Sequential Evolution

Chapter 80 Delicious Food

When Lin Tian heard what the other party said, he immediately smiled with joy.

He took a step closer, stretched out his hand and said:

"Then thank you very much, Lieutenant Colonel. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked for your honorary name yet."

"Carl, Carl Vincent!"

Holding Lin Tianyi's hand excitedly, Lieutenant Colonel Karl, who had achieved his goal, felt like he had made acquaintance with a great figure in the future.

Although the other party is now just a punisher.

But with such combat power, he will definitely lead a fleet in the future to eliminate the existence of the Four Kings and Seven Generals. If the other party can go one step further and become the right-hand man of the Bishop, for Karl and his family, the current friendship can be It's just too precious.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the huge ice surface that stretched for miles, and his smile became brighter.

"Now that the battle is over, let the people below handle the finishing work."

"Sir, if you don't mind, please follow me to the garrison headquarters. I have all kinds of extraordinary medicines to treat injuries, which can heal your wounds."

As soon as Lin Tian heard the words "extraordinary medicine", his eyes suddenly lit up.

In fact, he wanted to go back to rest as soon as possible and study the few extraordinary items that he had not warmed up.

However, the other party's attitude is enthusiastic and he has prepared 'extraordinary medicine', which means a different meaning.

Lin Tianyi followed Shan Ruliu and said directly:

"Then please excuse me, Lieutenant Colonel. Please go ahead."

After leaving the naval headquarters on Saiyan Island, Lin Tianyi was personally sent by Lieutenant Colonel Karl's deputy to a hotel specially used by the military to entertain high-ranking officials in the empire.

Because Lin Tian declined Lieutenant Colonel Karl's banquet in every possible way, when he entered the room, the waiter had already brought exquisite meals with silver round insulation covers, and there were also Enjoy the special melons and fruits of Saiyan Island and a cup of rich golden coconut milk.

After such a fierce battle, Lin Tianyi was indeed a little hungry and curious about what the upper class people in this world eat.

First, I took a sip of the mellow golden coconut milk. This juice is taken from the Lolotavis Islands 30 nautical miles away from Saiyan Island. The island is home to a large number of highly toxic tidal crabs, which are specially made for their tough iron-like shells and giant shape. Red sea urchins feed on the golden coconut, so they are extremely difficult to pick.

The cold golden coconut milk entered the throat and entered the stomach. It immediately gave off a faint heat, making Lin Tianyi's body feel a little lazy.

He was surprised to find that this coconut milk actually contains mystical power, which can slowly restore mental power, spiritual power, and magical power. Not only that, it is also very high in calories. In addition to not being suitable for women during the weight loss period, it is also not suitable for extraordinary people. , is really a pretty good drink.

After drinking the golden coconut milk, Lin Tian initially had expectations for other dishes.

Lifting the silver thermal insulation cover one by one, Lin Tianyi directly saw the exquisitely arranged Tusuossel Imperial dishes on the plate.

Because it is an island country, the dishes of the Tusossel Empire tend to taste like sugar and milk, and the soup is thick.

However, this Saiyan Island is surrounded by the sea, and its specialties naturally focus on seafood.

He opened the first dish and found that the inside was actually a huge half-open shell. Under the illumination of the shell gas lamp, it emitted a soft colorful glow, and the crystal clam meat and the blood-red lobster meat filled with open backs were revealed. It's quite appetizing.

But Lin Tianyi's eyes were directed at the few pearls emblazoned among them.

These pearls, in the shape of translucent jelly, are placed among the shells and emit a cold mist. They are actually extraordinary natural materials.

【Osberry Ice Clam Beads】

[Attribute: Material]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Description: Continuously releases cold air, can be used as prop enchantment]

[Remarks: The magical clams that grow in submarine volcanoes change the water temperature by spitting out cold air, paralyzing fish to eat. 】

[Note: Only Yu and you know the feeling of two heavens of ice and fire. 】

Ignoring the interesting notes given by the Evolution Palace, Lin Tian played with a few clam beads and felt his fingers touch each other, immediately feeling numb, as if his palms were freezing.

nice one.

Lin Tianyi had never eaten a big lobster, let alone blood-red lobster meat. Curiously, he picked up a piece of red dragon fruit-colored shrimp meat and put it into his mouth. He felt that the hairs all over his body could not help but stand up.

Under the cold taste, the huge fresh and sweet shrimp flavor exploded in Lin Tianyi's mouth. The sweetness was far more delicious than the gooseneck barnacles he picked up at the beach.

Not only that, this lobster is not extraordinary. The bright red meat actually has a good blood-replenishing effect.

This simply made Lin Tianyi overjoyed. Ever since he used the blood lord's summons, Lin Tianyi always felt that he was losing blood. The role of this shrimp meat in replenishing qi and blood was quite obvious. It tasted cold, but after eating it, he felt his complexion gradually fade. flush.

Little did he know that the shrimp meat was actually the cub of an extraordinary creature called the 'Crimson Lord' on the bottom of Portola, which was particularly difficult and dangerous to capture.

Not only must we pay attention to the wild waves and the ever-changing weather in the Portola Sea, but we must also be wary of the Crimson Lord, whose body is dozens of meters long and whose carapace is as hard as a punch-thick steel plate.

Originally, Lin Tianyi was not qualified to enjoy this top-notch ingredient exclusively for royal banquets.

But as the supreme commander of the shrimp fishing boat, Lieutenant Colonel Carl found a portion of shrimp meat for the promising Viscount Ryan. In his opinion, it was a great deal.

After tasting a lot of delicacies from the mountains and the sea, Lin Tianyi focused on the deep red shrimp meat, which has an excellent blood-enhancing effect.

But I didn’t eat much of the mussel meat that was so mellow in the mouth.

There was no way, that thing was just like oysters, it seemed a bit like a men's gas station. He only ate one piece, and he felt that the image of Prince Petrov's daughter, Princess Sharon, taking a bath kept appearing in his mind.

At this time, in the space of the black flame ring, the palm of Lin Tianyi's cursed spirit Su Nuo emitted restless bursts of perception.

Lin Tianyi frowned, of course he could understand what the other party meant.

Turning his palm over, a pale palm with a smooth cross-section suddenly appeared on the dining table.

Su Nuo's palm actually didn't obey Lin Tianyi's command and rushed straight towards the food on the table.

Under Lin Tianyi's astonished gaze, Su Nuo opened a slit in the palm of his hand, and a perfect tongue and teeth appeared inside, chewing Osberry's ice clam meat wantonly.

"Can you still eat?"

Lin Tianyi asked, looking at Su Nuo's palm in surprise.

Su Nuo held his hand with four fingers and gave Lin Tianyi a thumbs up. It seemed that he was trying to deal with Lin Tianyi, making chewing sounds and enjoying the meal unscrupulously.

"Hey, it seems like you still have some intelligence."

Lin Tianyi was in a good mood, and he didn't care about the palms competing with him for food, and said with a smile:

"Since you can understand, I'll give you a name. Let's call you Little Hands. How about that?"

In principle, the curse spirit cannot disobey Lin Tianyi's orders and ideas. The corpse control technique has permanently occupied a skill grid in the [Xuanwei] state.

This means that as long as Su Nuo's palm is not damaged, this skill will always display a gray fixed state.

Until Su Nuo's palm was used by Lin Tianyi as a mission prop, or was destroyed by the enemy.

The little hand gave you a thumbs up. I express my approval for your vote and reward behavior.

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