In response to Seshomaru's direct admission, Naraku wanted to point his finger at Seshomaru's forehead and call him a fool.

Kagura was still full of doubts. Could it be that the monster brother who was obsessed with her came to save the beauty?

"Kagura, go and bring Kanna here first." Seshomaru reminded Kagura who was still in a daze."Don't worry, Naraku can't do anything to you now."

"Ah! Okay." Kagura looked at the indifferent Naraku, and finally plucked up the courage to stand up and ran out.

Naraku ignored Kagura, just looked at Seshomaru and smiled grimly:"Sesshomaru, are you so interested in the two pieces of meat that fell off my body?"

"Yes, very interested."Sesshomaru still admitted it, making Naraku feel like he was punching cotton.

Naraku said softly:"Sesshomaru, there shouldn't be any big conflict between you and me, why do you keep making things difficult for me."

After Naraku calmed down, he just wanted to stay away from Seshomaru, and then think about the next plan. Next time, he must not wait until Seshomaru is close to him before noticing him.

Seshomaru smiled and said:"���It's because you were wrong. Who told you to use me to kill my lovely brother?"

""Cute little brother" Naraku's face twitched when he heard these words. What a cute little brother, how could a guy like Inuyasha be cute.

And you cheated me of a piece of the Four Souls Jewel at the beginning, and then suddenly ran out and shot me with Bakuzafang. My body was broken. I should be the one to accuse.

Naraku suppressed his anger and asked:"Sesshomaru, what do you want?"

Seshomaru replied:"Nothing, didn't I tell you that I'm interested in Kagura Kanna, come and take them away."


I just created a clone, and you may not have even seen it, but you are interested in it? How come you even know about Shenwu's existence? Damn it, am I being monitored?

"Since you, Seshomaru, are interested in them, you can take them away, as long as you don't mind that they are separated from me."

Sesshomaru smiled and said,"Of course I won't mind. If I did, I wouldn't bother you."

Regarding Kagura and Kanna, they were paired up online before, but many people felt that Kagura was not worthy of Seshomaru.

In terms of status, Kagura is far inferior to Seshomaru, and even inferior to Ling as a human, so many people oppose this pairing.

But Seshomaru is not worried, because he has a way to wash away all the marks on Kagura, including the spider demon's.

Seshomaru has already felt that Kagura is coming with people, so he said,"It seems that you are not going to do it, so I will take them away."

Naraku smiled and said,"Master Seshomaru, you are joking. If you want to leave, please do as you please." But the veins on his hands behind his back were bulging.

Kagura ran over with the expressionless Kanna. After seeing them, Seshomaru said goodbye to Naraku,"See you next time, Naraku."

Sesshomaru said, and took Kagura with him, and they broke through the roof and left Naraku.

Naraku looked at the roof that was broken through, and after confirming that Sesshomaru had left the barrier, his demonic energy burst out with all his strength, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed.

""Sesshomaru." The voice of endless resentment came out of Naraku's mouth.

After venting his anger, Naraku began to think about the next plan.

The primary goal was no longer to collect and pollute the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, but to prepare a new body.

A new body with outstanding hiding ability, perception ability, and barrier.

Naraku left, the city also dissipated, and it was unknown when he would appear next time, and what abilities he would have.


"Okay, you can ask anything you want to ask."

Sesshomaru took Kagura and Kanna away from Naraku Castle and found a flat hill to land on.

Kagura had wanted to ask for a long time, but Sesshomaru remained silent and was in a hurry, so she endured it.

As for Kanna, the three-no girl, she just glanced at Sesshomaru and continued to hold her small mirror.

Kagura sorted out her thoughts and asked,"Sesshomaru, right? Why did you save us?"

Sesshomaru replied,"Don't you know that I'm interested in you?"

I'm afraid you won't believe it, but I was interested in you in my last life

"……Okay, even if you are interested in us, do you want to control us like Naraku?" Kagura said she didn't understand.

"No, don't compare me with Naraku. I won't control you. I can even get rid of all the restraints on you, including the spider ghost that you may not be familiar with, which is the spider mark on your back. My heart will also be returned to you."

Kagura said in disbelief:"Are you serious?"

Since what happened just now, she deeply felt the sadness of being controlled. If she could really get rid of control and gain freedom, she would do anything.

"I don't need to lie to you. Look at how Naraku reacted to me. I am stronger than Naraku and I can solve your problems." Seshomaru replied.

"What do Kanna and I need to pay? I don't believe you will save us for no reason. We haven't even met before."Kagura believed Seshomaru's words a little. After all, they were taken away by Seshomaru right under Naraku's nose, and Naraku sent them off with a smile.

But she didn't believe in such good things as pie in the sky. Seshomaru must have some purpose, but it didn't matter. As long as Seshomaru didn't go too far with Naraku, she could accept it.

"What is the price? Of course it's you. It's you I want, Kagura."Sesshomaru looked at Kagura and smiled.


Kanna: Oh wow!

"Don't be ridiculous." Although Kagura was confessed to directly and domineeringly in front of her, she didn't feel happy at all. She felt that it was too frivolous. Seshomaru approached Kagura and said in a gentle tone:"I'm really not joking. It's you I want."

���I won't let you die so sadly again.

Looking at Kagura who was forced back by him and felt a little embarrassed, Seshomaru laughed:"I will help you solve your problems first, and we will talk about the rest later."

Kagura breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little overwhelmed.

The two are Naraku's clones, just like Naraku said, they are just pieces of flesh that fell from his body. Even Miroku, the old pervert, said he would stay away from them.

However, although the two are clones, they are both real monsters, which are different from Naraku's half-monster body. What

Seshomaru has to do now is to first erase all the marks of Naraku and Onigumo on the two, and then cleanse their bodies, remove some messy monster combination fragments, and become two real people.

Seshomaru's confidence in doing this lies in the"Immortal Demon Art". Although this technique has just been introduced, it has many magical features and can completely solve the problems of the two.

After finding a hidden cave and setting up a barrier, Seshomaru first took out the hearts of the two people and used tough means to wipe out the control methods that Naraku had set up on them. Naraku, who was looking for a place to hide, felt it and became angry again.

Although this process sounds simple, it took Seshomaru a whole day.

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