Sequential Evolution

Chapter 608 Peace Church

"The Holy Son is so handsome, the Holy Son should be extraordinary."

"So handsome. This is what the savior should look like. He is simply the unparalleled hero in my mind."

"What should I do? I have fallen in love with him..."

Lin Tianyi's appearance is indeed good, with the impressive [Hozgeir Intelligent Mimicry Suit] blessed with the title of immortal, dark golden double pupils, plus the miraculous blessing of [Fantasy Sketchpad], the Lord of Starfire City Deles Ta's personal endorsement made this show instantly popular throughout Spark City.

As a pearl of the old era and a representative of wasteland civilization, Lin Tianyi's speech at the dinner was synchronized to the point where everyone could hear it almost in one night through the radio stations, city projection screens, and radio channels in Spark City. In the survivor colony at Spark Company Radio.

The demagogic declaration containing [the power of leadership] almost immediately became the second most popular topic after the doomsday vision broke out.

Maybe it's because Lin Tianyi's appearance is really handsome, maybe it's because of the recognition of the world's will that comes from signing [Sotrak's Law Scroll].

For a time, the savior who was prophesied to save the wasteland, the fanatical and fluctuating Second Holy Son, instantly became a well-known hero among the major survivor communities.

The 'grape' news about him spread rapidly around the entire East Coast.

Not only that, in view of the powerful technological power of Spark Company, the survivors stationed in these bases were reporting the news of the Second Son's birth to major organizations using radio transmission methods, and Audio and video materials are included.

These audio and video materials, and because of the potential influence of the law scrolls and the power of leadership, gave a wave of psychological hints to the core layers of the major settlements.

For example, when he came, strange phenomena appeared in the sky...

Another example is that he is fighting against millions of crazy zombies in the country of the undead...

Another example is that he destroyed the man-made god who censored death, destroyed the brood, and other rumors that almost overnight became a topic that scavengers talked about after dinner.

Although these stories may be true or false, and even have a hint of gossip in their content, it is undeniable that the name Jhin has quickly become known to people.

Dresta's efficiency can be said to be vigorous and resolute.

Almost the next day, four churches of light appeared in the entire Spark City, and statues of Lin Tianyi quickly stood in major city squares, park centers, and around fountains.

In order to be able to show miracles and gospel to ordinary people.

As soon as the temples of the four churches were opened, the Second Holy Son of the Savior appeared at the door of each cathedral at the same time, preaching the doctrine of the 'Temple of Light and Tranquility' to the people gathered in the Spark City organization!

Yes, these Lin Tianyi are all clones.

With the assistance of the Fantasy Sketchpad and [Animation Power SE], although Lin Tianyi's clones appeared at the same time, they launched large-scale miracles at different times to help ordinary people who could not afford to install mechanical biological prostheses. Restore the broken body and heal the hard-to-heal injuries!

Almost as soon as Lin Tianyi completed the coverage of Spark City's faith, a large number of 3D printed metal statues perfectly replicated Lin Tianyi's appearance, and were transported by a large number of Spark Company's aircraft to various surrounding survivor settlements.

What Lin Tianyi's clones need to do is very simple, that is, by "opening the door", they can instantly arrive at Spark Company to help him build churches in other settlements, and then use the fantasy drawing board to expand their bodies, create visions of heaven and earth, and cure people in large quantities. Scavengers.

It was such a simple model, and the miracles spread quickly like bamboo shoots after the rain in the entire Spark Company's coverage area in almost one day.

Nothing is more attractive to scavengers in the wasteland than the practical miracles of free recovery of the body and elimination of diseases. These wastelanders, who cannot afford Krasin and whose bodies are plagued by radiation and deformation, can in a very short time Within a short period of time, he quickly changed from a non-believer or a believer in other gods to a loyal believer in Lin Tianyi.

Not only that, Lin Tianyi, who has the backing of Spark Company, is not only officially recognized by the major strongholds, but also has a large number of noble women from Spark City who voluntarily go to major strongholds to spread the gospel and go to various strongholds to preside over the work of the Anning Holy See.

These aristocratic women take the initiative to donate money and materials to Anning Church, pray, chant, and distribute leaflets. They are no weaker than the fans who promote celebrities and idols in the real world!

At the same time, on the top floor of the Torch Building in Spark City, Dresta held the teachings compiled by Lin Tianyi and marveled.

"These Ten Commandments are in line with your status as the savior."

"But you are a domineering guy. The first commandment is that you must have no other gods besides me."

Since you want to ensure that your church is a righteous church, it is a basic practice for evolutionists to modify the Ten Commandments of Moses for your own use.

Lin Tianyi's distractions were all busy playing tricks. His real body was sitting opposite Dresta, and balls of light like fireflies were constantly entering his body.

Is this what it feels like to absorb the power of faith?

No wonder the gods are always keen to spread faith. Once these insignificant powers add up, the divine fire and divine personality are like burning flames poured with gasoline, becoming blazing and filling the body with power.

This feeling was a bit like being under the spotlight, being praised and admired by millions of people. That feeling of omnipotence made Lin Tianyi feel elated.

After hearing Dresta's words, Lin Tianyi smiled and said:

"The battle between gods is originally a life-and-death struggle for the power of faith, which is also a part of the battle between gods."

Drestad had now seen the sixth commandment - Thou shalt not kill the innocent.

He put the flyer on the table and said with a smile:

"You are well prepared. These Ten Commandments are considered to be in line with the standards of behavior of wastelanders. Although the teachings prohibit the killing of innocent people, they do not say that they are not allowed to maim."

"Okay, Second Holy Son, are you ready to enter the secret realm?"

Lin Tianyi's dark golden eyes sparkled, and he said with a smile: "Thank you, Lord Dresta."

As the kind-faced, fat, white-haired old man stretched out his fist and slowly unfolded it, Lin Tianyi felt that his perception of the outside world had become stagnant and slow.

Between his eyebrows, a little golden light gradually lit up, and then became extremely dazzling.

In front of Lin Tianyi's eyes at the Evolution Palace, virtual subtitles and Hongda's voice prompted:

"Evolved Mist Light Jin, you have opened the [Yatan Star Fruit Secret Realm]. Do you want to enter?"

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