Because of the disordered plot, although Naraku went to the place where Seshomaru and his friends fought with the Shinigami to check and learned some information, he did not dare to plot against Seshomaru.

In addition to his lack of strength, he could not find Seshomaru at all.

Naraku asked,"Is there any news about Kikyo recently?"

Kikyo disappeared inexplicably. Although her body was destroyed by herself, she was fine when she appeared later, but suddenly disappeared again.

"No, he must be dead, right?"Bai Ye said with a smile.

As the last clone, he has not experienced many things, and he still needs to ask Jue and the others about some things.

Since he disappeared, forget it. The biggest enemy now should be Seshomaru.

"Still haven't found Seshomaru's whereabouts?"

"It has been confirmed that it is at sea. It disappears at sea every time. I heard from the nearby humans that Penglai Island appeared some time ago. I think it should be on Penglai Island, but it is isolated by the barrier. I have gone to sea several times but failed to find it."Bai Ye replied.

Even if we find it and go in, it is useless. We can't defeat it. Are we going to get beaten?

Naraku arranged:"Let the brothers Zetsu and Yinglangmaru keep an eye on it, and you and Jing go to get the remaining fragments of the Four Souls Jade."

Bai Ye complained in his heart. The brothers Zetsu and Yinglangmaru would like to bow down to Seshomaru. If you ask them to keep an eye on someone, they will probably be alone.

But Bai Ye was too lazy to say anything. It didn't matter to him anyway, and it was Naraku who should worry about it.

As for Jing, the emotionless puppet, he could just do a bystander by working with him.

"If nothing happens, I'll go find Inuyasha and the others." Bai Ye asked with a smile

"Go ahead, Jing will go there by himself and get the remaining Four Souls Jade as soon as possible."

Naraku didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't pay much attention to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't stay, and left to look for Inuyasha and his group.

The result was unexpectedly smooth. When Bai Ye found Inuyasha and his group, Jing appeared and snatched the Four Souls Jade fragments without mercy. Before Bai Ye could make a move, the Four Souls Jade was snatched.

Then Jing left with the Four Souls Jade fragments. Bai Ye felt it was a bit unrealistic. He got it just like that?

But who cares, Naraku's order was completed.

And the next step is the key. Naraku merged the Four Souls Jade.

"Who will be the winner of the final battle? Why do I always feel that even if Naraku merges with the Four Souls Jewel, he can't beat Seshomaru."Bai Ye rode the paper crane back. Although he had never come into contact with Seshomaru, he just felt that Naraku couldn't win.

"It was really handed over like this."

Looking at the fragments of the Four Souls Jade being taken away, Miroku suddenly felt a little at a loss.

"Next up is Seshomaru."


Naraku's hiding place.

After Kagami brought back the last fragment of the Four Souls Jewel, it was only partially purified by Kagome, and the fragment was soon completely contaminated by Naraku.

"The Four Souls Jade is finally complete."

Naraku controlled the two fragments to melt into the gap, and the Four Souls Jade was instantly complete, but suddenly shattered.

The numerous fragments quickly condensed into one in Naraku's astonished eyes.

Looking at the ink-like Four Souls Jade, Naraku couldn't help laughing and said,"This is the complete Four Souls Jade that belongs to me, Naraku."

"Are you planning to fuse the Four Souls Jade now?" Bai Ye, who had rushed back, happened to see this scene.

"If we don't fuse now, when will we fuse?" Naraku didn't hesitate and melted the Four Souls Jade into his body.


A huge evil energy burst out, and Naraku couldn't control it at all.

Wherever the scattered evil energy passed, there was a dead silence, and even formed a cloud of evil energy in the sky.

Naraku's body also began to expand, and then gradually turned into a big spider in the original plot, but now it is bigger and more hideous and terrifying than before. Being forced to evolve by Seshomaru several times is still effective, and the strength is much stronger than before.

If the original Inuyasha had faced it, Kikyo might have been made out by Naraku's wish.

The moment Naraku fused the Four Souls Jade, there was no need to look, the huge evil breath could be felt by any monster with a little strength.

Penglai Island.

The women who were playing mahjong stopped.

Kagura looked in the direction of Naraku, she was too familiar with this breath


"This evil aura... the aura of the Four Souls Jade. Naraku has merged with the Four Souls Jade." Kikyo came outside.

"What an evil aura."Naraku's aura made Bai Ji feel a little uncomfortable. This evil aura was really too extreme.

"Naraku has merged the Four Souls Jewel. This should be the final battle. Kikyo, do you want to go with us?"

At this time, Seshomaru walked over to the group and finally merged.

"I'll go get the bow and arrows."

Kikyo turned and walked towards her residence. It was time to put an end to the fifty years of grudges.

"I'll go with you." Kagura suddenly spoke

"Are you really going?"

Seshomaru looked at Kagura with some surprise. He didn't think Kagura would have any feelings for Naraku.

"Just consider it as sending him off."

Kagura shrugged and said indifferently.

"I felt relieved only after I saw him die."


Seshomaru laughed, if you want to go, go ahead, there won't be any accidents anyway.

"We will watch it at home." Bai Ji would definitely not go. Not only did she not know Naraku, but she would not take the risk even if she was pregnant.

Bai Ji did not forget to remind Seshomaru:"Although I know you are sure, you should still be careful."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."Sesshomaru gently stroked Baiji's bulging belly.

Kikyo came back with a bow and arrow soon, and the three of them left Penglai Island quickly.

Just as Sesshomaru and the other two set off, Inuyasha and his men also rushed towards Naraku. There are many people who need to put an end to their lives.


"It’s really big!"

After passing through the miasma layer, Seshomaru and the other two saw Naraku at this time, an extremely huge and ferocious black spider.

"Master Seshomaru, Sister Kagura."

Bai Ye appeared not far from Seshomaru and the other two standing on a snake-like monster.

"There is also this witch named Kikyo, whose name I have long heard of."

""Dreamlike White Night."

Seshomaru looked at White Night. He didn't have any bad feelings towards him. Besides, he was Naraku's last incarnation. It seemed that he had never met him before.

"Naraku's clone."Kagura looked at Bai Ye, and immediately knew his identity by the familiar aura.

"Yes, I should be the last one." Bai Ye laughed,"I really envy Sister Kagura.……"

"Seshomaru, what do you think of this guy?" Kagura asked

""It's OK." Seeing Kagura's thoughts, Seshomaru smiled.

He didn't mind saving Byakuya, but it was a pity that it was a bit difficult to get his heart from Naraku now.

Zetsu, Kageromaru and Beastromaru hadn't gotten it yet, not to mention Byakuya now.

"If you want to live, go get your heart, and come back to me before Naraku dies."

Bai Ye didn't expect Seshomaru and Kagura to do this, and suddenly he felt a little depressed.


At this time, the voices of Inuyasha and others came from a distance. Bai Ye flew away immediately.

Soon, Inuyasha and others flew close.

"Master Seshomaru"


Originally, everything was fine, but Inuyasha called out to Kikyo with full energy, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff.

"Kikyo, your Er Gouzi is here to see you." Kagura snickered at Kikyo.

Kikyo glared at Kagura unhappily, and she was a little resentful of Inuyasha's nickname Er Gouzi, which was so ugly. Inuyasha and his men were all here. This time they didn't need to rush to the front, they just needed to watch Seshomaru's performance, so even Shippo came together. With

Kikyo, Kagome, and Inuyasha, the atmosphere was a little tense.

But fortunately, at this time, Naraku made a move.


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