organization is and report it to Asimov."

"I will follow your will, Your Majesty." Xuantian's disciples and Lin Tianyi replied in unison.

Pray for Gansu and its book friends.

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