Sequential Evolution

Chapter 617 Town Information

When Lin Tianyi walked into the house confidently, a subtle look suddenly appeared on Yin Chansha's face.

However, as the divine fire of Lin Tianyi's body burned, the other party became like a deflated ball and became listless.

She did recover a lot of strength, but she was not sure that the other party would stay here.

Damn it.

If the other party appeared in the night of Misty Town, she would definitely get rid of him, and then slowly torture this profiteer who made people grit their teeth and squeeze out all the treasures on his body.

Unfortunately, it is daytime in Misty Town now, and the danger of walking on the street is really unimaginable.

If the sound of fighting is too loud and attracts the attention of that existence, then her situation will be bad.

Having found a thousand reasons for herself, Yin Chansha gritted her teeth and said coldly:

"Let's trade."

"Take out the things."

Lin Tianyi was unmoved, but stretched out a hand and said:

"Deliver the goods first."

"You pay half of the reward first, those foods!"

This is a very reasonable request, and Lin Tianyi can afford the loss.

Putting a box of water and the snacks from Sister Xu's shop on the ground, Lin Tianyi squinted his eyes and stared at the other party.

The latter did not hesitate, greedily pounced on those things, and then reluctantly threw the mutant production device over.

Lin Tianyi caught the treasure steadily, and he didn't even look at it curiously, and directly put the fruit secret into his bag.

Now, it was Yin Chansha's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Are you so confident? Don't check it?"

With this item, she has cheated the residents of this foggy town.

Unexpectedly, this guy was not ordinary cunning, and did not reveal any flaws at all, not to mention the mysterious operation of inserting his finger into the hollow position of the funnel.

Lin Tianyi gave the other party the remaining things without saying anything.

Two boxes of Quanyangquan mineral water, which is an underground natural mineral spring that is a little sweeter than Yibao and Wahaha! Even Evergrande Ice Spring and Nongfu Spring have acquired the other party's water field!

"No, of course you have to be confident when doing business, otherwise you don't even know what you are buying, so what kind of transaction is there."

Hearing Lin Tianyi's words, the other party couldn't help but snorted.

She then heard the other party ask:

"Are there any more treasures?"


"Then why are you so afraid to go out? I see that there are many residents in the town, and there is a person living in almost every house."

"Want to know? Give me something in exchange!"

Lin Tianyi took out two bags of instant noodles and shook them in front of the other party.

As a result, Yin Chansha also learned her lesson and stopped bargaining with Lin Tianyi.

The other party didn't buy her tricks at all, and she didn't want Jinshan to run away directly. She really couldn't stand the other party going out at any time.

Besides, it was necessary for her to let the other party know the danger outside, so Yin Chansha simply stretched out her hand.

Lin Tianyi smiled slightly and threw two bags of food over.

After getting the food, the other party started eating again, as if her stomach would never be filled.

"Although this foggy town seems to have no day and night, in fact, the time we are in now is daytime."

"The bell is used as a signal. There will be four different changes every day: one, three, six, and twelve bells."

"Every six hours, the bell will ring once. When you arrived, the bell had just rang three times, which means we are still in the daytime stage."

Lin Tianyi secretly remembered the other party's words, but did not completely believe it.

He continued to ask:

"Then... why don't you dare go out?"


The sound of chewing instant noodles continued to ring out. Yin Chansha ate very quickly. She finished a bag of instant noodles in almost the time it took to chat for a few sentences.

Not only that, she also poured the seasoning into the mineral water to make a drink similar to soup. She took a big sip and said happily:

"It's simple. We can't resist the danger outside."

"We call them patrolmen."


A setting similar to curfew?

But why is it during the day?

"What do those things look like?"

"White uniforms, faceless, no facial features, holding a bunch of strange silk threads in their hands, they are very fast and can destroy houses, and the most important thing is that their size can change at will. Sometimes, these things will become very small and run on the house, and you can't detect them at all."

Lin Tianyi collected the information given by the other party, then thought for a while and asked:

"What are the consequences of being caught?"

Yin Chansha looked at Lin Tianyi deeply and said:

"Being caught and taken to the church in the center of the misty town."

Lin Tianyi thought he was killed or eaten on the spot.

He lowered his eyes and said:

"Then how do you know that being caught means death, not being sent away?"

Yin Chansha said lightly:

"Because after a while, you will find that the people who were caught have become white monsters without thoughts, emotions, and facial features!"

"The weak ones have never appeared again. And the strong ones have become members of the patrol."


Surprised by the special nature of the misty town, Lin Tianyi wanted to ask something when he opened his mouth.

Yin Chansha had already torn open another bag of food and continued to devour it.

"I know what you want to ask. We killed patrolmen before, and their bodies were completely filled with silk threads, as if they were completely filled with some strange ball of thread."

"And my team members, very good colleagues, were made into that kind of existence."

Chewing the food expressionlessly, the other party had changed from a dying old woman to a beautiful woman who looked only 27 or 28 years old.

Lin Tianyi had been watching this change.

Seeing Lin Tianyi staring at her figure, Yin Chansha unexpectedly stopped eating, looked at him with a strange look and said:

"What? Are you interested in me?"

"We can have a fight with only three bottles of water. If you perform well, maybe I can make you happier."

"After all, the misty town is extremely boring, and there is no enjoyment here."

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Tianyi didn't know why, the first thing he thought of was the notes of the mutant production instrument. He looked weird and waved his hand and said:

"Forget it."

"Of course, you are beautiful enough, I am afraid that I will die."

Yin Chansha smiled foolishly, and continued to pick up the food in her hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

Lin Tianyi asked curiously: "Your appearance has been recovering. If you eat enough and your strength returns to the peak, can you look smaller?"

"... Do you like children?"

"... No, just curious."

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