Sequential Evolution

Chapter 591 Death Situation

Lin Tianyi has always considered various ideas of using the discarded blades of the Blasphemy God-Slaying Sword.

It would be a pity to use such a powerful blade that can hurt the gods only once.

However, whether Lin Tianyi tried to weld this thing to a weapon or asked Ziggs's alchemy doll, he came to the same conclusion:

This thing is too sharp. If it is thrown into a forging furnace, the result can only be one, that is, the furnace will be destroyed, or the residual blasphemous power contained in it will destroy the furnace and the materials.

It can't be taken, and it can't be forged back into the furnace. Lin Tianyi even tried the shadow arm and pinched it to try to attack.

But unfortunately, whether it is a shadow arm or any other form, these blades can be easily cut. Even if the blade accidentally falls to the ground, the blade will sink to the ground quickly like a stone falling into the water, and the side of the blade will fall to the ground. The power of the gods will also pollute everything around at a steady and continuous speed at a leisurely speed...

Until the emergence of mental power, this situation was completely reversed!

This thing can actually be driven by Lin Tianyi's mental power and ignore other forms of energy!

"Awesome, this is simply a weapon tailor-made for spiritualists!"

At this time, the lazy clone's eyes lit up, and he used the perspective of other clones to watch the flight trajectory of the blade, and was amazed.

"Will the battle be resolved so easily?"


The octopus electric eel roared.

Almost at the same time, the terrifying cutting force instantly reached the inside of the metal sphere, but the moment the mental power entered it, it was immediately controlled by a strong will to resist.

It's like a person can't use his own hands to strangle himself. Nietzsche's bleeding black eyes actually have two dark golden pupils!


Lin Tianyi's double pupils!

He has eroded part of Lin Tianyi's life and stolen some of Lin Tianyi's abilities!

As a spiritual body projection, the most intuitive thing Nietzsche can steal is the soul power that has the same origin as the mental power outside, and the double pupils of the dark gold.

"I have fixed these blades."

"These blades should be master-recognizing items, that is, the power does not come from other spiritualists, but from this body, that is, Lin Tianyi's clone!"

Nietzsche fluently recited the last three words "Lin Tianyi" in Chinese!

Nietzsche, a native of this world, has thoroughly understood everything about Lin Tianyi at this time, and even deduced the fact that Lin Tianyi has a clone!

"Keep holding on, give me some more time, as long as I get through this plot, the goddess of joy, the original god, will become my partner, and then, I will be a candidate for God."

Hearing the word "clone", the octopus electric eel grinned widely.


"It's easy to deal with, I have one too."

As its voice fell, the huge thunder curtain originally composed of plasma instantly shot out hundreds of ball thunders.

These ball lightnings are fast or slow, and there are a lot of them.

Some small individuals, with diameters ranging from 15 to 40 cm, are spherical or oval, and there are also flat rectangles, cubes, rings, dumbbells, clouds, cylinders, bullets, cigars, cones, lenses, shields and spirals.

They emit orange, red, yellow, purple, blue, bright white, and dark green halos in a variety of colors, covering almost all the shapes of ball lightning that can be seen in nature, rushing towards the direction of the bullet at a very slow or very fast speed.

"Oh, a powerful skill, with this lightning control technique, this big lizard is enough to match the level 28 thunder magic evolver."

The Berserker clone narrowed his eyes, and the four-staff magician Fan Bian beside him immediately pulled out the bright yellow staff from his back and swung it hard.

In the broken underground tunnel, a large number of rock columns directly squeezed and shattered the corridor, resisting most of the ball lightning.

For a time, the entire underground was full of explosions.

In nature, rock elements restrain thunder elements!

This attribute restraint did not completely make the almost endless ball lightning completely fail!


The moment these thunder balls discovered rock magic, their speed instantly changed from 5 meters per second to an outrageous light speed of 20,000 meters per hour!

Boom boom boom boom...

The explosions that came one after another almost immediately resounded throughout the underground tunnel, and the automatic traps carefully arranged by Lin Tianyi's clones were instantly destroyed.

At the same time, huge purple electric eels rushed out of the underground tunnel and rushed towards Lin Tianyi's clones.

Super electric eel clone!

Electrons can be copied. As the most outstanding alien superhuman experimental subject of Li Weiheim, the octopus electric eel is terrifying.

And here, as a superconducting track, the energy in it is almost inexhaustible. Here, the octopus electric eel is almost invincible.

Almost everywhere they were suppressed, this pure elemental creature, every time it was dispersed, the free positive and negative electrons would release a terrifying explosion, and the surrounding superconducting circuits would quickly replenish the scattered clones.

At this time, Lu Lixi and Akaxi had clenched their fists. In order to observe the situation of the battle, Akaxi released some hacker nano combat soldiers and used a micro camera to project the battle scene to the hiding place of the three people.

In the picture, there are a large number of electric eels, like a dense ocean of eels. Each electric eel spits out nearly infinite thunder and lightning. Once these clones are eliminated, they will explode immediately, and then be replenished by electricity, more and more!

Looking at Lin Tianyi's clones at this time, they are now in a complete desperate situation.

Whether it's the mermaid in the evil storybook, or the second, third, and fourth servants who can come on stage, there is no better way to deal with these endless electric eels.

"Despicable sneak attacker, if it weren't for the previous attack, Mr. Jhin would definitely not have lost!"

Lu Lixi's cat ears had exploded at this time, and her two slender plush fists were tightly squeezed.

Akashi looked at the situation on the entire battlefield with worry. The terrain here was too narrow. If they were on the surface, they could use the newly acquired starships and use the Star Destroyer Cannon to fight back.

At this time, in such a desperate situation, the lazy avatar actually lost the previous calmness. His facial features became closer and closer to Nietzsche's. The appearance that was originally unique to Easterners has gradually begun to resemble Nietzsche's thin lips. , the bridge of his nose changed, and his dark hair began to appear mottled with blonde.

"No, I can't hold on any longer."

"Original body, otherwise we have to admit defeat and I will directly kill your body. This is nothing more than a waste of a layer of the witch's origin. At least after rebirth, you can still find a way to escape."

Hearing the words of the second clone, Lin Tianyi's clone, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly frowned, and his expression gradually became distorted. The will to resist almost forced the lazy clone to be recalled directly.

"Stop resisting. If Lin Weier is taken away, she will be taken away. At least you still have life..."

Before he finished speaking, the clone of the spiritual master cast a hostile look at the second clone and said:

"Godhead clone, you know that the main body will never agree to this proposal. I suggest that you implement the final plan."

As the third clone said these words, three eyes of the Berserker clone and the weakest fifth clone fell on the lazy clone at the same time.

The latter raised his hands helplessly and said casually:

"Okay, okay, this is the decision of the three of you. Let me explain in advance that this may not necessarily work. Summoning the final chapter in the evil storybook, the greedy God Pan, may be more harmful than the two extraordinary beings outside. ”

"Because... gods cannot be used. Even if we are relatively strong ants, if we want to use elephants, the cost will be unpredictable."

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