Sequential Evolution

Chapter 63 The hotbed of evil gods

Visiting the families of the missing is just a show.

Throughout the morning, the two people worked separately and visited more than thirty family members of missing persons.

The results obtained were exactly as they imagined, and indeed there were no new discoveries.

In the afternoon, the two people came to the Church of Storms again. After eating a free working meal in the cafeteria, they received the investigation order, magic-breaking bullets that have a strong inhibitory effect on extraordinary people, as well as 80 pounds of funds and one standard weapon per person. Revolver.

Within the Church of Storms, Xuantian's disciples used their specialties to conduct full divination on the danger of the matter, the whereabouts of the missing girls, and the locations where clues might be found.

The results obtained are very rewarding.

But the two of them could not be optimistic.

Because the unlucky index of two people is the lottery.

Big bad.

As for the whereabouts of the missing girls, the six-yao hexagram gave a clear direction. Most of the girls were looking for them in the southeast, while a few were scattered everywhere.

This means that there are more than one perpetrators.

Someone fished in troubled waters in an attempt to confuse the pursuers.

This is similar to most serial murder cases. Once a case occurs that is enough to trigger public opinion and collective panic among the public, someone will imitate the methods of serial murder cases to commit crimes, thereby avoiding the probability of being discovered.

"Now, what should we do?" Xuantian disciple asked.

Lin Tianyi thought for a while and said lightly:

"Continue as planned."

"In the evening, let's go to Pinsk Street where Adam mentioned."

"Then, I have one last trump card to use."

Xuantian disciple nodded and asked in a low voice:

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then tomorrow morning, follow the Archbishop's instructions and go see the pride of the empire, the pearl of Intis, Miss Lilith Weir."

"It seems she will go to the Red Cross tomorrow to help the refugees. If you don't see her there yet, wait until the evening, when she will definitely attend a charity party to raise funds for the refugees."

After agreeing on a plan, the two decided to go to the church's special case archives first to check the information.

As punishers, they have the right to read most documents about extraordinary events, but documents about the coming of evil gods can only be consulted by the archbishops of the past generations.

Because God’s true name cannot be praised, cannot be seen, and cannot be known.

Anyone who watches the detailed description of the evil god's deeds may be contaminated, parasitized, or even become a vessel for the evil god to descend without being aware of it.

When two people read and discuss together, the efficiency naturally becomes quite high.

Soon, they had a full understanding of the power system of this world and the strength of extraordinary beings.

As dusk gradually fell, Lin Tianyi closed a case file titled 'Diniya Smog Incident' and couldn't help but exhale.

"It's so tragic. Extraordinary people use the atmospheric haze emitted by industry to spread diseases and disasters, killing tens of thousands of extremely weak unemployed refugees overnight, and use this as a sacrifice to the evil god."

"This is very similar to the history of the Victorian period, when 3,000 people died from heavy fog in just one winter in the Empire. From 1840 to 1900, according to historical records, 1/4 of the people died from lung diseases caused by air pollution. The name of the Fog City has continued to this day." Xuantian's disciple continued.

Lin Tian nodded. This world is full of unknown weirdness, and the erosion of this world by extraordinary power is very similar to the society they live in.

The discharge of nuclear wastewater, a certain Western country's use of artificially synthesized viruses, and secret bacterial biological warfare have accelerated the speed of the strange arrival. These are all consistent with this script world to a certain extent.

"Let's go, it's already getting dark. Calculating the time, it's just the right time for us to go to the Scarlet Bar."

The two men picked up their clothes and set off immediately.

Pinsk Street, located in the Lower Town of Intis.

It is where most of the poor people in the entire capital of Intis live.

An urban area that is only one-fifth the size of the entire capital is home to five times the population of the other three neighborhoods combined.

According to official statistics from Intis, there are dozens to hundreds of refugees living in every house in the lower city. Often, a small house is filled with various wooden high and low beds in order to save space. People can sleep there, and people can sleep in the hallway.

Here, for just a penny, you can get a bed for half a day.

In order to resist the cold, a ten-square-meter house is often divided into four layers, with three layers of beds, one under the bed, and a corridor that can sleep more than twenty people.

The large number of refugees has created a dirty and smelly environment. This is a breeding ground for plague and a paradise for criminals.

Many criminals wanted by the police station will flee here, taking advantage of the high population mobility here to hide their traces.

The two people took a carriage and came to the Lower City.

Now is the time for the night shift in the factory. A large number of refugees in tattered clothes are pouring from the lower city area to various urban areas. Their steps are heavy, like a large number of walking corpses. Occasionally, a gust of night wind blows through the crowd, which will bring a wave of A stench mixed with the stench of sweat and an unknown meaning.

Lin Tianyi frowned and resisted the urge to put on a gas mask. He took out two masks from his backpack and handed them to Xuantian's disciples.

"Why is it so smelly?" Xuantian's disciple asked.

"Although underground drainage systems began to be promoted in the Victorian era, the main means of flushing sewers still relied on manual water collection and natural rainwater."

"Xiacheng District has a large population, and a lot of excrement is produced every day. The refugees have problems with food and clothing. Who can take care of personal hygiene?"

The two men were talking in a low voice when several large black leather carriages pulled by horse-drawn carriages passed through the street.

The pedestrians who were walking numbly immediately moved out of the way, as if there was something inside the carriage that they also hated.

A strong stench emanated from the carriage, and compared to the stinging smell of feces and urine emanating from the streets, this smell was almost nauseating.

In many apartments, the ringing of bells from the carriage was heard. Immediately, stinking corpses were carried out from several apartments and stuffed directly into the car as if they were throwing away garbage.

This carriage would take in several new corpses almost every few dozen meters. Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples just stopped and watched for a few minutes before seven or eight corpses were put into the carriage and then pulled directly to the cemetery outside the city. .

Their final destination will be huge pits. Each carriage will dump a whole load of corpses into it, and then bury them together, leaving only a simple wooden cross with a number and date written on it.

"No wonder the lower city is known as the hotbed of evil gods. This is really terrifying."

"Cold, hunger, and disease. Every winter, homeless people die like straw. They have no ability to withstand disasters. There is nothing we can do about it."

Xuantian's disciples only said one sentence, and then began to silently recite Taoist scriptures on rebirth to save the poor people who died.

Lin Tianyi sighed and said seriously:

"Let's go, we still have to rush to Pinsk Street."

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