Sequential Evolution

Chapter 562 Hints and Mediation

"I have taken care of Aragorn Hozgeir's points. There are still tens of thousands of mechanical warriors left there, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. I can only provide information. What to do specifically depends on your wishes, Lord City Lord."

The benefits have been reaped, Lin Tianyi is ready to finish the task quickly and then leave the fruit planet, otherwise he might cause some trouble when the fruit lord [Cruel Wings] Gu Chensha comes here.

"Aragorn Holzgair?!"

Hearing this name, the more than 20 high-level officials of the violent hunting team present opened their mouths in shock.

This name has shocked the entire Yatan planet for more than two hundred years.

From the pre-war era to the current wasteland world.

Whether it is Titan Biotechnology, Red Factory, Leviathan College, Spark Company, all the big forces, or when it comes to auditing Death, each organization has a different reaction.

But as long as Aragorn Hozgeir is mentioned, even religious organizations like the Kingdom of the Dead or the Secret Witches of the West will be extremely afraid.

To put it bluntly, the name Aragorn Holzgail itself means death, disaster, and destruction.

Even Rosenberg, the city lord of the violent hunting group and the extremely powerful Gray-blooded Hand, couldn't help but tremble after hearing this name.

"His Royal Highness the Second Holy Son, you just...did you say that the leader of the Death Auditor, Aragorn Holzgail's mental body, came to that branch? You also fought with him?!"

Looking at the high-ranking officials of the violent hunting team who were talking around the apron of the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Tianyi affirmed:

"There is no mistake. The opponent's biological prosthetic body is so powerful that it even claims to have completed 24 [Blood Kaerodra] trials with that body."

"We fought in his bloody domain. Fortunately, I am better at soul attacks and broke his bloody domain. Then I used some tricks to escape."

After hearing Lin Tianyi's understatement, Rosenberg, the Gray-blooded Hand, could no longer maintain his calm expression at this time.

What are small means? !

Facing a biological prosthetic body that had completed 24 trials of the [Blooded Kaerodra], the opponent not only escaped unscathed, but also destroyed the brood secretly cultivated by the Auditing Death God? !

Can such strength be called 'lucky'?

If weapons of the [Star Destroyer Cannon] level hadn't been used, and even the violent hunting teams would not dare to ignore the commotion caused by it, he would really have regarded the future Son of God who appeared out of thin air in front of him as a boaster. guy.

Rosenberg took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Mr. Jin, this information is extremely important to our entire red factory. Can you guarantee that the above information is reliable?"

"Of course, Mr. Berg, I will be on the road again tomorrow morning. There is no need for me to lie to you about this kind of thing."

Seeing Lin Tianyi's serious look, Gray Blood Hand still didn't dare to continue asking.

This situation is no longer something that he, the city leader of a violent hunting group, can make a decision on.

For everything that happened tonight, he would ask the accompanying record officer to report the complete video and news to the ten senior executives of the red factory.

It is then up to the other party to make the decision and judgement.

Rosenberg figured this out and said without hesitation:

"If that's the case, then we won't disturb the Second Holy Son's rest."

"Dino, take the Holy Son down to rest."

As Rosenberg's words fell, a middle-aged man wearing a monocle immediately walked out of the violent search team. He made an extremely respectful gesture towards Lin Tianyi and said:

"Your Majesty the Holy Son, please come this way."

Lin Tianyi smiled and nodded, then left with Akash and Rosenberg to greet him.

Wherever he passed, no one of the high-ranking members of the violent search group dared to look directly at the Holy Son. They all lowered their heads and respectfully sent him off.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, under the care of the waiter, after the two people entered the room, Akashi asked:

"Did you reveal the news to them on purpose?"

"This is not in your interest. If you want, you can get more supplies and support from them before leaving."

Walking to the living room and looking at Lu Liqian who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Lin Tianyi said indifferently:

"My thoughts are exactly the opposite of yours. After this incident, Rosenberg will definitely be anxious to send me away as soon as possible."

"This is my true purpose. In my hometown, there is a saying that 'give it up when it's good.' I have gained a lot of things in this world. Now, I just want to leave here as soon as possible."

Keeping her eyes following Lin Tianyi's movement, Akashi carefully tasted the meaning of the other person's words, and then couldn't help but ask:

"As an outsider, with your strength as great as yours, do you still have something to fear?"

Her mind was spinning quickly, and she immediately understood what Lin Tianyi meant.

Lin Tianyi strolled to the bathroom, turned on the faucet in front of the mirror and said:

"In my world, my strength can only be regarded as a trash fish. Don't you know your world very well?"

"Even things like the core of the world know that this place does not belong to me. It is a polite gesture to take some things and leave."

"Besides, I have gained a lot."

His words were actually a hint to Akasi that if the other party had other intentions that Lin Tianyi didn't know about, she should think twice. The world he was in was not the Yatan Star here.

Akasi had lived for more than 200 years, so how could she not hear Lin Tianyi's hints and warnings? She just smiled slightly, walked to another bathroom, and then said with a smile:

"Just do everything you say."


Washed, slept, and didn't say anything all night.

Lin Tianyi woke up from the bed at dawn the next day. After a night of rest, he was in much better spirits. Although he lost an avatar, the first servant Albedo and several stories in the evil storybook had fallen into a gray state, but Lin Tianyi's body was still in good condition.

Although his combat effectiveness was somewhat impaired, it did not affect him to seize the time to complete the next task.

I don't know if it's because of her cat-man bloodline, but Lu Lixi didn't stretch until Lin Tianyi woke up, and then she reluctantly climbed up, put her two little hands on the window sill, stretched her buttocks, and then rubbed her sleepy eyes and started to put on her clothes.

"Good morning, I'm not snoring, am I?"

Seeing that Lin Tianyi and Akaxi were already dressed, Lu Lixi asked embarrassedly.

Lin Tianyi was about to reply to her, but the doorbell of the room had already rang.

Outside the door, the waiter's voice came:

"Sir, the city lord has prepared breakfast, please go over and have morning tea."

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