Sequential Evolution

Chapter 94 Selling Formulas (Happy New Year’s Day Book Friends Get Rich)

Cursing Mr. K secretly for lowering the price, Lin Tianyi did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face.

The price of any of these twelve playing cards individually is around 300 to 500 pounds, and the combination is worth at least 4,000 pounds.

If this was not the imperial capital, those extraordinary materials would be of great use to him. The value of the Hustle Cards far exceeded [Blood of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf] and [Horn of the Fear Demon].

But there is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Lin Tianyi's smile remained unchanged, and he gritted his teeth and took out the extraordinary pills given to him by Lieutenant Colonel Karl.

These hundreds of pills are worth a lot of money, and it would be no exaggeration to say that every pill you take is like gold.

"Hey, these things are good things. You probably didn't guess that our black goat would actually take out the [Ancient Contract], right?"

"Otherwise, since you burned, killed and looted so many merchant ships and islands, even if most of the money had to be handed over to Vice Admiral Nightmare and the Priory, the family's wealth should be around 70,000 to 100,000 pounds."

"Let me take a look... Well, 364 military goods for Navy Transcendents will be given to you at 30 pounds each. If you are willing to give this to me directly now, I can give you 15,000 pounds, an additional 4,080 pounds."

This price is very unfair.

Potions that replenish spirituality and restore injuries, as the hard currency of extraordinary people, are worth about 50-80 pounds on the black market.

This is only the price sold to extraordinary people.

If sold to ordinary people, such as a wealthy businessman who is terminally ill or seriously injured and about to die, then the value of a pill cannot be solved by dozens of pounds.

What Mr. K said was equivalent to an open grab, and the price he gave was approximately equal to the cost price of extraordinary pills.

But Lin Tianyi had no choice. The value of the [Ancient Contract] was too high. Even if he didn't need it for the time being, he would never let Princess Sharon get it.

Fortunately, he still has a lot of extraordinary medicines obtained from Han Taisui and Gu Xiaochao, and the Demonic Conch and Su Nuo palms are all fully restored. These medicines should not be of much use in this script mission.

For this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to disrupt the activities of Tenas and Prince Petrov, Lin Tianyi, although his heart was bleeding, still said with a smile:

"Thank you sir for your generosity. If it weren't for your guidance, I wouldn't have obtained those two extraordinary items."

As he spoke, he pushed the entire pill box directly towards Mr. K.

This push-out action is worth 15,000 pounds.

Lieutenant Colonel Carl's gratitude fee, the property he had earned in exchange for saving the people of an island and saving the lives of extraordinary men in the navy, was just gone.

"Yes. Yes, I admire you very much."

As he spoke, Mr. K took a piece of white paper from the table, dipped some ink on the quill pen on the table, and quickly wrote down a potion formula.

He handed it to Lin Tianyi and said:

"This is the potion formula promised to you before. You can do some activities in private while I am in the room meeting other members."

Lin Tianyi didn't expect that the other party would actually help him in this way. No matter what the other party's purpose was, he must respond with gratitude for such an act of kindness, even though... the other party was equivalent to using the money he deserved. Sell ​​it to him and 'the forces behind him'.

I left Mr. K’s room with great gratitude.

When passing by Princess Sharon who bumped into him at the door, the other party lowered her voice and said:

"No matter who you are, I advise you not to interfere with our plans, otherwise... you will bear the consequences yourself."

Faced with such a threat, Lin Tianyi smiled disdainfully.

When he heard nothing, he returned to his seat directly.

After Princess Sharon entered, Lin Tianyi went straight to the people who were previously interested in the [Witch] potion and whispered:

"Guys, please come with me. I have a deal to make with you."

The people he chose were an old man with a hoarse voice, who had offered a high price of 10,500 pounds for this potion, and the other, naturally, a middle-aged lady, who also had assets worth 9,550 pounds.

The two men in black robes looked at each other and saw that the two maids responsible for maintaining order were indifferent to the situation. They stood up slowly and followed Lin Tianyi to a corner.

Unexpectedly, the fat man who met Lin Tian before and tried to snatch the [Silver Moon Demon Wolf Blood] from him actually came over like a hunting dog smelling a business opportunity and asked:

"Can you take one with me too?"

Lin Tian glanced at the fat man and did not refuse. He lowered his voice and said:

"Three of you, I have received instructions from Mr. K. I have a business that is sure to make a profit, and I want to do it with you."

Hearing Lin Tianyi mention Mr. K, several people turned to look at the maids on both sides of the main seat. Seeing that the other party was still standing without any reaction, they all turned back to look at Lin Tianyi.

"In my hand, I have the formula for the [Witch] potion."

Lin Tianyi lowered his voice and said softly.

When she heard these words, the middle-aged lady, who seemed to be quite wary at first, immediately became excited.

"What?! You're telling the truth."

"The auction is over, and there are still two links left."

"You have plenty of time to find Mr. K alone for certification." Lin Tianyi said in a very relaxed tone:

"However, you must promise me that after purchasing this formula, you will not continue to sell it at this fair. Otherwise, you will break Mr. K's rules and you will bear the consequences yourself."

Lin Tianyi did it quite smoothly using a tiger skin as a banner.

The old man slowly asked:

"How much do you want to sell?"

Lin Tian didn't even frown and said calmly:

"Seven thousand pounds."

"7,000 pounds?! Why don't you go and grab it?"

"A prepared potion only costs 12,000 pounds!"

The fat middle-aged man said in a low voice.

As soon as Lin Tian glanced at the other party, his tone immediately cooled down and he said:

"I didn't invite you over at first. It was too expensive. You can go back now."

"And, did you see the reaction of the lady next to you? I believe that this lady is not the only one who is interested in this potion formula."

"Besides, even if you don't buy it and wait to collect it from others, without me, are you sure that the formula of the potion you bought has not been changed by others?"

After hearing Lin Tianyi's words, the first person to speak was not the middle-aged lady, but an old man with an old voice who offered 10,500 pounds!

"I want one."

Almost at the same time he spoke, the middle-aged lady hurriedly said:

"I also want."

This is indeed a huge business opportunity. The price of 7,000 pounds, as long as you can successfully get out of here and go to other underground extraordinary gatherings a few more times, I am afraid that you can fully recover the money in a few months!

If this was the recipe for another potion, it might not be worth the money. But the witch's potion...

Wanting to understand the interests involved, the fat man quickly said:

"Count me in."

Happy 2024! On the shelves on time! Upload continuously immediately so that brothers can enjoy it in the New Year! have a good mood! ! Brothers, please activate the automatic subscription. It has been updating 50,000 words for 40 days!

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