Sequential Evolution

Chapter 98 Holy Innocents Cemetery (Happy New Year’s Day and Five Blessings)

Lin Tianyi blinked, and his eyes instantly lit up with a dark golden light.



However, Xuantian disciple opened his mouth and said:

"I know where they are! When I came into contact with Lilith Weir, I secretly planted a Dao Seal on her body."

"Xuan Tian Dao Dharma, the immortal guides the way!"

Following Xuantian's disciple's low shout, the porcupine's black head immediately looked in one direction.

"They should be at Tinycol Cemetery outside the city!"

Tinycol Cemetery, also known as Holy Innocents Cemetery.

This large cemetery is the oldest and largest cemetery in Paris, but it is actually more like a mass grave.

17 years ago, the Holy Innocents Cemetery collapsed due to overuse, and more than 2,000 corpses poured directly into the surrounding houses. The picture can be imagined...

It was precisely because of this incident that all the surrounding villages were completely moved away from their original homes due to the plague and the lingering corpse odor. This also facilitated the expansion of the Holy Innocents Cemetery and made the surrounding area even more deserted.

Now, it has become the resting place for the dead refugees of Pinsk Street.

The corpse carriage that Lin Tianyi and Xuantian's disciples saw earlier piled dozens of corpses together and buried them all in the same huge pit in the cemetery, which is here.

Therefore, Tinycol Cemetery is also known as the Plague Cemetery, the place where souls die, and the node of hell.

Ordinary families, as long as they have a little savings, would not choose to send their relatives and friends to be buried here.

Except for the poor people who have no money.

This is indeed the best place to attack and kill.

Because at this time, no one would go to the horrific cemetery that exudes the stench and smell of death even on a cold winter day.

Even the body collector would choose to deliver the body at two o'clock in the morning, when the temperature is the coldest.

Because the stink is the least at that time.

Xuantian's disciples locked their position, and Lin Tianyi no longer hesitated. He summoned the Cheshire Cat again and shouted in a low voice:

"Stop kicking, let's go."

The smoke-like Cheshire Cat appeared out of thin air, with an elegant smile and a big mouth full of fangs suddenly opened. Amidst the fearful cries of Xuantian's disciples, the two people quickly disappeared into the Cheshire Cat's mouth, only to The mysterious smiling cat's mouth is left behind, disappearing invisible in the air.

Xuantian's disciples had too many things to ask Lin Tianyi at this time.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, but the other party can actually summon the Cheshire Cat, a fairy tale creature from "Alice in Wonderland"?

What kind of adventure did he encounter when he was chased by Turners?

As the figures of the two people emerged from the void again, a lingering stench that seemed to be attached to every element in the air penetrated their nostrils.

Lin Tianyi landed lightly on the ground, took out a box of Lianhua Qingwen capsules from his backpack, and asked:

"Would you like to eat? To prevent the plague."

Disciple Xuantian wanted to complain, why did he bring everything with him? Are you a big-headed, blue-headed Doraemon?

Lin Tianyi put two layers of masks on his face, and Xuantian's disciple turned into a dark crow and jumped on Lin Tianyi's shoulders.

After turning into scavengers, the smell around them immediately became less unpleasant. Xuantian disciple whispered:

"Wait here while I go investigate."

When Xuantian's disciple turned into a bird, Lin Tianyi noticed that Xuanwei's status lit up instantly.

This means that the opponent's changed state is recognized by [Chongming Remnant Soul] as a bird!

For Lin Tianyi, this is undoubtedly good news.

After Xuantian's disciple turned into a crow and flew out, Lin Tian opened his double pupils and immediately put on his extraordinary equipment and began to look at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

The Cemetery of the Holy Innocents actually has a mystical beauty. The towering stone coffins, the statue of Our Lady of the Sea repaired by the Church of the Storm, the apartment tombs converted from residential houses, and the tombs filled with crosses and obelisks make the whole cemetery It's not an endless plain, but more like a maze of a dead city.

Lin Tianyi had never been to the cemetery. He took a few steps casually, and the exposed bones on the ground creaked when he stepped on them.

There were will-o'-the-wisps floating around the tomb of the apartment in the distance. Lin Tianyi could clearly see that in the swamp where corpses were accumulated, green bubbles appeared and exploded from time to time, forming pieces of mist floating in the air.

Under the influence of the double pupils, Lin Tianyi could see a large number of sluggish and wandering souls, wandering aimlessly throughout the cemetery just like they did in life.

"Don't the punishers of the Church of Storms hold salvation ceremonies regularly?"

"Why are there still so many souls gathered here?"

It is said that Intis is a breeding ground for evil gods, and this is absolutely true.

Pirates, heavy smog, cults secretly spying for opportunities, the ever-increasing number of wild supernatural beings, years of war at the Tusossel border, the large number of refugees who could not survive the winter, the backlog of corpses, the grievances of the refugees struggling to survive... …

I am afraid that even the powerful Church of Storms is already tired of dealing with all this.

Lin Tianyi sighed, and suddenly an explosion occurred in the east tomb area, causing him to turn his head sharply.


The huge sound shook the entire earth.

This time Xuantian's disciples did not need to come back to report their location. He immediately knew the specific locations of Princess Sharon and Mrs. Osar.

Lin Tianyi, wearing blue general armor, ran quickly. The dense pine trees in the cemetery blocked his sight.

As he moved quickly, Lin Tianyi noticed that changes began to occur around him!

In the originally quiet cemetery, suddenly there were a lot of loud voices.

It was the sound of nails scratching the coffin.

It was the sound of soil being turned over in a large area.

It's the dull sound of bones rubbing against each other.

It was the soundless laughter and cries of the undead.

Without stopping, Lin Tianyi had already seen the changes around him.

Bodies were crawling out of the dirt, struggling towards the sound of the explosion.

A large number of souls, like piranhas smelling blood, gather in one direction from all directions and are brought about by the evil wind.

The thick fog was disturbed.

The screams of death filled Lin Tianyi's brain.

The further you go, the more skeletons crawl up. What’s worse is that the carloads of corpses are piled up. They stick together to form a monster with many arms, legs and heads. It emerges from the thin soil that has been hastily buried. , crazy climbing.

Some even stretched out their rotten and suppurating arms, some were pale green, some were covered with sores, or some were just bones, grasping at the air unconsciously.

Lin Tianyi quickly split into multiple selves, casually chopping down a large number of skeletons struggling to get up, cursing the upper-class nobles of the Tusossel Empire in his heart.

"This is the kingdom over which you rule."

"This is the result of your extravagance."


In the sky, the crow transformed by Xuantian's disciple landed on Lin Tianyi's shoulder, and he shouted loudly:

"Mrs. Osar is a necromancer of the witch path, and she is almost invincible here!"

"Lilith Weir cannot be allowed to die here, otherwise our mission will fail immediately!" Lin Tianyi said through gritted teeth.

Today’s fifth update, delivered directly to the gentlemen! This is 2024, a happy year, starting with the five blessings! ! ! !

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